From  Tue May 16 22:43:16 1995
Date: Tue, 16 May 95 21:39 BST-1
From: (Mogg Morgan)
Subject: <No Subject>


Golden Dawn Supplement 

Golden Dawn Occult Society 


The fourth way teachings of J G Bennett and G I Guirdjieff

a lecture by Friar Stephen Ashe

'Prepare to be electrified, challenged, entertained and ostrobogulatted'

A lecture Friar Stephen Ashe

Oxford Town Hall, 
Friday 26th May 1995, 8pm
42 Hours of Chaos Magick
Following the disappointing turnout at last year's UKAOS, 
this is obviously the new format. Speakers for this weekend 
residential bash are Pete Carroll, Christopher Hyatt, Phil 
Hine, Dave Lee, Sue Hutchins and Lionel Snell. The event 
takes place at Hawkwood College in Gloucestershire from 
Saturday night 2nd September and finishes on Monday at 12 
am. And the cost - £50 plus accommodation, estimated at £30 
per night full board if you stay at Hawkwood. If you are 
interested send S.A.E. for full information to: Chaos 
Seminar, BM 8482, LONDON, WC1N 3XX.

Wildwood IV
A day of working with animal mythology on Saturday 8th July, 
Conway Hall. Tickets £9 each. Speakers: Caitlin Mathews, 
Chesca Potter, Olivia Robertson, Nigel Pennick, Sheila 
Broun, Caroline Wise, Seldy Bate. Debate on ethics of 
hunting, lead by gamekeeper and folklorist Paul Ratcliffe: 
Contacts: Caroline Wise, PO Box 196, LONDON, WC1A 1LY

Stands for Information Network Focus On New Religious 
Movements. Avowardly objective centre for information on 
cults etc, which probably includes us. Untertook research 
for the La Fontane report on alleged Satanic Child Abuse, 
which exonerated the pagan community and pointed finger at 
Fundamentalist Christians. Even so its board of governors is 
dominated by prominent Christians, which is bound to be an 
obstacle to a truly objective approach. Has links with 
Professor Eileen Barker, who has written a book on New 
Religious Movements and whose earlier work 'The making of a 
Moonie' has an interesting take on the whole question. Phone 
number (0171 242 0392.)

Vicars face child abuse questions 
(Guardian 13th May 1995)
'Clerics are being ask to disclose any offences they may 
have against them which is related to children. The move 
will help ease public concern following a number of reported 
incidents in recent years by clerics of various 
denominations' [or cults?]

Women and the Golden Dawn - Rebels and Priestesses
by Mary Greer (Park Street Press) £25
We received a complimentary copy of this book from the 
author, along with a thank you note to all members of the 
society. Some may remember that she spoke at the Thelemic 
Symposium some years back, during the research phase of the 
book. Shame this didn't get us a mention in the contact 
list, although SOL and the Pagan Federation, the later not 
noted for its GD interests, did. However, it does look a 
very interesting book, and I will try to give a fuller 
review next time.
Incidentally, the next Thelemic Symposium in on 21 October. 
Programme details should be available in July/August. If you 
want to know how it went last time, the Proceedings Volume 
has just been published by Golden Dawn Publications under 
the title 'Thelemic Magick XC' at £7.99. The first print run 
of 100 has just about sold out already, but should have more 
stocks in soon. Royalties from sales will go to the society.

Capal Bann New Book on Egyptian Magick
Just out, Passing Through the Veil by Peter Paddon (Zero 
Degree Correspondence Course for Sacred Hermetic Order of 
Asar Ra) Has anyone heard of this order, if so would welcome 
some feedback. Book costs £10.
By same author The Book of the Veil exploration of Egyptian 
Mysteries from Fellowship of Isis perspective. If someone 
really wants to review these let me know

Falls on 21st June , Wednesday. If anyone wants to meet up 
at Avebury for simple ritual etc (Judges allowing) please 
let me know or meet at the Red Lion early evening. Last year 
it was fun, and dry until about five minutes before sunrise, 
then it emptied down.
New Moon: 29th May
Full Moon: 13th June
Solstice: 21 st June

Curses Fact Sheet (Continued from issue 13)
Protection from Bad Dreams. 
If you feel particularly afflicted in dreams then there is a 
traditional talisman from the Grimoire of Pope Honorius 
which I have found useful. Simple take piece of new paper 
and cut out a circle and inscribe it as follows: 

In the outer ring inscribe the following words and symbol:
+ In Hoc Vince Adonay
Write your own name in the cente, perhaps in code.
Fold twice.
To charge the talisman say (as best you can) the following 
Latin Conjuration Universelle:
Ego N[ame] conjuro te N per Deum vivum, per Deum verum, per 
Deum sanctum et regnantem, qui ex nihilo coelum et terram et 
mare, et omnia quae in eis sunt, creavit in virtuti 
sanctissimi sacramenti Eucharistae et nomine Jesu Christi et 
potentia ejusdem filii Dei omnipotentis, qui pro redemptione 
nostra crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus fuit, et tertia die 
resurrexit, nuncque sedens ad dexteram plasmatoris totius 
orbis, inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos: et te 
maledicte idcirco per judicem tuum tentare ausus appareas 
mihi juxta circulum pulchra et honesta animae et corporis 
forma, et adimpleas mandata mea sine fallacia aliqu.
Nec restrictione mentali per nomina maxima Dei deorum Domini 
dominantium Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Jehova, Tetragrammaton, 
Adonay, Jehova, Otheos, Athanatos, Ischyros, Agla, 
Pentagrammaton, Saday, Saday, Saday, Jehova, Otheos, 
Athanatos, a Liciat, Tetragrammaton,  Adonay, Ischyros, 
Athanatos, Saday, Saday, Saday, Cados, Cados, Cados, Eloy, 
Agla, Agla, Agla, Adonay, Adonay, Adonay.
Constringo te pessime et maledicte serpens N ut sine mora et 
legione et gravamine in hoc loco libita sigma ante circulum 
meum sine murmure appareas, sine difformitate nec 
murmuratione iterum.
Exorciso te per nomina Dei ineffabilia Gogmagogque a me 
pronuntiare non debeunt et ternoce mea a lapsa venias adsis 
N venias adsis N venias adsis N.
If you want to purify the paper before charging it the 
traditional formula of purification is:
Asperges me, Adonay, hyssopo, et mundabor; lavibis me, et 
super nivem dealbabor1
That of consecration is:
Accendat in Nobis Adonay ignem sui amoris et flammam 
aeternae caritatis.2
A more modern version might be:
Be pure, for pure will, unasuaged of purpose, and delivered 
>from lust of result is in everyway perfect.
You are uplifted in my heart, may the kisses of the stars 
rain hard upon your body.3
When you have finished making the talisman, sleep with the 
talisman under your pillow until the problem goes away. If 
you lose the talisman, that is good. It means it has entered 
the unconscious world and will act as a semi - permanent 
protector (Paper lasts one month, wood one year, metal last 
10 years, gold or silver a life time.)

Further Reading.
Dion Fortune, Psychic Self Defence. Written in the 1930s but 
still a useful survey of problems in this area and as an 
account of the author’s own struggle against demons, 
internal and external.
Jan Fries, Visual Magick. Has basic information on simple 
visualisation and talismanic magick techniques.

Remember, it is highly unlikely that you are actually being 
cursed. But even if someone was skilled enough to curse you, 
then remedy is cheap and easy and in the final analysis can 
only be done by you. Remember, 'Do what thou wilt shall be 
the whole of the Law’ is the greatest remover of curses ever 

1. ‘Thou shalt sprinkle me, Adonay, with hyssop and I shall 
be clean’ from A Crowley, Magick, Chapter 14 ‘Of the 
Conjurations, with an account of the nature and nurture of 
the magical link.’Originally from Psalms 51:7. The Psalms 
have always been .a fruitful source of magick. Modern 
historians have shown how the Psalms are much older even 
than their Biblical recension and many go back to the magick 
of ancient Egypt.
2. ‘Let Adonay kindle in us the Fire of his passion and the 
flame of eternal love’.
3. Liber Al vel Legis
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