From: (MadMage)
Subject: Re: Candle Magick (Recipe)
Date: 24 Jun 1994 04:30:30 GMT

Disclaimer: I am borrowing a friend's account--if you must respond via
email, please use my handle (MadMage) in the subject line.


Have I got news for you!  You *could* use candle magick to cure your
lungs and eyes, but I have a better method (I am living proof it

I read a book called "Psychic Energy [subtext forgotten]", and
although the author was a bit of a kook, he had one really good recipe
for true clairvoyance -- that is, the ability to "see" the astral
plane.  This was waaaaay before I heard of the Watchtower and
(especially useful) Middle Pillar rituals.  Anyway,the way it works is
to do the following:

Relax in a comfortably seated position (pre-meditation exercises are
usually good for this).  To start, close your eyes and using the index
finger of each hand, GENTLY, LIGHTLY touch them to your corneas (your
eyes better still be closed!). Press too hard, and not only will your
vision be blurry, you may hurt yourself! You should feel them as the
"bulge" just under your eyelids.  Now, resting your fingers lightly in
this position, do the following breathing visualizations: First,
inhale deeply (to the count of about four seconds or hearbeats), and
as you do this (it should not be slow, but an even inhale) visualize a
brilliant shining cloud forming about 2-3 feet over your head, about
2-3 feet across.  Once you have completely inhaled, hold your breath
for about 8 counts as you envision the cloud lightly descending on
your head and shoulders, completely covering them.  Then to the count
of 10, exhale slowly and fully as you envision the light of the cloud
("energy") flowing down your shoulders and through your arms and
fingers to your eyes.  Repeat this for at least 3-7 times.

I was told that I would need glasses at age 12 when I started this,
and I still remember not seeing too well.  To date I have very good
vision, especially at night.  As a side note, I wasn't able to see any
"psychic phenomena" by using *this* method, but I'd like to pass it
along to see if it would work withanyone else.  It's curious to note
that the author cited improved vision as a "side effect".  With few
modifications, this method could be used to work on lungs, too.  Give
me a buzz if the eyes part works for you, and if you can't come up
with a tweak for your lungs.

With regards to so many people I hear about with lung problems, I
don't seem to have any...then again, I don't regularly burn that much
incense, anyway...
