These directories contains the demo or evaluation version of the Design Center Pspice release 5.3 for DOS/Windows. As this is a DEMO it is limited to 10 transistors or 64 nodes. This is in the regular DOS way a binary-only distribution. It is organized as three floppies of at least 1.2M. To install follow the standard MS-Windows setup.exe routine. For me it installed without problems from floppies. If you do it differently you are on your own. You have to judge by yourself if this is a good program or not. I have only put this here because local people have asked me to, so don't flame me if you think the program stinks. Do send a mail if there are some problem related to the ftp files. Corrupt files etc.. Enjoy or whatever.. Björn <> --- For those of you who wants to know; spice is a circuit simulation program originally developed at Berkeley. Some, perhaps old, version is available somewhere on the net.