SGI O2 R5000/RM5200/RM7000 Netboot Kernel

	ip32-r5k-nogbefb-5021-nb    - Boots SGI O2 R5000
	ip32-rm5k2-nogbefb-5021-nb  - Boots SGI O2 RM5200
	ip32-rm7k-nogbefb-5021-nb   - Boots SGI O2 RM7000

	Kernel Version: 5.0.21

	Supported Filesystems:

>>> How to boot on serial console:
	bootp(): console=ttyS0,<baud rate>
		where <baud rate> is usually 9600 for most machines, unless
		changed by editing the 'dbaud' parameter in the PROM Monitor.
		38400 is the maximum baud rate.

  - Framebuffer-based install is not available in this release due to the
    kernel version used.  DMA API changes were in progress when this version
    was released, and additional changes to make gbefb work again were not
    added until later kernel versions.

  - R1x000 CPUs are NOT supported in Linux on these systems due to the nature
    of "speculative execution" on these systems.