The files in this directory constitute the Emacs Lisp client for the
LysKOM converencing system which is continually under development at
Lysator. These files are not part of Gnu Emacs.

lyskom-0.46.1.tar.gz	All sources and information for the latest	release. Also contains the client pre-built
			(but not compiled) with all languages
README-0.46.1		Installation instructions and miscellaneous
			information regarding release 0.46

NEWS-0.46.1		Information pertaining to the latest release.

osf-elisp-client-2.0	Frequently asked questions (in Swedish). This
			file is getting very ofold. 

quick-ref.swe		Quick reference to commands in LysKOM. This
			file is also getting very old.

old/			Old versions of the client and other files.

The tar archive and zip file contain the sources for the emacs lisp
client. In addition to the raw sources they contain a single elisp
file with the entire client (named lyskom-0.46.1.el) that can be
byte-compiled in Emacs.

Installation instructions are in the README file in the archive.
