From  Wed Apr 26 19:19:21 1995
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 18:18 BST-1
From: (Mogg Morgan)
Subject: <No Subject>

Golden Dawn Supplement

Golden Dawn Occult Society



A lecture by a member of the society

Oxford Town Hall,
Friday 28th April 1995, 8pm

Open Mind Workshops - Bristol
Four workshops on themes related to the four elements. 
Facilitated by Catherine Summers of 
Pagan Voice and hypnotherapist Mark Patrick. April 8, June 
13 and April 22. Workshops cost £35 with block discounts 
available. For details phone (0117) 
9506895 or 9446833.

42 Hours of Chaos Magick
Following the disappointing turnout at last year's UKAOS, 
this is obviously the new format. 
Speakers for this weekend residential bash are Pete Carroll,
Christopher Hyatt, Phil Hine, Dave Lee, Sue Hutchins and 
Lionel Snell. The event takes place at 
Hawkwood College in Gloucestershire from Saturday night 2nd
September and finishes on Monday at 12 am. And the cost - 
£50 plus accommodation, estimated at 
£30 per night full board if you stay at Hawkwood. If you are
interested send S.A.E. for full information to: Chaos 
Seminar, BM 8482, LONDON, WC1N 3XX.

HOBLINK - Change of Address
HOB stands for Homosexual and Bisexual. It is a newsletter 
supporting Gay/Lesbian and Bisexual 
Pagans produced at major Sabbats with contact ads. £6/$10 a
year. Concs. Address now, Box 22, 'Out In Brighton', 4 & 7 
Dorset Street, Brighton, BN2 1AW

Floralia - May 10th
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn. 7pm PROMPT
Pagan festival in honour of Goddess Flora and dedicated to 
the late Lawrence Durden-Roberton, 
co founder of the fellowship of Isis. No more info - but if
interested just turn up in a positive mood.

Wildwood IV
A day of working with animal mythology on Saturday 8th July, 
Conway Hall. Tickets £9 each. 
Speakers: Caitlin Mathews, Chesca Potter, Olivia Robertson,
Nigel Pennick, Sheila Broun, Caroline Wise, Seldy Bate. 
Debate on ethics of hunting, lead by 
gamekeeper and folklorist Paul Ratcliffe: Contacts: Caroline 
PO Box 196, LONDON, WC1A 1LY

Full Moon: 14th May
New Moon: 29th May
Beltaine: 1 st May

Here is the text of our factsheet on curses, first part 
anyway. Any comments or improvements 

The Witchcraft Act 1735 was repealed and replaced in 1951 by 
the Fraudulent Mediums Act. Under 
this act it is an offence for anyone 'with intent to deceive
(to) purport to act as a spiritualist medium or to exercise 
any powers of telepathy, 
clairvoyance or other similar power.' The author's of this 
fact-sheet wish to
make it clear that they are not acting for profit and that 
in accordance with the law state 
that in our view tendencies of a certain nature may bring 
about results of
that nature.' All mistakes and omissions excepted.

Many people, for one reason or another get the idea into 
their head that they are suffering 
>from the effects of a curse. Nine times out of ten this 
impression is a
mistake. It is actually very difficult to curse someone and 
most unpleasant phenomena can be 
explained in other ways. Many people go through periods of 
vulnerability at some point in their lives, and it is easy 
to become paranoid and feel that 
someone out there must be trying to get you. The break up of 
a love
affair, problems with work, moving to  a new locality, all 
these things can be a catalyst to 
the kinds of paranoia that are often typical of supposed 
psychic attack.
People with long term mental health problems such as 
schizophrenia and depression can also be 
known to project their internal feelings of vulnerability 
someone else.
I say these things not in order to be patronising, but in 
the hope that a large dose of common 
sense may be all that is required to bring an end to 
feelings. Contrary to what you may believe, the magician has 
no easy answer to this. Magick 
encourages people to take control of their own lives, and on 
issue, it also means trying to make you jump out of the role 
of victim and to kill your own 
snakes. If you are following your true will, which is the 
aim of all
genuine magicians, then you have the momentum of the entire 
universe on your side and there is 
no power in existence that can stand against you. Magick is 
about seeing things are they really are, and this may mean 
that you are not actually being 
cursed by the 'high witch queen of Buckinghamshire', but 
that you are
depressed about the way your life is going or that those 
around you are bored with the way 
you've been acting lately. The truth may not be as glamorous 
as the
fantasy, but it the end you are better off with it.
Having said all this, as a magician, I have to admit that in 
a small number of cases, it is 
possible to magically attack someone. Most attacks are more 
in the
manner of bad mouthing or misinformation and can be 
confronted directly. The only one hundred 
percent evidence that exists that you have been psychically
attacked is when a magician actually tells you they have 
done so. It is an important principle 
of magic that in order for any spell, positive or negative 
to work, a
magical link must be made between the doer and the 
recipient. Thus the artist Brion Gysin, 
found a talisman in Arabic calligraphy had been secreted 
into his
Moroccan restaurant. Perhaps it was this or the boycott by 
locals who thought he was ripping 
them off, that caused his business to go under soon after. 
If you
have such a magical link, i.e. an object with clear magical 
intent, has been sent to you, then 
it is a relatively simple matter to reflect its bad vibes 
back the way
they have come. Almost any practitioner of magick will know 
how to do this. The simplest thing 
is to destroy it - usually by burning. It may also be 
possible to
send it to the National Witchcraft Research Centre,
C/O PO Box 250, OXFORD, OX1 1AP, who will safely neutralise 
it and add it to their collection.
It may also be possible to discover whether or not you are 
truly cursed by consulting some kind 
of divinatory system such as I Ching or Tarot. If you have 
such concrete evidence of a magical link then it is a 
question of your word against 'theirs' 
and most magicians are initially very sceptical about such 
claims, as you
have no doubt gathered. However, why should this matter to 
you? In the final analysis it is 
only you who needs to be really convinced about this matter 
- for you
are the only one who can really counteract it! All the 
magician can do is bring you to an 
understanding of your power in this matter. Some technique 
that I
personally have found useful are as follows.

1. Reflecting back.
If you have not already done so, teach yourself how to 
visualise, perhaps with the help of a 
competent teacher. There are several books on the market 
that set
out the basic technique, and we have a fact-sheet on this 
topic available on request (in return 
for two second class stamps.)
Begin your visualisation and enter your place of power and 
security. Now bring to mind an image 
of the Mirror of Hathor. Hathor is an very ancient Egyptian
deity, often represented as a mirror between two horns. Form 
an image of this mirror and of its 
magical power to reflect back any bad vibes. The advantage 
this technique is that it doesn't require much proof that 
you are actually being cursed. It can 
only reflect back what is actually getting to you. Do this 
whenever you begin to feel paranoid and the vibes will go 
away. You can if you find it helpful, 
obtain a copy of the Hathor's mirror, either to wear as an 
or to hang on your wall as a permanent reminder that you are 
under the protection of that 

2. Binding.
Another useful technique is binding and deflecting. If you 
want to stop someone from doing 
something, without actually harming them you consecrate a 
image for that person. Put into it as much of them as you 
can, perhaps with a photograph stuck 
to the head etc. Do a little ritual and then wrap a  cord 
around the
poppet many times until it is completely smothered. As you 
do this, speak and improvise your 
desire 'that the person should be stopped in their actions 
against you
or your friends.' Alternatively and perhaps more 
effectively, is to do a visualisation in which 
you imagine that person doing something positive that takes 
their intent in hurting you. For example, if you feel 
someone at work is picking on you, 
perhaps imagine them being promoted to another job. Remember 
- your
intention in using the poppet is purely positive, it would 
be inviting trouble for you to 
attempt to harm your supposed attacker.

Remainder of factsheet next times, including: Protection 
>from Bad Dreams.
If you can't wait that long, better send me two second class 
stamps for an offprint.

\ 'Ama et fac quod vis'                        \
 \                                                       \
  \ mogg                                               \
   \ Mandrake of Oxford                           \ 
    \ new edge publisher and bookseller      \
     \ tel: 44 1865 243671
      \or snail: PO Box 250, OXFORD, OX1 1AP (UK)           
\ 'Ama et fac quod vis'                        \
 \                                                       \
  \ mogg                                               \
   \ Mandrake of Oxford                           \ 
    \ new edge publisher and bookseller      \
     \ tel: 44 1865 243671
      \or snail: PO Box 250, OXFORD, OX1 1AP (UK)                           \