Subject: blakes7-d Digest V00 #80
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 00 : Issue 80

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
	 [B7L] Re: Mary Poppins/Avon
	 Re: [B7L] Avon drool
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 [B7L] Starting to work through the backlog
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
	 Re: [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V00 #77
	  [B7L] Avon's Skills
	  [B7L] Commiseration/Hunter
	 [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
	 [B7L] First Impressions "The Web"
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 Re: [B7L] Animals
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
	 Re: [B7L] Cally & Avon (was "The Web")
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
	 Re: [B7L] B7 as companions
	 Re: [B7L] RPG B7
	 Re: [B7L] RPG Female Fans
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Avon Drool
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Characters
	 Re: [B7L] Cally & Avon 
	 Re:  [B7L] Avon's Skills
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 Re: [B7L] Space Fall question
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
	 Re: [B7L] Space Fall question
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Mary Poppins/Avon
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
	 Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
	 Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
	 [B7L] Deva's Blues
	 [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
	 Re: [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
	 Re: [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
	 [B7L] Re: Avon's skills


Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:36:31 PST
From: "Sally Manton" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Susie wrote:
<Some of the other guest characters I like are Tyce (Bounty), Ro (Horizon), 
Kasabi & Veron (Pressure Point), Dr. Bellfriar & Tynus (Killer), Molok 
(Hostage), Chenie (Gambit), Dorian (Rescue), Pella, Kate & Gun-Sar (Power), 
Pinder (Orbit), and Arlen (Blake).>

I do like a lot of these (Gunn-Sar in spite of - or maybe because of - his 
sheer awfulness). Others that made an impact (well, on me at least ;-))

Rashel (Weapon - a normal person, scared but trying to be brave as she faces 
down the megalomaniac and her psychopath - and who got a *lovely* reward for 
her bravery in her very own clone).

The Clone Himself - who in fanfic terms probably made the *greatest* impact 
of the lot save Anna (and possibly not save Anna - he comes in so *handy* 
for PGPs…)

Bercol and Rontane - why, why, *why* couldn't they have been saved and 
brought in again in 3rd and 4th season? 'Twould have been marvellous 
watching them scrambling for safety in the post-Servie's coup fall-out, and 
they could have been been involved in the dump-Servie-coup as well. OTOH, if 
Blake can survive GP, I'm sure we can think of a way my favourite double act 
survived Trial…

Gambrill (Bellfriar's off-sider in Weapon, who 'lacks faith')

Personally, I loathe and detest and abominate the woman, but impact Anna 
Grant certainly had. And Avalon seems to be very popular fic-wise, peobably 
because she's the only other rebel leader we know of who survives.

And OF COURSE the one, the only, the adorable, the splendiferous Jarriere 
(mentioned before as a possible Blake), who got to Her Supremness in a 
unique and deeply emotional way no other man *ever* could, and should have 
been made a member of the crew immediately, or even given his own show.

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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:37:28 PST
From: "Sally Manton" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Mary Poppins/Avon
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Susie wrote:
<Of course he'd be irritated by Vila's singing, "A spoonful of soma makes 
the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down...">

Nonono, not Vila. The two 'medics' on the ship, Cally and Gan (I wonder if 
Auron musical sense is as bad as Auron fashion sense???) They could even do 
a little dance (well, we all complain that these two don't have enough to 
do) around the medical unit - having strapped poor, sick Kerr down so he 
couldn't get up and *kill* them...

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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:38:00 PST
From: "Sally Manton" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Avon drool
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Avona wrote:
<Actually, in a technical sense, I think the Travises are probably the most 
conventionally good looking of the men making frequent appearences.>

I'd go further and narrow it down to Travis II (pity Penny left before I 
made *that* concession, though I still prefer Travis I). With - for those 
who like conventional - maybe Tarrant coming second (Idon't really, and 
there's the Cabbage Patch aura, but otherwise he probably beats out Travis 
I.) Avon's got by far the most *interesting* (no, make that fascinating) 

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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:45:43 PST
From: "Sally Manton" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Mistral wrote:
<I'd say that learning an instrument, singing, and presumably writing that 
song shows more 'significant' interest in music than listening to it on a 

Or given the results, significant interest in something almost entirely 
*not* like music <wince> I hit the fast-forward button very fast just there.

Interesting that Dayna picks up, then drops, this interest in 'music' in the 
same episode that Cally picks up and drops drawing, and the one in which 
crew ennui is most evident ("something else to chase" "in other words you're 
bored" etc). Only Vila's magic tricks have any link at all to other episodes 
(and I love that sequence, though few other actors could've pulled it off 
IMO). I like to think they  picked and dropped other hobbies around this 
point as well (the idea of her asking the others, especially you-know-who, 
to pose for life studies is very appealing...) till Avon got That Message 
and immediately took off on his very very favourite hobby of Hunting 

BTW, what happened to the instrument? My theory - some of the others 
involved a little accident involving it and something large and heavy.

>True enough.  Dayna's composition didn't do much for me, but no doubt
>music has changed in a thousand years (I've always had trouble
>appreciating most non-Western Civ stuff, those different scales, etc.).
>Maybe, if I were familiar with the musical style she was using, I'd
>appreciate it more.  OTOH, let's give Cally a few points.  As far as we
>know, she's the only one with any kind of equipment for listening to any
>kind of music at all that she doesn't play herself.  That's got to count
>for something.
>Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:46:25 PST
From: "Sally Manton" <>
Subject: [B7L] Starting to work through the backlog
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Harriet wrote:
<But why haven't you mentioned Harry Jones in the "guest stars with enormous 
impact" thread yet?>

I just *did* <g> of course everyone with any discretion would have thought 
of him by themselves, not needing to wait for our prompting厃es? And you 
will notice the *only* guest stars I thought worthy to don Fearless Leader's 
mantle were him and Paul Daneman (either of which would also make an - um - 
interesting Avon).

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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 23:09:20 -0800
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sally Manton wrote:

> And OF COURSE the one, the only, the adorable, the splendiferous Jarriere
> (mentioned before as a possible Blake), who got to Her Supremness in a
> unique and deeply emotional way no other man *ever* could, and should have
> been made a member of the crew immediately, or even given his own show.

Amen, Sister.

Mistral (who has just spent a month trying to get inside
Jarriere's mind, only to discover it has no door.)

P.S. Although I'd rather see him as Avon than Blake
"Consider it an adventure."--Galen, 'Crusade'


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:25:15 -0000
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V00 #77
Message-ID: <031601bf93cd$4fe57600$0d01a8c0@codex>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lisa Williams wrote:

> Una McCormack wrote:
> >A 'hoiho' is a type of New Zealand penguin. Hence my belief
> >that only myself, Neil, and Nicola would groan at that one.
> And those of us who regarded the word with suspicion, and promptly went
> looked it up.

Surely you trust me by now?



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:44:14 +1100
From: Andrew Williams <>
Subject:  [B7L] Avon's Skills
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

The other Andrew wrote:

>[W]hat ARE Avon's skills (as demonstrated by the series).
>I'll start the list, but please feel free to add.  When it's done, we can
>see if anybody can justify his god like stature.
>Top flight computer technician (hardware AND software).
>Confident at using hand guns.
>Aware of the need for background research.
>Able to pick computer based locks.
>Passable pilot skills (but didn't think to land the shuttle)
>Grasp of physics required for teleportation.

Some knowledge of robotic engineering (the basic reprogramming of the Avalon
android; recognising the inhibitor head in Headhunter)

Some kind of military background (something technical that would give him
some general military knowledge and some specialist technical knowledge):
He has knowledge of detonators ("Ultrasonic fuses....That's how I would have
done it") and encryption systems.
He recognises that the Federation gun Blake gives him in Project Avalon is
not standard issue (and why does Blake choose to give it to Avon, and not,
say Cally or Jenna?)
The predominance of military occupations among his acquaintances ("We
trained together" Avon of Tynus).
His taste for wearing black!



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:48:52 +1100
From: Andrew Williams <>
Subject:  [B7L] Commiseration/Hunter
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Alison wrote:

> >Ellynne wrote:
> >> Interesting thought.  I've never gotten into Aliens, but I've always
> >> wondered about them as a _naturally_ occuring species.
>I think in the original story (was that by Alan Dean Foster?) the 'Aliens'
>were a genetically manufactured species, created as a weapon

I think there has been some retroactive continuity making them the creation
of the Predator(s) from those movies, but only in some comi - er, graphic
novels - and possibly the 'Alien vs. Predator' computer game.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:52:49 +1100
From: Andrew Williams <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Ellynne wrote:

>Ah-hah.  It did seem strange, the way Blake got to tell Jenna about space
>flight history.  It would have been nice if she'd at least rolled her
>eyes in a sort of, "Here-he-goes-again- hasn't-he-noticed-I'm-a-pilot?"

Didn't Avon do that when Blake was explaining to him, the whizzo computer
feend, about Ensor and tariel cells?



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:56:10 +1100
From: Andrew Williams <>
Subject: [B7L] First Impressions "The Web"
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

> Ariana wrote:
> >It's also a great pity that the very first
> >thing we see Cally do after her engaging entrance last week is get
> >possessed. So much for the capable warrior.
And Pat replied:
>Get used to it. *sigh*

Come now - you must know that possession is 9/10ths of the law, particularly
on Auron.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 01:54:50 -0800
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ellynne G. wrote:

> Maybe, if I were familiar with the musical style she was using, I'd
> appreciate it more.  OTOH, let's give Cally a few points.  As far as we
> know, she's the only one with any kind of equipment for listening to any
> kind of music at all that she doesn't play herself.  That's got to count
> for something.

I'm not trying to rob Cally of any points. I just don't want to see
Dayna robbed of her characterization in order to make Cally
look better. Cally has tons of characterization, Dayna hardly any.
As far as I'm concerned, they can both be brilliant musicians, or
all the crew can; but based on what we're actually shown, it's
Dayna who has the edge. (To be fair, I should probably admit
that, as a former musician and teacher, any suggestion that
listening to music and humming along compares, interest-and-
ability-wise, to having actually put the effort in to learn an
instrument or proper vocal production, always yanks my chain.)

"Consider it an adventure."--Galen, 'Crusade'


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:32:56 +0000 (GMT)
From: Iain Coleman <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Animals
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.1000322103159.11713F-100000@bsauasc>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Sally Manton wrote:

> And didn't Michael Keating go for Avon (so I read somewhere)?

And if only he'd got the part...



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:40:29 +0000 (GMT)
From: Iain Coleman <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.1000322103538.11713G-100000@bsauasc>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Susie Wright wrote:

> >From Ellynne: "Yes, but, as the resident "smart guy," Avon seemed to
> constantly  to know everything about everything (with occassional, minor
> exceptions, usually when it was Blake's turn to do plot exposition)."
> In an interview, Paul said that Jenna was supposed to spout a lot of the
> technobabble but Sally had trouble so they'd give the lines to Paul.
> Would've been a different B7, perhaps, if Jenna got to show more techie
> experience.  She was the pilot, after all!

Chris Boucher said that the good lines (as well as the tricky lines) would
go to those actors who would actually deliver them as written. There's no
point in sitting up into the wee hours crafting the perfect one-liner if
the actor isn't going to say the words on screen. This was why Paul got so
many good lines: he could be trusted to say them. That's not the only
virtue of a professional actor, but I guess from a writer's viewpoint it's
the most important.

The corollary is that some characters became diminished in importance
because the actors didn't practice exact delivery.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 04:47:45 -0600
From: Lisa Williams <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Ellynne G. wrote:

>The Disney version, "Spoon Full of Sugar," "Chim-Chim-Cheree," etc.

Oooh, OK. I'd forgotten about that. Kept trying to think of anything from 
the books which marked Mary P. as musical, and couldn't.

>she took the kids to meet a lady who broke off her own fingers and gave 
>them to the children to eat

I always liked Mrs. Corry.

         - Lisa
  Lisa Williams: or
  Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
  From Eroica With Love:


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 11:00:05 +0000 (GMT)
From: Iain Coleman <>
To: b7 <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.1000322105618.11713H-100000@bsauasc>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Neil Faulkner wrote:

> 25k max limit seems okay to me.

m3 2.

> While we're on the subject of postings, isn't it a bit pointless to cc a
> Lyst post to an individual subscriber?  I had a couple of those in my inbox
> this morning.

Some mail software, including my own, defaults to sending the reply to
both addresses. Coresting this manually is trivial, as I have done in this
reply, but occasionally a slip of the brain means you forget to do this.
It is deeply pointless to cc the post, and I apologise to anyone who has
received more than the optimum number of copies of any of my witterings.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 04:06:15 -0800
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Cally & Avon (was "The Web")
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ellynne G. wrote:

> Gan's could either have misunderstood or be using it in a
> context where the original meaning was unclear to others (whew).  Then, I
> started wondering what he might have _really_ said.  While this wasn't
> the most likely scenario, it was one of the more fun ones.

Ah. My mistake; I understood you to be saying it was the
likely scenario, which didn't strike me as logical.

> Avon rags on Cally about
> > being an alien for three seasons
> But mostly from a cultural prejudice, not a species/ethnic one.

Yes, agreed, but it doesn't preclude an awareness of the
differences, or make the barbed comments less sharp or
less likely, IMHO.

> Whatever
> prejudices might be behind his believing it, if Avon saw Cally's
> differences as inherent and unchangeable, I think he's rational enough
> _not_ to get on her case about them as much as he does.

This is very interesting, and plausible; I'm not sure, however,
that it squares with his treatment of Gan. OTOH, that would
presuppose that he treats everyone the same, which would be
a two-d oversimplification, so you could be right. Ooh, doublespeak.

> So, if I were to create a serious alternative for what Gan said Avon
> said, I'd guess it _was_ a negative comment.  At this point, Avon wasn't
> interested per se (and I know some argue he never was or would be).
> However, he was both curious about what made her tick (the way he might
> be about any new factor impacting his survival) and irritated at not yet
> knowing the answers.

Yes, I'll agree with that.

> OTOH, (please imagine imitation of really annoying kindergarten type
> sing-song) I think he LIKES her.
> Oh, all right, I think he COULD like her.  Someday.  With a bit of work.

<giggle> Oh, I don't dispute that he could like her. I only dispute
that he could be HAPPY with her. Or she with him. And since I
don't like to see the people I care for unhappy....

(What's that you say? I'm watching the wrong show?)

"Consider it an adventure."--Galen, 'Crusade'


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:54:59 -0000
From: Alison Page <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Resident Smart Guy
Message-ID: <21B0197931E1D211A26E0008C79F6C4AB0C46E@BRAMLEY>
Content-Type: text/plain

Iain said - 
>> Chris Boucher said that the good lines (as well as the tricky lines)
would go to those actors who would actually deliver them as written. There's
no point in sitting up into the wee hours crafting the perfect one-liner if
the actor isn't going to say the words on screen. This was why Paul got so
many good lines: he could be trusted to say them. That's not the only virtue
of a professional actor, but I guess from a writer's viewpoint it's the most
important. The corollary is that some characters became diminished in
importance because the actors didn't practice exact delivery. <<
This makes me think of a few things
- in different contexts it might be the actors who have more power than the
writers, and the pressure goes in the other direction, the script is
butchered to make the high-status actor look good, or to meet his/her
preconceptions. Some people think Paul managed to over-dominate the
portrayal of Avon in the 4th season, though personally I dig the way the
character changed as Paul was able to assert himself, because it added a new
level of complexity, quite believably.
- it is also interesting how very good actors actually bring out subtexts
which might not be contained in the original bald scripts. I am thinking of
Michael K here of course (no change there then). I always cite his
to-and-fro with Doran in Moloch as an example of how he could make a dreary
Ben Steed bit of sexism become both lighter, and more interesting, at the
same time with a few telling facial expressions and voice changes
I am particularly interested in this today because I have just been reading
an interview with Robert Carlyle and Antonia Bird about how they colluded to
add an erotic subtext to the horror/ western 'Ravenous' when she was
seconded in as replacement director halfway through filming. very
interesting on the whole actor/director/writer powerplay


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:32:48 GMT
From: "Mat Shayde" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] B7 as companions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: Helen Krummenacker <>
>Subject: [B7L] B7 as companions
>Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 19:28:36 -0700
>Mat asked:
>Can anyone suggest anywhere for Gan and Dayna?
>Dayna would work well with the 4th Doctor. After handling Leela, this
>other warrior woman (this one at least used to civilization) wouldn't be 
>difficult, and she'd enjoy having someone to look up to. Although they 
>would, of course, have differences of opinion on acceptable force. The 7th 
>doctor would also work well with her.
>Gan-- the 2nd Doctor would probably work best with him. (Although he'd 
>suffer more of the unjustified Gan-abuse the poor fellow puts up with 
>thanks to not being put through high-level education). The 2nd Doctor 
>seemed to know how to direct his companions to make good use of their 
>personal strengths and enable them to grow as people (based on the limited 
>amount I've seen of him).
I couldn't agree more.

Dorian - "You mean you're here by choice?"

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Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:53:20 GMT
From: "Mat Shayde" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] RPG B7
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: "DragonFly" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [B7L] RPG B7
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:39:11 -0000
>but I would love to hear how your scenarios went..list them here if you 
>Julia Lawson

I shall certainly try Julia, it's alwyas nice to share info with fello 
role-players, however as I have been running it for nearly two years now I 
do have quite a lot of info to impart...

Dorian - "You mean you're here by choice?"

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Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:03:26 GMT
From: "Mat Shayde" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] RPG Female Fans
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: "Neil Faulkner" <>
>To: "b7" <>
>Subject: Re: [B7L] RPG Female Fans
>Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 08:32:46 -0000
>Calle wrote:
> > Cool! You know, I think this is the first time I've heard of anyone 
>actually _using_ that game.

>I've used it!  Back in the days when I was still role-gaming (haven't 
>rolled a die for more than three years now <sniff>)

Pick up those dice and roll!! Get role-playing again, you know you want to!  

I badgered my fellow gamers into giving it a go.  They weren't too 
impressed.  I did a lot of tinkering with the rules (like devising an easy 
character generation system that wasn't miserly with skills),

Oh, I quite like the system, the whole percentile thing makes it really easy 
and smooth. (mind you I tend to gloss over the rolling in favour of just 
fixing results to get the plot bits I want. Naughty GM! Also roles are more 
important than rules to me.) I found the generation system ok (if a bit 
complicated to explain to new players) it creates interesting characters 
without producing super-characters.

> > What sort of people were the PCs? Did characters from the series show up 
>and if so, who? Did they all die in the end? :-)
>Okay, you were asking Dorian rather than me, but we used PGP survivors 
>(Avon, Vila and Soolin, since there were only four of us.  As GM I could 
>have taken on Tarrant and Dayna but decided Orac and Servalan were more 
>than enough to keep me tearing my hair out.  It wasn't entirely successful 
>- Vila was far too violent and lippy,


That's why I didn't want to use established characters. No matter how good a 
role-player you are it is always more difficult to re-create someone elses 
character than to play one of your own. (I remember  a disasterous Dr Who 
game I played in where I played a 4th Dr that  bore absolutely NO 
resemblance to Tom Baker!!) I might have a couple of series characters turn 
up (I've already used Avalon) but not in major roles. Except maybe Zen.  :)


>I've also run B7 using a modified version of the Star Wars RPG.  It worked 
>reasonably well, but then SW is a pretty slick system.

true the Star Wars system is cool. I've played in that as well, I was a Jedi 
trainee, however my group of rebels was too nice. We even stunned soem 
Stormtroopers once rather than killing them!

Dorian - "You mean you're here by choice?"

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Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:06:43 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Avon Drool
Message-ID: <zcq$>

In message <>, Susie Wright
<> writes
>I met John de Lancie at I-CON (Long Island) about 10 years ago.  He's a
>wonderful story-teller and he doesn't need a microphone to be heard in
>the rafters.

There's obviously a lot of truth in "...we're *British* actors...":-)
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:28:56 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Characters
Message-ID: <>

In message <>, Susie Wright
<> writes
>For that matter, I've only seen
>Gareth in Merlin and so only know him as a good guy.  I bet he'd be a
>great villain.

He is. For a sample of a wonderful piece of scenery chewing, check out
the later CDs in _Soldiers of Love_.
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:49:54 EST
Subject: Re: [B7L] Cally & Avon 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ellynne wrote:
<< Oh, all right, I think he COULD like her.  Someday.  With a bit of work. >>

What amuses me the most about their little exchange in the teleport room is 
how *startled* Avon seems when she flirts with him.  It's not an expression 
he shows very often, and it's very charming, almost innocent (if one can 
apply that word to Avon in any sense).  You can almost see the wheels turning 
in his head.  Long term, I think he *does* actually like her but I can't see 
him pursuing an actual relationship with her  - it would just be too 
threatening to him.



Date:   Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:52:25 +0100
From: "Marian de Haan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re:  [B7L] Avon's Skills
Message-ID: <00a801bf9438$25a4cce0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Andrew Williams wrote about Avon's skills:
>Some kind of military background (something technical that would give him
>some general military knowledge and some specialist technical knowledge):
>He has knowledge of detonators ("Ultrasonic fuses....That's how I would
>done it") and encryption systems.
>He recognises that the Federation gun Blake gives him in Project Avalon is
>not standard issue (and why does Blake choose to give it to Avon, and not,
>say Cally or Jenna?)
>The predominance of military occupations among his acquaintances ("We
>trained together" Avon of Tynus).
>His taste for wearing black!

It seems to me that the bit about Avon and Tynus training together could
merely refer to some kind of University course.  I honestly can't see Avon
functioning in the military - not in any capacity where he has to stand to
attention and salute.  He'd be shot for insubordination within the week  :-)



Date:   Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:57:15 +0100
From: "Marian de Haan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <00ad01bf9438$d3c75a40$>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sally Manton wrote about the crew and Cally:
>I like to think they  picked and dropped other hobbies around this
>point as well (the idea of her asking the others, especially you-know-who,
>to pose for life studies is very appealing...) >

>BTW, what happened to the instrument? My theory - some of the others
>involved a little accident involving it and something large and heavy.

ROFL  Thank you Sally.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:08:40 -0000
From: "Ariana" <>
To: "b7" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Space Fall question
Message-ID: <004501bf943b$7b0268c0$19ed07c3@ariana>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> I don't know about Jenna's mother, but Avon's brother was definitely
> played by someone else - I did a freeze-frame of him once, in order
> to do an illo of said brother.  Brother has blond hair, but they do
> share a similarly aquiline nose.

What made me go "huh?" was that his brother called him Avon. I thought that
was supposed to be his family name... and wouldn't that mean that his
brother had the same name? Yeah, I know, they could have been half-brothers
and so on, but if they were close enough for Zen to yank the image out of
Avon's mind, it seems to me that they would have been on first name terms.
OTOH, maybe it's on the lines of Fox Mulder complaining that even his
parents called him Mulder! I can't imagine too many people calling Avon,
'Kerr' and getting away with it.



Date:   Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:14:45 +0100
From: "Marian de Haan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
Message-ID: <00ba01bf943b$4464c7e0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sally Manton wrote:
>Bercol and Rontane - why, why, *why* couldn't they have been saved and
>brought in again in 3rd and 4th season? 'Twould have been marvellous
>watching them scrambling for safety in the post-Servie's coup fall-out, and
>they could have been been involved in the dump-Servie-coup as well. >

Those two life-like, sleek, suave diplomats always remind me of Sir Humphrey
Appleby.  Now I'm getting visions of a crossover of B7 and Yes Minister.
Avon would be fun as a senior civil servant.  And imagine Sir Humphry trying
to block Blake's initiatives  :-)



Date:   Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:27:41 +0100
From: "Marian de Haan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Space Fall question
Message-ID: <00c501bf943d$14f241c0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

To my:
>> Can anyone tell me if Jenna's mother and Avon's brother in that
>> hallucination scene are actually played by Sally Knyvette and Paul

Kathryn Andersen replied:
>I don't know about Jenna's mother, but Avon's brother was definitely
>played by someone else - I did a freeze-frame of him once, in order
>to do an illo of said brother.  Brother has blond hair, but they do
>share a similarly aquiline nose.

That's what made me wonder :-)  I now know from a reliable source that
Jenna's mother was also played by someone else.  Seems to me that some
thought was put into the casting, as there's a strong resemblance in both



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:45:48 EST
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 3/21/00 11:47:43 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

<< I like to think they  picked and dropped other hobbies around this 
 point as well (the idea of her asking the others, especially you-know-who, 
 to pose for life studies is very appealing...) >>

There's a very charming story along that line in Forbidden Star #2 -- 
"Portrait" by Twisted Sister - highly recommended, IMHO.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:45:56 EST
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Mary Poppins/Avon
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I said:
<< "Why do I suspect she'd be *very* cross with him?">>
Susie answered:
 <Would an exploration of "cross" belong on the other list?  Oh, it's not
 the Mary Poppins we all know.... Hmm... what else is in her bag of

<snicker> All manner of improbable things, no doubt.  But horrified as he 
might be by her presence, I imagine Avon would go to great lengths to steal 
that bag (or, more likely, have Vila steal it) so he could *finally* 
investigate it *properly*.

Would Blake like her, or would she make his teeth hurt too?



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 18:58:17 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Guest Stars
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

In message <>, Sally Manton
<> writes
>Bercol and Rontane - why, why, *why* couldn't they have been saved and 
>brought in again in 3rd and 4th season? 'Twould have been marvellous 
>watching them scrambling for safety in the post-Servie's coup fall-out, and 
>they could have been been involved in the dump-Servie-coup as well. OTOH, if 
>Blake can survive GP, I'm sure we can think of a way my favourite double act 
>survived Trial�

Write it.

>Gambrill (Bellfriar's off-sider in Weapon, who 'lacks faith')

Yes, I know. When I have finished the first print run of this here zine,
and finished the edits suggested by beta-readers on the things I've
actually managed to finish the first draft of.
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:04:52 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Cc: b7 <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
Message-ID: <>

In message <Pine.OSF.3.96.1000322105618.11713H-100000@bsauasc>, Iain
Coleman <> writes
>Some mail software, including my own, defaults to sending the reply to
>both addresses. Coresting this manually is trivial, as I have done in this
>reply, but occasionally a slip of the brain means you forget to do this.
>It is deeply pointless to cc the post, and I apologise to anyone who has
>received more than the optimum number of copies of any of my witterings.

Ditto. Occasionally there is a good reason to cc, as when I cced someone
recently because I was replying to a wail of despair about missing
email, but it is as well to warn the recipient. I normally (if I
remember) indicate that I have deliberately cced to the person whose
post I am replying to, so that they *are* aware that a second copy will
be on its way. 
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 18:53:51 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <XKhWpAA$>

In message <>, Ellynne G.
<> writes
> OTOH, let's give Cally a few points.  As far as we
>know, she's the only one with any kind of equipment for listening to any
>kind of music at all that she doesn't play herself.

Gan uses the Walkman-with-goggles in one of the episodes shown in the
last week, although it's not clear whether he's using it for music or
some other multi-media task, such as reading "The care and feeding of
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:18:58 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] ADMIN: Maximum allowed size of posting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Neil asked:
>While we're on the subject of postings, isn't it a bit 
>pointless to cc a Lyst post to an individual subscriber? 
> I had a couple of those in my inbox this morning.

They only want to make sure you've got their hugs safely.



Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:49:34 EST
From: "J MacQueen" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Mary Poppins on the Liberator
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: Julia Jones <>
>Gan uses the Walkman-with-goggles in one of the episodes shown in the
>last week, although it's not clear whether he's using it for music or
>some other multi-media task, such as reading "The care and feeding of

If that means what I think it means, that suggests that a certain character 
has a nice little high-security cage or hutch somewhere on the Liberator. I 
can see the snarl as Gan, Jenna and Blake stuff him back into the cage/hutch 
after he's been allowed to go walkies...


Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:19:22 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: [B7L] Deva's Blues
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Doesn't fit Neil's challenge at all but, just in case there are any Doors
fans out there, here is a blues-ish number I spent some time adapting a
couple of years ago:

Deva's Blues - The Flyers Pass My Window
(to the tune of The Cars Hiss By My Window, by The Doors)

The flyers pass my window,
Like the wind over the trees.
The flyers pass my window,
Like the wind over the trees.
I got this girl in a cell,
And I'm ill at ease.

Woods are full of outlaws,
Bounty at your call.
Woods are full of outlaws,
Ready for your call.
But some spell danger,
Tho' you test them all.

Siren's started wailing,
Screaming out our doom.
Siren's started wailing,
Screaming out our doom.
An old friend'll kill you
In the tracking room.



Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 16:19:16 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Mat decided to
>to team up the Master and Servalan - what a combination!

As long as it's the divine Roger Delgado.

But re Blake, he thought
>No Doctor would put up with being bossed around by him 
>and his  'ends justify the means' hypocrisy (C.F. Bounty) 
>would get short shrift with most Doctors.

I never regarded No. 4 (T. Baker) as a Time Lord of particularly high
principles after the Pirate Planet, when he was only able to pick up
whichever segment of the Key of Time it was because the pirates had
compressed an entire planet into something the size of a cricket ball and
murdered its entire population in the process.  OK, he did express horror
earlier on in the story, but seemed perfectly cheerful about taking the
ball home with him.



Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:09:23 EST
From: "J MacQueen" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
>Mat decided to
> >to team up the Master and Servalan - what a combination!
>As long as it's the divine Roger Delgado.

Yes. Perfect.


Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:21:01 EST
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: B7 Characters in the TARDIS (fairly off-topic)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 03/22/2000 5:31:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> I never regarded No. 4 (T. Baker) as a Time Lord of particularly high
>  principles after the Pirate Planet, when he was only able to pick up
>  whichever segment of the Key of Time it was because the pirates had
>  compressed an entire planet into something the size of a cricket ball and
>  murdered its entire population in the process.  OK, he did express horror
>  earlier on in the story, but seemed perfectly cheerful about taking the
>  ball home with him.

There was also the final segment of the Key, which was a human being.  IIRC, 
he wasn't too concerned about the woman being turned into a component either. 
 Romana was upset, but the Doctor wasn't.

Tiger M


Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:39:06 -0700
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Avon's skills
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Andrew began
> I'll start the list, but please feel free to add.  When it's done, we can
> see if anybody can justify his god like stature.
> Top flight computer technician (hardware AND software).
> Confident at using hand guns.
> Aware of the need for background research.
> Able to pick computer based locks.
> Leadership.
> Passable pilot skills (but didn't think to land the shuttle)
> Grasp of physics required for teleportation.
Fashion sense. (I know not everyone will agree with his choices, but
then, he has enough sense of style to make rather daring choices.)
Physical fitness. It may not sound like a skill, but when you think
about it, he's basically been at desk jobs, one would assume, which
means he took the time and energy to stay in shape.
Close combat skills (once again, there has been some debate on this
point. But whatever one thinks of the choreography, the point is, this
fellow occaisionally took on fighters up close and won. Not easy.)
Expert kisser. :)
Assorted science (not obviously computer-related)-- anticipating ORACs
ability to condense itself. Pointing out to Blake that they could
compare the stars in ORACs prognostication to actual starcharts and
avoid that part of space.
Wit. A skill, you ask? Oscar Wilde made his reputation on quotable wit.
Strategist. (Not as good as Blake, but better than most of his

End of blakes7-d Digest V00 Issue #80