smuxi-engine-irc-1.0.7-51.827e>UASudt?^2eo1b{@]X1{nAQdE.vAۻZ.>>=?-d  C &BW]d|     .Lh   (a8h 9 :z FG,HDI\XdYp\]^#bvc'defluvw(x@yX zCsmuxi-engine-irc1.0.751.827Smart MUltipleXed Irc - IRC EngineSmuxi is an irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for advanced users, targeting the GNOME desktop.^2reproducibleT'GNOME:Apps / openSUSE_Factoryobs://큤^2^2^2^2^2N˽de8e74c9dc6dbccfb35b5d0b5e70409bab08f9c31e241bdbd70a58977747237e0ce7ff9c661979a297b9c77a5ef6b1b280081398974cd33072246a3fc11cb41ee5af9a9824f013c8321136d6e9bb0f4922a96232ae292dbb045a14a642021df883995ccfc412b39c4810938ea0cafad62bba1a46df3384c13ea607531eb6f3482ab06d2335f9781f1a485c78a557e6c61b6c24e118caad4d4210c46426bbce95rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsmuxi-1.0.7-51.827.src.rpmmono(Meebey.SmartIrc4net)mono(smuxi-engine-irc)smuxi-engine-irc@@@@@@@@    mono(Meebey.SmartIrc4net)mono(StarkSoftProxy)mono(System)mono(System.Core)mono(log4net)mono(mscorlib)mono(smuxi-common)mono(smuxi-engine)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)smuxi-engine0.^2@YFk@X*WbVHVVHsUnU_@U@Dominique Leuenberger No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 1.0.7: + Builds and runs correctly on Mono 5.x. + No longer crash with a SEGV or NullReferenceException when re-joining channels when running on GTK# 2.12.40.- Update to version 1.0.6: + Engine-Twitter, lib/Twitterizer: show text of quoted tweets. + lib/SmartIrc4net: fix sending client certificates (CertFP). + Frontend-GNOME: - Remove unused Glade based ServerDialog. - Upgrade to Glade 3.8. - Suppoert CertPF. - Force new instance on start to aid debugging. + Updated translations.- Update to version 1.0.5: + Bug fixes for build: Engine, Engine-IRC, Engine-XMPP, Frontend-GNOME and Win32-Installer.- Update to version 1.0.3: + The most notable bugfix is that Smuxi compiles now on Mono 4.x and does not crash directly at startup.- Update to version 1.0.1: + No changelog provided / release announcement found. - Drop smuxi-gnome-frontend-mono4-crash.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add smuxi-gnome-frontend-mono4-crash.patch Fix crash with Mono >= 4 (boo#955080). - Add runtime dependencies mono-data-sqlite (boo#955082) for smuxi-engine and mono-locale-extras (boo#955084) for smuxi-frontend-gnome.- Update to version 1.0: + User Interface Enhancements: - Synced message markers: the position of of the seen/unseen messages marker is pushed to the smuxi-server and remembered when the frontend reconnects. - Persistent message markers: the message marker position is also remembered across Smuxi(-server) restarts. - Message Counter: in addition to the highlight counter next to a chat new/unseen messages are also counted. This makes it easy to identify chats with much traffic. - Single application instance support. If you start Smuxi again from the menu it will bring the existing instance into the foreground. This makes the Ubuntu Messaging Menu much nicer. - The command/message entry is alignment with the messages. + Text Frontend Enhancements: - The console background color can now be configured using: /config set STFL/Interface/TerminalBackgroundColor = #000000. - The text color contrast if nicks with the background is now ensured. - Messages containing images will not be skipped but their alternative text is shown instead. + New smuxi-message-buffer tool. + Various Scripting Enhancements. - Drop smuxi-toolsversion-4.0.patch: fixed upstream. - Add pkgconfig(stfl) BuildRequires: new dependency. - Split out new smuxi-frontend-stfl and smuxi-message-buffer subpackages.- Add smuxi-toolsversion-4.0.patch: Set ToolsVersion to 4.0. Fixes build with mono 4.0.- Update to version 0.11.1: + Bug fix release.reproducible 15803829350. -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=return-type -flto=auto -gobs:// executable for MS Windows 4.00 (DLL), Intel i386, Mono/.Net assembly, 3 sectionsdirectoryASCII textPRRRRPRRRRRRR5TPfyVZutf-8eaa9d2cc062801da126b26a33ba232afc28042b100ee6d3154758e3fc29d8a1f45781bb6ebd1fc722aa2eec3e1a1b02728f8443ab8be92ce62fee0df335ba7b2? (/h6"46"'g:w`y†4[N5{dC++-U[G$\!;uut"?? ?٬~0R rOaK?XVmҘ] ]Re-R_٦qLz٠,'hOǬW}wwZim6e^i2 3}!'akWa?uCY#!%cHaѻɯ]:"I8 ; JuD/JV K!> ikŖYZSm;0UPȠXx}<͙v˺8^zkyYyyk۾q{nW>[Vx{u9NHŖ4#qX6Tr$v}@M+܃螂 ޡ[ZۗOX TeOSnWA䫁Ѩs()?v  hF;s>9`@ CT5!qC.?hax2y0Ipf