Founded in service to the A.'. A.'., the COLLEGE OF THELEMA seeks
to guide the student to an understanding of the Law of Thelema.  Most
especially, this means a deeper understanding of oneself and of one's
True Will.
    For over twenty years, the COLLEGE OF THELEMA (a California
Nonprofit Religious Corporation) has published In the Continuum, a
journal featuring important (and rare) writings by Aleister Crowley,
as well as other material. All back and current issues are available.
    A personal teacher is assigned to each student. Successful
completion of Course I is one way to fulfill the A.'. A.'. Student
requirement. A combination of instruction techniques is employed,
including seminars, written texts, and individual work.
    The COLLEGE OF THELEMA is suitable for serious students who
wish to study Thelema and apply themselves actively to the Great
Work. Two years of prior college are required; equivalencies will
be evaluated. Although the College is based in Oroville, CA,
instruction is also available in Los Angeles and other areas in the
United States, Canada, and Europe.

                      THE TEMPLE OF THELEMA

    The TEMPLE OF THELEMA is a true Outer Order of the Greater
Mysteries, providing ceremonial initiation; coordinated and
structured training; and regular group work, all in conformity with
the principles of The Book of the Law.
    It is founded upon the principles of the College of Thelema. It
incorporates the entire C.O.T. curriculum within its degree work, in
addition to much other practical instruction.
    Membership is only by invitation. Interested persons are invited
to request an interview. The TEMPLE OF THELEMA is selective in
seeking only those who truly desire to grow in love, power, and
wisdom, and to serve humanity in conformity with The Book of the Law.
    A large investment of time, effort, and commitment is expected
and required from each member. Each is expected to put the Great
Work foremost in his or her life; to dare, with courage undaunted,
to perfect that Work; and ever to apply best effort to effect
Harmony within the Order, and within the world in general.
    Special provisions exist for those who are committed to
continued participation in our Work, but who are prevented by
distance from regular attendance.
    Applications for membership or further information should be
addressed to the Cancellarius of any working Temple or Pronaos.

                       COLLEGE OF THELEMA
                        TEMPLE OF THELEMA
                    222 North Manhattan Place
                      Los Angeles, CA 90004