From  Thu Jun 15 19:01:50 1995
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 18:01 BST-1
From: (Mogg Morgan)
Subject: gd supplement 15

<<<<<<<0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                               Y        
                       Golden Dawn Supplement 
Golden Dawn Occult Society 
Dreams and their interpretation

A lecture by Philip Bond

Oxford Town Hall, 
Friday 30th June 1995, 8pm

OGDOS - Sun Day School -5th August - Lammas
Anyone interested in a OGDOS summer event. 
A communal workshop on the sun, all aspects, 
symbolism, kabbala, poems, invocations. 
Everyone who come should try to contribute something. 
Already have offers of sun salutation yoga pose. 
If there is enough interest a venue will be announced 
in next issue newsletters and a small cover charge put. 
If all goes well, we can do workshop in afternoon and 
maybe a latish Lammas ritual in evening. RSVP
Aleister Crowley played by Oliver Reed
Ken (The Devils) Russell has written a play for Radio 3 
to be broadcast on 18th June at 7.30pm. 
It concerns a mythical meeting between Aleister Crowley and 
the composer Alexander Scriabin. Judging by Ken Russell's 
comments on Radio Four, it will be a bit shock horror black magick, 
but should be fun.
The Quest
Some members of OGDOS are participating in a film about magick 
commissioned for Channel Four and due for broadcast in October. 
If anyone fancies coming along, be at West Kennet Long Barrow on 
17th June, 9am. If you know the Hymn to Pan, might be an advantage.
42 Hours of Chaos Magick
Following the disappointing turnout at last year's UKAOS, 
this is obviously the new format. Speakers for this weekend 
residential bash are Pete Carroll, Christopher Hyatt, Phil Hine, 
Dave Lee, Sue Hutchins and Lionel Snell. The event takes place at 
Hawkwood College in Gloucestershire from Saturday night 2nd September 
and finishes on Monday at 12 am. And the cost - £50 plus accommodation, 
estimated at £30 per night full board if you stay at Hawkwood. 
If you are interested send S.A.E. for full information to: Chaos Seminar, 
BM 8482, LONDON, WC1N 3XX.
Wildwood IV
A day of working with animal mythology on Saturday 8th July, 
Conway Hall. Tickets £9 each. Speakers: Chrys Livings on bestial 
magick; Caitlin Mathews, Chesca Potter, Olivia Robertson, Nigel 
Pennick, Sheila Broun, Caroline Wise, Seldy Bate. Debate on ethics 
of hunting, lead by gamekeeper and folklorist Paul Ratcliffe: 
Contacts: Caroline Wise, PO Box 196, LONDON, WC1A 1LY
Full Moon: 13th June
New Moon: 28th June
Golden Dawn Network 
(News from other Golden Dawn style groups around the world)
Chic & Tabatha Cicero, authors of 'Self Initiation into the Golden 
Dawn Tradition' (Llewellyn) will be doing a two day workshop in 
High Wycombe on the magick of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 
weekend of 12-13th August (Venue to be announced). 
The course will cover ceremonial magick, LBR, and other rituals. 
Cost 40 pounds. Further details from: 
Nic Farrell, 263 Hithercroft Road, High Wycombe, HP13 5RD. 
Freya Aswyn - Seidh Workshops. 2/3 September
Some GD members who were lucky enough to go to Jan's 
workshop at the 1993 symposium will remember the excellent 
workshop given on Seidh or seething trance. 
Indeed Freya was at the workshop and is now organising a 
two day workshop in Covent Garden, price £35 (includes lunch). 
If interested you need to send an 
s.a.e. for application form to BM Aswynn, London WC1N 3XX 
or email: before Lammas (1 August).
Thelemic Magick XC (1994) 
- Proceedings of the ninth International Symposium Of Thelemic Magick.
These are at last available as a printed book, price £7.99. 
It contains the text of most of talks at last years symposium, 
including Shanti's excellent piece on the HGA, 
Snoo Wilson's Channel Four broadcast on Crowley, 
articles on LAM, AOS, Enochia and Babalon. 
The first print run of 100 is gone already but more stocks will 
be in next week. Available post free from editorial address. 
OGDOS's Shantidevi will give a reprise of her Symposium Talk at 
talking stick , Rathbone place, off Oxford Street London, 
on Wednesday 28th June, 8pm.
Mother Shipton's (1488-1561) Prophecies 
(Submitted by AM Lawrence; quoted from Nexus, Mar '95)
Comment: Mother Shipton's prophecies are here shown both 
as a point of information and interest.  
Though fewer than Nostradamus' prophecies in number, 
I think she has had a higher hit rate - most of them have occurred already, 
but those remaining, most of which are for the future, 
seem quite apocalyptic. 
They are also much clearer than Nostradamus: 
she did not seem as worried in getting caught, 
thinking she would be burnt at the stake, 
as evidenced by one of the stanzas.  
This is one of the obviously incorrect prophecies, 
because she died of natural causes.
The following are some of the stanzas 
which seem to have been unfulfilled, 
or seem to have application to the present 
or the relatively near future.  
As you can see, even extraterrestials are mentioned!

There'll be a sign for all to see
Be sure that it will certain be.
Then love shall die and marriage cease
And nations wane as babes decrease.

And wives shall fondle cats and dogs
And men live much the same as hogs.

When pictures seem alive with movements free
When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea
When men like birds shall scour the sky
Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.

For those who live the century through
In fear and trembling this shall do.
Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forest and wild fens.

For storms will rage and oceans roar 
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds die and new be born.

A fiery Dragon will cross the sky
Six times before this Earth shall die
Mankind will tremble and frightened be
For the sixth heralds this prophecy.

For seven days and seven nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores, and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

And flooding waters, rushing in
Will flood the lands with such a din
That mankind cowers in muddy fen
And snarls about his fellow men.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills
And secrets food in secret hills
And ugly in his fear, he lies
To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

Man flees in terror from the floods
And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
And spilling blood by mankind's hands
Will stain and bitter many lands.

And when the Dragon's tail is gone
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
To apply himself-too late, too late
For mankind has earned deserved fate.

His masked smile, his false gradeur
Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
And they will send the Dragon back
To light the sky-his tail will crack
Upon the Earth and rend the Earth
And man shall flee, King, Lord and serf.

But slowly they are routed out
To seek diminishing water spout
And men will die of thirst before
The oceams rise to mount the shore.
And lands will crack and rend anew
You think it strange. It will come true.

And in some far-off distant land
Some men-oh such a tiny band
Will have to leave their solid mount
And span the Earth, those few to count

Who survives this [unreadable] and then
Begin the human race again.
But not on land already there
But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare.

Not every soul on Earth will die
As the Dragon's tail goes sweeping by.
Not every land on Earth will sink
But these will wallow in stench and stink
Of rotting bodies of beast and man
Of vegetation crisped on land.

But the land that rises from the sea
Will be dry and clean and soft and free
Of mankind's dirt and therefore be
The source of man's new destiny.
And those that live will ever fear
The Dragon's tail for many year
But time erases memory
You think it strange.  But it will be.

And before the race is built anew
A silver serpent comes to view
And spew out men of like unknown
To mingle with the Earth now grown
Cold from its heat, and these men can
Enlighten the minds of future man
To intermingle and show them how
To live and love and thus endow
The children with the second sight.
A natural thing so that they might
Grow graceful, humble and when they do
The Golden Age will start anew.

The Dragon's tail is but a sign
For mankind's fall and man's decline.
And before this prophecy is done
I shall be burned at the stake, at one
My body singed and my soul set free
You think I utter blasphemy
You're wrong.  These things have come to me
This prophecy will come to be.

The following were found on a scroll in a separate jar, written at about the same time as the 
verses above.

Yet greater sign there be to see; As man nears latter century.

Three sleeping mountains gather breath; And spew out mud, and ice and death.
And earthquakes swallow town and town; In lands as yet to me unknown.

And Christian one fights Christian two; And nations sigh, yet nothing do
And yellow men great power gain; From mighty bear with whom they've lain.

These mighty tyrants will fail to do; They fail to split the world in two.
But from their acts a danger bred; An ague, leaving many dead.

And physics find no remedy; For this is worse than leprosy.
Oh many signs for all to see: The truth of this true prophecy.

GD Supplement published by OGDOS, PO Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP. Associate membership which 
includes subscription to GD Supplement £5 or equivalent pa. Photocopy and distribute to your 
friends free of charge.

Contributions welcome.
As you might have guessed we  are now on Internet, and can be contacted on Mandox even nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores, and then

\ 'Ama et fac quod vis'                        \
 \                                                       \
  \ mogg                                               \
   \ Mandrake of Oxford                           \ 
    \ new edge publisher and bookseller      \
     \ tel: 44 1865 243671
      \or snail: PO Box 250, OXFORD, OX1 1AP (UK)
email me for a current catalogue      \