Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #182
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 182

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Willow Avon? was Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 [B7L] Re: Kenny was a Decima
	 Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 Re: [B7L] New Book on B7: Update
	 Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] Brave New Worlds
	 Re: [B7L] Willow Avon? 
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Willow Avon? 
	 [B7L] Fan Q and STIFfie winners
	 Re: [B7L] Willow Avon?
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Buffy/Blake's 7 (was Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting)


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:11:41 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: [B7L] Willow Avon? was Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
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Ellynne G. wrote:

> On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:19:52 -0700 writes:
>  Willow is probably adopted; can't see Avon
> >choosing to answer to Ira Rosenberg.
> (Shudder) Nor can I.
>  Nor can I picture him
> >with Willow's mom, who is, IIRC, a total space cadet.
> >
> And there wasn't even a family resemblance, IMHO.  However, Willow does
> have somewhat similar build to Anna and, while the hair color wasn't the
> same, Anna's had a reddish tint (at least on my TV).  She could have
> easily have had a recessive gene.

You're reading my mind again. Stop that!

(Although, of course Cally could have the recessive gene;
for that matter, Avon could. And wasn't Meegat's hair actually
red? I can't remember at the moment.)

> I can just imagine Willow's reaction if she found out these were her
> parents.  It might be nearly as good as Avon's reaction if he found out a
> computer demon offered his daughter the world and she turned him down.

Now who's being evil? <snicker>

I can also imagine the rest of the crew's reaction to discovering
that Avon's daughter is a sweet, adorable, bubbly, *loving* girl.
And Xander's reaction to Avon. (Oz, of course, always takes
everything in stride.)

Okay, for similarities between Willow and Avon we have:
    Slim build
    Computer whiz
    Quick wit
    Enquiring mind
    Latent love of thrills
    Looks good in leather
    Expressive face

More, anyone?

"The whole idea is an absurd fantasy."--Avon


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 19:04:30 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-ID: <>

On Thu 03 Jun, Ann Basart wrote:
> I've been thinking about B7 characters I would like to have seen as
> crew-members. (Very non-canonic thoughts.) 
> My chief nominee, if things had turned out a little differently, is Kasabi,
> from "Pressure Point." Interesting power interplays possible between her
> and Blake, the two of them and Avon. Any takers?

Oh yes, Kasabi was a good strong character and well acted. (I much prefered her
to Avalon)

How about taking a decima on board? <evil grin>


-- -  Fanzines for Blake's 7, B7 Filk songs,
pictures, news, Conventions past and present, Blake's 7 fan clubs, Gareth
Thomas, etc.  (also non-Blake's 7 zines at


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:10:50 PDT
From: Sally Manton <>
Subject: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Anne wrote:
<I've been thinking about B7 characters I would like to have seen as 
crew-members. (Very non-canonic thoughts.) My chief nominee, if things had 
turned out a little differently, is Kasabi, from "Pressure Point." 
Interesting power interplays possible between her and Blake, the two of them 
and Avon.>

Oh yes, Kasabi would would fun to watch. I do see her as a more orthodox 
leader than Blake - coming from a military background and probably, like 
Tarrant, used to a more structured command structure - so the semi-anarchic 
chain-of-non-command on the Liberator might come as a shock. Yes, Blake 
commands, but by sheer force of personality. (There is *no* second in 
command, when Blake isn't there it's whoever comes up with something fast.)

It depends on where she tried to fit in. I don't think she'd try to take 
over, since she's more than bright enough (IMO) to work out that Blake is 
best left in control of this lot of - er - independent spirits (all right, 
stubborn, temperamental and self-willed ex-criminals) since he seems to know 
how to handle them - especially Avon and Vila, neither of them ideal (or 
even tolerable) subordinates.

If she did, consciously or not, try to move into a second in command 
position, I think there'd be trouble from both *Jenna* (who follows Blake 
for very personal reasons, and tends to a measure of hostility to newcomers) 
and Avon (who may not want to take responsibility himself, but is damned if 
he'll take orders from anyone *except* Blake). They all follow Blake from 
personal loyalty - unless Kasabi could inspire similar loyalty, she'd have 
to step back and just be one of the crew. After all, Tarrant (as I said, 
also ex-military) had a *lot* of 'fun' trying (and usually failing) to get 
the others to do what he thought best.

Actually  - if she *was* a strongly military type with little tolerance for 
the free-for-all arguments and say-what-you-like-then-do-as-I-want style of 
Blake's leadership, the resultant fireworks could be lots of fun.

Veron is a drip, but, given what happens in Pressure Point, she could have 
been an interesting addition, even more driven than Cally and with extreme 
youth and naivety (witness her swallowing of Travis' promises...maybe her 
mother tried to shield her a little from the ugliness of their lives. Or 
maybe Veron just isn't very bright.)

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Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:14:14 PDT
From: Sally Manton <>
Subject: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Anne wrote:
<I've been thinking about B7 characters I would like to have seen as 
crew-members. (Very non-canonic thoughts.)>

I take it we are not thinking of the benfit to the Revolution, but the 
benefit to ourselves <g>? (No, that doesn't mean I'd like to see Meegat on 
the flight deck. My love of tormenting the Snarly One doesn't *quite* 
stretch that far...)

Bellfriar and/or Gambrill. Bellfriar is just utterly lovely (do we need a 
better reason?), great fun to watch and listen to, wonderfully easy-going 
without Vila's weakness - he would have had the calm and strength of 
personality to act as a buffer between Avon and Blake (but then, do we 
*want* a buffer? Maybe not.) Gambrill's cheerful acceptance of everything 
his boss and the unknown and rather arrogant stranger with the curls throw 
at him is endearing, and I think he could fit rather nicely into the space 
left by Gan (it's a big space <g>) but with more sparkle (he does call Blake 
an idiot. No one except Avon gets to do that, but I suppose Avon would let 
Gambrill know *that* fairly quickly).

Plus, if either of these two joined on, they could take over doctoring 
duties (all right, they're not doctors as such but they would probably know 
more about medicine than anyone else on the ship) and let Cally go back to 
freedom fighting. And since Bellfriar is hardly the athletic type, he could 
take over teleport duties and let *both* Jenna and Cally get back into the 

Tynus. Yes, he's slimy and treacherous and *wouldn't* that be a fascinating 
development to watch (when you think of it, both Blake and Avon were bloody 
lucky with the people they got landed would have been interesting 
if one of the strays they picked up turned out to be rotten). Avon's 
*friend* on board and out to slit the throat of Avon's self-appointed (and 
infuriating and infuriatingly likeable) *leader*...oh yes.

Hal Mellanby. Well, there are so few people *Avon* likes (and he likes Hal 
more than Dayna, IMO), so it would have been interesting watching Cally & 
Vila's reaction to the Avon we saw on Sarran.

Rashel and the clone. She's one of those characters I love because she's so 
ordinary. The way she stands up to Travis and Servalan, she's so scared you 
can almost see her shaking but trying very hard to be brave...I much prefer 
her to the Amazon type like Dayna. Rashel would make a *very* different type 
of freedom fighter, one every bit as scared as Vila, but going ahead with 
what she has to do (albeit on shaky legs). And of course having two Blakes 
on one ship would be splendid (and drive Avon straight up the nearest wall).

Deeta. How would Avon like *two* Tarrants?  Possible even less than two 
Blakes, methinks...and Vila wouldn't be too thrilled either.

Jarriere. Simply because I adore him. Oh, and all by his little self, he 
would drive you-know-who to distraction even faster than two Blakes *and* 
two Tarrants.

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Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:43:13 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sally Manton wrote:

> Hal Mellanby. Well, there are so few people *Avon* likes (and he likes Hal
> more than Dayna, IMO), so it would have been interesting watching Cally &
> Vila's reaction to the Avon we saw on Sarran.

Oh, yes! There would be an interesting group. I *really*
liked watching Avon with Hal Mellanby. It seems to me
very much as if he took on Dayna for her father's sake.

> Jarriere. Simply because I adore him. Oh, and all by his little self, he
> would drive you-know-who to distraction even faster than two Blakes *and*
> two Tarrants.

Oooh, my! <Mistral's eyes go big and round> There's a
wicked suggestion if I ever heard one.

Loved all your suggestions, Sally, and the reasons for them.

The characters I would have liked to see return are Bek and
Tyce, although I never thought of them as permanent additions
to the crew. Bellfriar is a favorite of mine, too, although of
course he's dead. Unless, of course, the plague really turns
humans into zombies or something, and Liberator's crew left
too soon to discover this?

<whistling Twilight Zone theme>
"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:09:29 +0100
From: Murray Smith <>
To: Lysator <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Kenny was a Decima
Message-Id: <l03110702b37d4820ad51@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


	I was very amused when you said

>How about taking a decima on board? <evil grin>

because I was watching 'The Web' recently, and when the scene with the
Decimas mourning their dead friend came up, the following words came into
my head:

'Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!'
'You bastards!'

As we can see, they took terrible revenge for 'Kenny's' death.<g>



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:36:48 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-ID: <00cf01beae6e$2a7181b0$0c01a8c0@hedge>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Rob wrote:

> Una:
> >Am I the only person in the world who finds Ralph Fiennes deeply
> >unattractive? The man is cold, passionless, frigid. Or was this the point
> >you were making, Ann? ;)
> You haven't seen "Oscar and Lucinda", have you Una?

No, I haven't. Partly because I haven't got round to finishing the book yet,
and partly because I saw it had Fiennes in it and that I wouldn't, as a
result, enjoy it. But I'm willing to give it a go if people genuinely think
he puts a good performance in.

I thought he was superb in 'Schindler's List', BTW.



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:34:53 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: "lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-ID: <00ce01beae6e$2a0ca560$0c01a8c0@hedge>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ann said:

> > > The man is cold, passionless, frigid.
> Well, he has certainly played cold _roles_ (I don't know about the _man_.)
> He evidently played a passionate Hamlet on Broadway, and his T.E. Lawrence
> (in "A Dangerous Man") had fires underneath.

That's really interesting - his Hamlet (ooh, sir!) didn't get a very good
write-up when it was at the West End. Nonetheless, I am willing to delay
final judgement until I see his performance in 'Oscar and Lucinda'.

> > > Or was this the point you were making, Ann? ;)
> In a way. I see Avon a bit like Neil Burnside (the part Roy Marsden
> on the Sandbaggers"). The warmth is there but buried way down. Both are
> very intelligent. Both can be nasty and snarling, and even ruthless and
> cynical. (Burnside is much nastier than Avon.) But there _is_ something
> attractive, there is a promise of warmth . . . and that's what I thought
> Ralph Fiennes might bring out.
>  > I was pondering earlier why these cold characters are so attractive.
> I've been wondering the same thing. (At least in regard to Avon &
> Burnside.) It's also the wit, the intelligence, the feeling of something
> held back.
> If anyone wants to pursue an "Avon-Burnside" thread, I'd be  delighted.

Now, this I can *definitely* see - the attraction of Neil Burnside is very
much that of Avon, and just how you describe it. What jars so much for me
with Burnside (and the show in general) is the up-front, totally conscious
sexism. I know that there are personal reasons in Burnside's case and also
it's a function of when the show was made, but it really sets my teeth on

I adore 'The Sandbaggers'. They just pulled it off one of the cable
channels, and I'm gutted.



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:38:24 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: "lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] New Book on B7: Update
Message-ID: <00d001beae6e$2ab93910$0c01a8c0@hedge>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ann Basart wrote:

> I asked McFarlane & Co., the publishers, about John Muir's B7 book
> (originally scheduled for summer), and have received this reply:
> Thanks for your e-mail. "A History and Critical Analysis of Blake's 7" by
> John Muir will be available in November 1999 for $38.50 (plus shipping).
> You can order it at that time by calling our order desk at 1-800-253-2187
> or if you would like to e-mail us your mailing address, we would be happy
> to send you a postcard upon availability of this title.

Ooh, Ann, keep me posted on this. I'd be fascinated to hear what it's like.



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:27:37 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In response to Ann's question, my vote would be Tyce. I've always felt sorry 
that she was nicely set up as a character, then dropped at the end of the 



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 08:49:16 -0400
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
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Pat P asked:
>could you save me the trouble of finding that 
>tape and tell me: what is combat undressing?

Much more fun to watch.  It's in the first few minutes of Adventures in the
Sin Trade Part II.  Pretty amazing stuff...  That was why I thought she'd
do for Soolin.  I'm sure if B7 had been broadcast a bit later in the
evening Soolin would have done some combat undressing.

Kathryn suggested:
>So does that mean that Avon *is* really a Jew,
> like Leah suggested a couple of years ago?

Have no idea what the rest of this bit of the thread's about, but Avon
having Jewish origins has struck me as a plausible theory before now.



Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 08:50:52 -0700
From: Elaine Mc <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Okay.  If Ephiny/Danielle Cormack for Blake, then how about...

Hudson Leick for Jenna?  Out for her own best interests, good in a

Lucy Lawless for Gan?  She'd do the sensitive thing well.

Gillian Anderson for Avon?  Okay, the colouring's all wrong, but she can
do cool and level-headed with the best of them.  

Gwyneth Paltrow for Cally?  Slightly distant, still compassionate.

I'm not sure who would be a good Vila... maybe Juliette Lewis?  Alyson
Hannigan?  Only really good Vila I can think of at the moment is a man--
Kevin Spacey.  



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:21:13 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: 
> <snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
> about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?
An interesting idea. Would you bring Buffy, pursued by the Demonic
Underworld, into Space, or strand the B7 crew in Sunnydale? Soolin and
Dayna could provide some timely back up for Buffy in a scrape. Avon
would probably stride through the entire zine denying that any of this
was happening. Vila would hide under the bed. Tarrant would get on well
with Xander and perhaps take him on as an understudy. Buffy and Tarrant
sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g??? Giles and Soolin? yum. Dayna and
Zander? Hey, I can see it.

Why not start writing it on the list and see if anyone kicks in? Tho
it's gone quiet since many of the students left their campus net
connections for the summer.
Dave H wrote:
>I am hoping the term "vampire Willow" is not an indication of things to
>come???... now I'm going to be worrying about Willow ...

And well you should worry about dear, sweet, tender, vulnerable,
delicious Willow. Every week she battles Terrible Forces of Evil with no
weapon but her best friend Xena -- er, mixing my metaphors here. That's
dear, sweet, tender Gabby, protected by BIG BUFFY. er, no I mean tender
timid fluffy Vila protected by lean, mean, leather-clad Avon. Hey, I'm
starting to see a trend! :-)

OK we've been warned, no chat about last season anything (except Blakes7
of course! The best cliff hanger of 'em all!) Sheesh, it's tough having
all the continents on different schedules. Why is that?
Pat P

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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:21:04 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: "lysator" <>
Subject: [B7L] Brave New Worlds
Message-ID: <001b01beaeb7$089e41b0$0c01a8c0@hedge>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm sure this is a well-worn theme, but I've been thinking a bit recently
about what Blake's brave new world would have been like.

Would he have become the leader of an Earth with a shattered infrastructure?
Or would he have effected a coup, rather like Anna Grant intended?

What compromises would he have made in order to secure power (if any)?

How far would power have corrupted him?

What would have been the effect of his increasing cynicism on his idealistic
programme for change?

How long would he have lasted?

How would history have seen him?



Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:26:18 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Willow Avon? 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:

> >  Nor can I picture him
> > >with Willow's mom, who is, IIRC, a total space cadet.
Perhaps she purchased sperm from a male donor selected for high IQ.

> And wasn't Meegat's hair actually red? 
No, brown. Willow's hair is naturally brown. Sometimes you can see her
dark roots. It's not unusual for a teen her age to dye her hair. Altho
generally, as red hair on females conveys fiestiness, it's unlikely that
a shy girl like Willow would choose red. 

It's interesting that red hair on boys connotes just the opposite that
it does for girls. Curious that red hair makes people assume females
have more male traits and that males have more female traits.

> I can also imagine the rest of the crew's reaction to discovering
> that Avon's daughter is a sweet, adorable, bubbly, *loving* girl.
Avon would be putty in Willow's hands. Oh! What a daddy's girl she would
> Okay, for similarities between Willow and Avon we have:
>     Slim build
no, PD has a normal solid male build

>     Looks good in leather
chortle snort
She wears it well, hey?
Pat P
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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:55:51 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
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In a message dated 6/3/99 11:58:16 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 All I can say is, everyone's ignoring the perfect Blake's 7 crew.  Isn't
 it obvious?
 Cally--Mary Anne
 Jenna--Mrs. Howell
 Vila--Mr. Howell
 Travis--The Professor

No, no, this is the perfect crew:

Blake -- William Shatner
Avon -- Leonard Nimoy
Cally -- Majel Barret (in her Christine Chapel guise)
Jenna -- the actress who played Yeoman Janice Rand (sorry, I forgot her name)
Vila -- James Doohan (Scotty, you know)

Servalan  -- Majel Barrett (in her Lwaxana Troi guise)
Commissioner Sleer -- Q
Travis -- Walter Koenig 

Ha, ha, just kidding!


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 20:39:11 +0100
From: "Alison Page" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <007101beaec2$0a0c0180$ca8edec2@pre-installedco>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

ElaineMc said -

>Only really good Vila I can think of at the moment is a man--
>Kevin Spacey.

Oh, you and me both; he's certainly my number one choice. There's a bit of
implied depth there. Like MK he actually does the job of acting, and it
makes you want to watch.



Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:32:55 -0500
From: Lisa Williams <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Willow Avon? 
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Pat Patera wrote:

>It's interesting that red hair on boys connotes just the opposite that
>it does for girls.

It does? Must be a culturally localized thing; I've always seen red hair on
boys associated with feistiness, lots of energy, and a propensity for

	- Lisa
 Lisa Williams: or

 Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
 From Eroica With Love:


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 17:17:16 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Fan Q and STIFfie winners
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

A fan friend not on SC requested that I post this information to lysator 
(it's already been posted to Space City).

Last weekend I attended MediaWest Con in Lansing, Michigan.  Each year 
fanfiction awards are presented during the convention.  Below are the 1998 B7 
winners from two separate competitions.

BLAKE'S 7 STIFfie winners (STIFfie stands for Slash Talent in Fandom)

Best Poem/Filk: Santa Does Space City by Susan Cutter (Tales from Space City)
Best Short Story: All Work and No Play by Mireille (Liberator Fantasies)
Best Story: Present by Susan Cutter (Diverse Doings 3)
Best Novella: Divide and Conquer by Willa Shakespeare (Fire&Ice 4)
Best Novel: May King by Susan Cutter (Straight Up Press)
Best Zine: Libertor Fantasies (Maverick Press, Jo Ann McCoy)
Best Art: Randym (illo for Path of Thorns) (Liberator Fantasies)

B7 Fan Qs

Artist gen: Leah Rosenthal
Artist slash: Randym
Poem/Filk- Gen: We've Got a Little List by Chris Blenkarn (Gilbert and 
Servalan Songbook)
Poem/Filk Slash: Santa Does Space City by Susan Cutter (Tales from Space City)
Story Gen: Tears of the Sun by Susannah Lucci (SS#11)
Story Slash: Present by Susan Cutter (Diverse Doings 3)
Stand-alone Zine Gen: Morgan by Judith Proctor
Stand-alone Zine Slash: May King by Susan Cutter
Zine Gen: Southern Seven 11, edited by Ann Wortham
Zine Slash: Liberator Fantasies, edited by Jo Ann McCoy
Non-fiction Zine Gen (honorable mention--because it didn't have any 
competition in the category): Deliverance Exhibition Catalogue, Horizon Club

Carol Mc


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:40:37 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Willow Avon?
Message-ID: <>
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Pat Patera wrote:

> > I can also imagine the rest of the crew's reaction to discovering
> > that Avon's daughter is a sweet, adorable, bubbly, *loving* girl.
> LOL!
> Avon would be putty in Willow's hands. Oh! What a daddy's girl she would
> be.

Oh, I agree she would be a daddy's girl -- after getting over the
shock (particularly the shock that he killed her mother, if it's Anna),
but he would be initially quite nonplussed by her affection, I think.
It would take him some time to get to the putty stage -- whereupon
he'd always find some logical, sensible reason to give her exactly
what she wanted.

Can you just see Will coming home to find this dark, mysterious
*sexy* stranger chatting with her parents, and then finding out
he's her dad, and her being all bent out of shape by having thought
her dad sexy? And then Cordy saying, 'Who's the old geezer?' <g>

> > Okay, for similarities between Willow and Avon we have:
> >     Slim build
> no, PD has a normal solid male build

Mm... up until season four he was certainly slimmer than the  
average American male I see on the street, although perhaps 
not slimmer than the average Hollywood leading-man type actor; 
but I was really referring to the fact that I get the impression 
that *Avon* is supposed to be slim (in much the way that Vila 
is supposed to be small). In Assassin, remember, Benos calls 
him skinny.

"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:35:40 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Pat Patera wrote:

> wrote:
> > <snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
> > about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?
> >
> An interesting idea. Would you bring Buffy, pursued by the Demonic
> Underworld, into Space, or strand the B7 crew in Sunnydale?

Get enough writers to do different stories and have several of
each; there do seem to be lots of Buffy fans here. Among the
Americans and Australians anyway; I take it Buffy hasn't gotten
to Britain yet?

> Soolin and
> Dayna could provide some timely back up for Buffy in a scrape.

Soolin *would* have been the chosen one, but by the time of
B7, the vampires have died out. (But then Tarrant gets bitten
while in Sunnydale, and starts it all up again.)

> Avon
> would probably stride through the entire zine denying that any of this
> was happening.

Yes! Yes! My thought exactly. Nor would he be pleased that
Willow is Wiccan, decrying it as 'superstition'.

>  Giles and Soolin? yum.

I was thinking of him going all weak-kneed at the sight of the
trés ethereal Cally (hey, she can get possessed again!)

Maybe there's an AU where Avon (or Blake?) is the sire of
an entire (flock?) of vampires and Buffy and Willow have to
stake them.

Oooooh. Maybe Willow curses Avon with a conscience?
(just kidding, folks).

And if Oz were on Liberator, would he become a werewolf
every time they passed in full sight of a moon? Or only the
Terran moon?

> Why not start writing it on the list and see if anyone kicks in? Tho
> it's gone quiet since many of the students left their campus net
> connections for the summer.

Write in public? Nah, sounds like an extrovert thing to me -- I
was hoping rather to see if there were enough writers to kick
in stories for a print zine. C'mon, Pat, I know you write, I've
just gotten my hands on Raising Hell; don'tcha wanna write a
B7/Buffy story? (or two or a dozen?) Ellynne? Surely Buffy
makes as interesting a crossover as Smurfs? Kathryn? You
love crossovers! (And if we can't get it into a print zine, maybe
a webzine.)

Trying to agitate your atoms,
"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:11:25 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Oops, sorry Pat; second time this week I forgot to change the address. 

Pat Patera wrote:

> And well you should worry about dear, sweet, tender, vulnerable,
> delicious Willow. Every week she battles Terrible Forces of Evil with no
> weapon but her best friend Xena -- er, mixing my metaphors here. That's
> dear, sweet, tender Gabby, protected by BIG BUFFY. er, no I mean tender
> timid fluffy Vila protected by lean, mean, leather-clad Avon. Hey, I'm
> starting to see a trend! :-)

Hahahahahahah! I begin to wonder if Vila is the descendant of
a Gabrielle and Joxer union? <veg>

Hmm. Three days with Joxer and Avon might start to really
appreciate Vila a lot more. Nah, Joxer wouldn't last three days
with Avon. <g>

Mistral (the Mighty)
"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 12:43:37 -0600
From: "Ellynne G." <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:21:13 -0700 Pat Patera <>
> wrote: 
>> <snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
>> about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?
>An interesting idea. Would you bring Buffy, pursued by the Demonic
>Underworld, into Space, or strand the B7 crew in Sunnydale?
I can see a scenario to get them there but (as usual) don't know where to
go from there.

A certain demon (I could tell you which and why, but it would involve
spoilers from this season), curses Willow to have the man who has caused
her the most pain and difficulty to be back in her life.  The demon was
aiming for a specific, spoiler connected scenario, not knowing that Avon,
who doesn't know he has a daughter but who somehow is ultimately
responsible for Willow growing up in Sunnydale, would be the one brought

Avon, naturally, concludes that vampires are the result of a bizarre
virus, but manages to deal with them seriously (and effectively).  Other
than that, the plot hasn't shaped up.  It's possible he knows a future
version of Angel (who may have something to do with Willow being in the
past).  Or maybe not.  I don't think Avon would approve of Oz after
seeing him turn into a werewolf.  As for Xander, he'd treat him like he
treats Vila.  Giles would take an instant dislike to him but would also
decide he was the only other civilized and intelligent person in town.

As for Buffy in the future, I can't see it.   She'd meet Servalan and
stake her.  End of story (Buffy wouldn't _want_ to stake a human being
[although it's possible she'd realize Servalan's a demon (giving a much
better explanation for her survival when Liberator was destroyed)] but
Servalan wouldn't give her any choice).  Then everyone would turn to Avon
and say, "Four years of complicated plots and superweapons, and all we
needed was a TENT STAKE?"


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Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:05:03 -0600
From: (K. Michael Wilcox)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-Id: <>

Mistral wrote:

> <snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
> about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?

Hmm...  If someone wants, I suppose I could dust off that "Jenna the
Vampire Slayer" thing I started last year and actually finish it.

K. M. Wilcox
I've written tens of thousands of words of text for the 'Net but
never contributed to a zine.


Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:08:10 -0600
From: Penny Dreadful <>
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 06:35 PM 6/4/99 -0700, wrote:

>Write in public? Nah, sounds like an extrovert thing to me -- 

Just do the old Fear Of Public Speaking trick and picture your mailing-list
audience naked except for black socks and Federation Trooper helmets.

--Penny "Here's Lookin' At You, Kid" Dreadful
For A Dreadful Time, Call Penny:


Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 17:10:47 +1000
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Buffy/Blake's 7 (was Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 06:35:40PM -0700, wrote:
> Pat Patera wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > <snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
> > > about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?

> > Why not start writing it on the list and see if anyone kicks in? Tho
> > it's gone quiet since many of the students left their campus net
> > connections for the summer.
> Write in public? Nah, sounds like an extrovert thing to me -- I
> was hoping rather to see if there were enough writers to kick
> in stories for a print zine. C'mon, Pat, I know you write, I've
> just gotten my hands on Raising Hell; don'tcha wanna write a
> B7/Buffy story? (or two or a dozen?) Ellynne? Surely Buffy
> makes as interesting a crossover as Smurfs? Kathryn? You
> love crossovers! (And if we can't get it into a print zine, maybe
> a webzine.)

I do, indeed, love crossovers.  It's an intriguing idea.  I do agree
that this is more than just a single round-robin story idea.  People
have spouted about three different incompatible plots already.  Even
if I can't think of a story myself, I'd be willing to put on an
Editorial hat for it, unless mistral would rather do that herself -
after all, it's her idea!

What about, people put themselves down for stories to write, said
commitment being something which should encourage writers to *finish*
said story, and the more likelihood of this actually *happening*?
(Yes, I do think a zine is a good idea.)

Kathryn Andersen
 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #182