profanity-standard-0.9.5-bp152.2.6.1<>,{(` #!M@eee?'$v1o% RSUYWBFOHc˵< h#S3`AUq3@Jo\]g<`1{/P%~\VwBvu6v=DaG rV "،JtۣL m~D‚^'l*zJp3*tyB"Ý6熅4=>BP8?P(d ' A-6[ tD     ,8GV|)p))( 8 9 : />L?LFLGL4HL@ILLXLPYL\\L]L^LbLcMdN3eN8fN;lN=uNPvN\wO0xO<yOH zOOOOP$Cprofanity-standard0.9.5bp152.2.6.1Console-based XMPP clientProfanity is a-console based XMPP client written in C using ncurses, and inspired by Irssi. This package holds the standard version. Including: * Desktop notifications (OSD) * Tray icon` #obs-arm-9ɨSUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSESUSE-GPL-3.0+-with-openssl-exceptionhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/Instant Messengerhttps://profanity-im.github.iolinuxaarch64/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \ /usr/bin/profanity profanity /usr/bin/profanity-standard 20 /sbin/ldconfigif [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove profanity /usr/bin/profanity-standard fi ɨ` "` "` 5d26d4edde46caf451f28b0e4df8389bdbb6979c4ba89b1a9f8611c288f3ec5dprofanityprofanity@@rootrootrootrootrootrootprofanity-0.9.5-bp152.2.6.1.src.rpmprofanity-binaryprofanity-standardprofanity-standard(aarch-64) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    /bin/sh/bin/`x@^z^@@^^^^y^(@^=Q@^8 @]@]A]A\j@\HW@ZZYg`XYX@X@WWv@WWWW_V @U@UMichael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter Michael Vetter mvetter@suse.commvetter@suse.commvetter@suse.commvetter@sus boo#1180739: Fix typo in themes: * Add profanity-0.9.5-theme-typo.patch- Update to 0.9.5: * Fix segfault in /theme properties due to uninitialized titlebar.scrollable (#1380)- Update to 0.9.4: * Fix NULL terminated list (#1367) * Add missing string.h (#1372) * Fix gcc warnings for cygwin (#1373)- Update to 0.9.3: * Fix expansion in eval_password (#1364)- Update to 0.9.2: * Dont manipulate pointer from getenv (#1357) * Fix reading/writing linked files (#1362) * Use gnu99 C standard (#1357)- Update to 0.9.1: * Make legacy auth optional (#1360) (@pasis)- Update to 0.9.0: * Support for XEP-0308: Last Message Correction (#805) See `/correction` and `/correct`. * Code cleanup of UI and Message functions * Always send delivery receipts if they are enabled (#1268) * By default don't allow sending unencrypted files in an encrypted chat session (#1270) (@moppman and @jubalh) See `/omemo|otr|pgp sendfile`. * Add CI for OpenBSD via (@wstrm) * OMEMO: switch to 12 byte IV for sending (#1272) * Allow UTF-8 symbols as OMEMO/OTR/PGP indicator char (#1264) * Make color of the trackbar configurable Use `main.trackbar` in themes. * Allow setting custom log file `profanity -f TEST` will log to `~/.local/share/profanity/logs/TEST.log`. * Send proper OS names for OpenBSD and NetBSD if `/os` is enabled * Fix plenty memory leaks (@pasis and @jubalh) * XEP-0084: Add option to open avatars directly (#1281) `/avatar` became `/avatar get` New is: `/executable avatar feh` `/avatar open` xdg-open is used by default. So it will take your default application. * Enable popular features by default. For a nicer out of the box experience we enable: - allow message correction - sending receipts - enabling carbons - type/chat states * Add slashguard feature to prevent sending commands with typos Should protect against `q/uit` or ` /quit`. See `/slashguard`. * Optionally display both MUC name and MUC JID in titlebar (#1284) `/titlebar use name|jid` -> `/titlebar show|hide name|jid`. * Add option to define a theme at startup (#1286) `/profanity -t bios` * Add setting to not colorize own nick if XEP-0392 is enabled (#1288) `/color own on|off`. * Add new theme: jubalian * Fix docker related CI tests (#1294) * Fix OMEMO autocompletion (75a43f, df23c3) * Modify our README * Store logs in SQLite backend (#1282) * Request OMEMO device list only for non anon MUCs (#1315) (@DebXWoody) * Don't display MUC history in one uniform colour, instead colour messages like regular ones (#1261) * Fix autocompletion for `/software` in regular chat windows (#1337) * XEP-0092: Make it possible to ask servers for their version (#1338) * Add possibility to easily open URLs (#1340, #1348) `/executable urlopen firefox` `/urlopen ` * Display hint when window is scrolled (#1289) Theme via `titlebar.scrolled` * Add option to hide windows with no new messages in statusbar (#1285) `/statusbar show|hide read` * Support bookmark names (#697) * Preserve Gajims minimize flag in bookmarks (#1326) * Don't show resource in titlebar in narrow windows if it is too long (#715) * Improve autoping (#1333, #1315) (@DebXWoody) * Fix titlebar status display when using PGP (#1327) (@DebXWoody) * OMEMO: Only request "current" item (#1329) (@DebXWoody) * Add feature to ignore the autojoin flag for bookmarks (#1115) Helps users who want to autojoin MUCs with most clients but not with all. `/bookmark ignore` * Fix edge case where contacts get displayed as offline when they are online (3d7a31) * Add option for legacy authentication (#1236) (@pasis) `/connect [auth default|legacy]` `/account set auth default|legacy` * All issues: Add -fcommon to fix build with gcc10 (boo#1160244)- Update to 0.8.1: * Fix ending ncurses colors in rosterwin * Fix segfault when consistent nick colors where never in config (#1236) * Improve /clear behaviour to also clear the buffer. So a redraw doesn't bring * the content back. * Use unique IDs in stanzas when requesting avatars- Update to 0.8.0: * OMEMO fingerprint autocompletion now considers only the contact in question (@paulfariello) (#1068) * Save and display oldest timestamp from delay tags (#1254) * Change theme handling (#1077) * /theme load themename not loads only the colours of a theme. So the users preferences don't get overwritten * /theme full-load themename loads the whole theme including preferences (like omemo.char) * Add gruvbox theme (@Misaflo) (#1259) * XEP-0092: Include OS name in /software answer. * See /os on|off * Add option to notify about version request via XEP-0092 and XEP-0232 via adv.notify.discoversion * setting in configuration file. * Add option to display MUC name or JID in titlebar: /titlebar use [name|jid]. * Add /roster room use command to decide whether to display the MUC name or JID in the roster: /roster room use name to use the name of the MUC in the roster list. /roster room use jid to use the jid of the MUC in the roster list. * Fix decryption failure for messages sent from Converse.js (@paulfariello) (#1253) * Fix crash when OMEMO key is misconfigured (@paulfariello) (#1239) * Use OMEMO for offline MUC members (@paulfariello) (#1242) * Fix OMEMO 1on1 chats with psi+ (@svensp) (#1247) * Save occupants and roster chars (#1244) * Add support for downloading user avatars via XEP-0084 (#1240) * See /avatar * Add last read position marker trackbar (#1238) * Dont print error message if a valid setting function is called (#1237) * When printing configuration we often use the same command as setting but without any argument. * So far ths displayed "Invalid usage". * Add support for XEP-0392 consistent color generation for nicks (@aaptel and @jubalh) (#1191) * See /color, /occupants color, /roster color * Call ncurses resize function before move function (#1235) * Fix error when joining IRC via biboumi (#1230) * Fix stanza_get_child_by_name_and_from() strcmp (#1227) * Fix showing own messages twice in ejabberd mucs (#1223) * Allow setting of status message (which actually never worked before) (b846c49) * /status set online "This is my text" * /status set away bye * /status set away * Add option to store current line in history (irssi down arrow) (#200) * Standardize commands (#1116): /tls show on|of -> /titlebar show|hide tls` /encwarn on|off -> /titlebar show|hide encwarn /titlebar show|hide resource additionally to /resource titlebar on /titlebar show|hide presence additionally to /presence titlebar on /invite -> `/invite send /invites -> /invite list /decline -> /invite decline /online, /away, /dnd, /chat, /xa -> /status set online etc. /status -> /status get /chlog on -> /logging chat on (#1224) /grlog on -> /logging group on (#1224) /group -> /roster group (#1229) * Check omemo stanza names when iterating nodes (@aszlig) (#1217) * Add clipboard feature. See /paste (#1216) * Log MUC PM messages (#1214) * Improve forest theme * Change default text colors to default instead of white (@mdosch) (#1213) (#535) * Fix date display in chat history (#992) * Log incoming MUC messages if origin-id sais they dont come from us (#1201) * Support XEP-0359: Unique and Stable Stanza IDs (#1207) * To help us identify which MUC messages were sent by us. * Fix double _XOPEN_SOURCE definition (@pasis) (#1206) * Highlight unread messages with a different color in /wins (#895) * New theming option cmd.wins.unread * Improve MUC 1:1 logging (#1184) * Fix user messages double logged in MUC logs (#1201) * Fix 26 causes for memory leaks * Add /clear autocompletion and improve help (#855) * Allow multiple instances to write to account config via /reload * command that reloads the config file (#627) * Log message carbons to log file (#1181) * Include PYTHON_EXTRA_LIBS in libtool config (@mzagozen) (#1200) * Document how to block users in MUCS (#618) * Keyboard switch to select the next window with unread messages (#1114) (alt + a) * Keyboard switches (for moving to 20 windows instead of 10 (#1114) (alt + 1234567890qwertyuio) * Fix MUC history detection with older Prosody versions (#1190) See * statusbar.current is a new theming option for currently selected tab (@quite) (#1195) * Code cleanup * Make /info more user friendly (#1194) * Add solarized theme (#1175, #1198, #1199) (@mdosch) * Set nonblocking mode for stderr (@pasis) (#1192) * Log alleged roster push (6cf06dc) * Allow colorization of history messages (#1170) * See main.text.history theming option * Fix crash if source jid doesn't contain the node part (@pasis) (#1153) * Add support for 256 colors (@aaptel and @jubalh) (#1177 and many commits) * We use the Xterm color names. See * Don't render (all) delayed messages as MUC history (@weiss) (#1173) * Add possibility to specify alternative config file (10ca3e) * Use profanity -c ~/path/to/other/config * Don't print subscribed message if contact is already in roster (#1166) * Only save preferences when new /save command is issued (#1146)- Update to 0.7.1: * Fix copyright/info displayed email * Fix typos in OMEMO logs * Fix crash when jid has no not part (#1153, #1193)- Build both mini and standard with OMEMO enabled- Update to 0.7.0: * Fix plugin unload return code if just one plugin fails (#995) * Fix several typos * Fix some display indentation issues (#1073) * Fail plugin unload if the plugin doesnt exist * Improve encrypted message stub header by mentioning the encryption method * Fix GPG encryption (#997) * Redraw sceen after entry of PGP key (#906) * Fix support for case-sensitive account names (#725) * Fix /me display when highlighting user in MUCs (#950) * Fix `make dist` (0f0659a) * Fix use after free bug (#1044) * Fix segfault on connect with default account (#1046) * Implement OMEMO support (#1039, #658, #1070) * Add random string at the end of the default resource (#1053) * Fix handling of messages without ID in MUC (#1061) * Add library versioning to libprofanity (#973) * Add more customization: occupants indent (/occupants) (#690, #1072) * Add more customization: occupants header char (/occupants) (#690, #1074) * Add more customization: occupants wrap (/occupants) (#690, 125ca2f) * Add more customization: occupants char (/occupants) (#690, #1084) * Fix formatting for privileges on (a666f0d) * Fix usage of statusbar number in theme (#1078) * Fix Debian 32bit tests (#1091) * Fix unit tests (#1092) * Fix infinite loop on connection loss (#1103) * Don't clear saved account data in session_disconnect (#1106) * Cancel autoping timer on disconnect or connection loss (#1105) * Fix SIGABRT on connection loss (#1083) * Only print room history for new messages upon reconnect (#704, #1110) * Check if valid account before setting autoconnect (#1112) * Improve plugin load error message, in case built without support (cc697de) * Iterate up to 100 logfiles (#519) * Fix rejoining of MUCs upon reconnect (#1120) * Add option to set all window related time formats (#632, #1120) * Always check for directory changes with sendfile auto completion (#1154) * Fix several memory leaks (#1130, + plenty commits) * For details see Update to 0.6.0: * No changes since RC1- Update to 0.6.0 RC1: * Allow moving vertical window positions (/titlebar, /mainwin, /statusbar, /inputwin) * Allow loading/unloading all plugins (/plugins) * Allow installing plugins from directory (/plugins) * Allow uninstallation of plugins (/plugins uninstall) * Allow update of plugins (/plugins update) * Theme option for status bar time (statusbar.time) * Case/accent insensitive autocompletion * Shift tab to select previous autocomplete suggestion * Allow searching help (/help search_all|search_any) * Support for Legacy SSL * Allow caching of rooms (/rooms cache) * Add autocompletion for servername when listing rooms (/rooms service) * Allow showing/disabling tab number in statusbar (/statusbar show) * Adjust configure for OpenBSD * Use UUIDs instead of counter for messages * Support basic ad-hoc commands(xep-0050) (/command) * Add option to trust server's certificate (/connect, /account) * Add possibility to close windows via prof_win_close inputrc hook * Bug fixes: Enable C and Python plugin API- Compile profanity-mini with --disable-icons: Since we first do the standard build we need to disable the icons in the later build to really get rid of the GTK dependency- Remove unused gnutls/openssl from buildrequires- Update to 0.5.1: * Add prof.get_room_nick plugins api function * Add theme option * Look for system TLS certificate path by default (/tls certpath) * Use service discovery to set account muc property * Allow clearing account muc and resource properties * Allow plugins to complete file paths with prof.filepath_completer_add function * Add encryption settings functions to plugins api * Allow plugins to block message sending on pre message send hooks * Bug fixes: Orthographic fixes. - Remove useless BuildRequire on shlib package.- Switch to libmesode insted of libstrophe * This allows better SSL cert validation- Fixing gh/boothj5/profanity/#860: profanity uses parts of the new API of libstrophe. But since the so name wasn't bumped this doesn't get autodetected. Adding the requires manually: Requires: libstrophe0 >= 0.9.0- Add better information to description - Enable tray icon in profanity-standard- Run spec-cleaner and use macros so it builds on all archs- Add profanity-rpmlintrc- Update to version 0.5.0: * Plugins API supporting C and Python plugins * SSL certificate verification (requires libmesode) (/tls) * HTTP file upload (xep-0363) (/sendfile) * Blocking command (xep-0191) (/blocked) * Allow auto extended away (/autoaway) * Include last acitvity in initial presence (xep-0256) (/lastactivity) * Last Activity (xep-0012) (/lastactivity) * Ability to run command scripts (/script) * Account startscript property to execute a command script on connect (/account) * Export roster to CSV file (/export) * Support for GTK tray icons (/tray) * User specified text triggers for chat room notifications (/notify) * Per chat room notification options (/notify) * Many new roster panel display options (/roster) * Time format preferences per window type (/time) * Edit, prepend and append to room subject (/subject) * Autoping timeout preference (/autoping) * Window navigation by window title (/win) * Window closing by window title (/close) * Account theme setting (/account) * Allow sending XMPP stanzas in xmlconsole window (/xmlconsole) * Configure level of room message notifications in console window (/console) * Check ~/.config/profanity/inputrc for readline settings * Custom readline functions for navigation key bindings * Autocomplete command arguments when no characters entered - BuildRequire at least version 0.9.0 of libstrophe - Have and profapi.h in main package for now - Add icon files- Split profanity in two packages: standard - the default with all features enabled mini - disabling notifications thus not needing X- Build with PGP enabled - Upgrade to version 0.4.7: * Build against libmesode if available * Handle invalid SSL certificates (requires libmesode) * Allow auto extended away * Include last acitvity in initial presence (xep-0256) * Last Activity (xep-0012) libmesode is not yet packaged. So this version uses libstrophe still.- license update: SUSE-GPL-3.0+-with-openssl-exception There is an exception to permit linking with openssl- Initial commit/bin/sh/bin/shobs-arm-9 16112568670.9.5-bp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=836dbb295be2ee20dadd396a538d544bcf2975ec, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, not stripped RRR!R RRRRRR RRRRRRR R R RR RRRRRRRRRRR32]2eYΐutf-893bb9deafe0a159a96e8b716620524c651a3861ba07b87627ae920d045184952?7zXZ !t/h$&h]"k%n4RFOԨ7Sȼaeo/7 Af[wVL(,"~09jſ a Mw+E «+ct} t/jEl'q)M-WEh; vnUl͌^.&C7ꥂN$(:۝\6`'їҰ\ X^خC}@B ?xeR)#dE]A T0Qe {Rp:ݼR<yD$P_ՀdbWoN* o%;Y!#Sa2o1BuTPqtSٸ`}pԿĜQܴʖ#V_3B M6dscL]7@߈ƀ 4[cGs~fҒf\Z~:h4#:Wm [{g-iW(٫K^_D17d3\`R?M7b 럳nR=Xd:ȹ:<!JgԀHl?>rUn-yF{ F!@?Ue1==OF+c7DsZR&(9]?D@N0Y[:Hb~l D2/"1pbas:rD ZV/D; >y)O6b ?&>KK;#mS7R~@gf6>[w^В1\XfGou;PIhe}Gϊ0Gw)G =a> tms6 ذ?0x-z.(ʝ%SqPh(Vf=eLQ8rZʺ\qR5Ä24IUȈrHٷJO,(Aڿ xn]ęBw{)voS"رJ)Z1P :)z*(( Q* p(}b:&-8s^(dLΫo&ME̙rAjupg^:EQH{奁9b;p#C ŝBAxZ><cHrĀd90e۶*P;4WEh1|#j(Ճ)Ü%r7Y7r$kI^kby4Ewp3 t5cGFN &YħP8bL~i+yB4E'i Jl%:a$n1YE/ڐ::"h)+27HK°}zfjM#{C8QZMڀJf֛h_eu㎠Bc~u\Ԝ2~&OONǜ#Xы٧WXd2"1DaI9x0vSީt$% RoA—jY;ߢr|lsk/ Rz:` O$_;Ct} k~Ȭ̓L$edNz.d]@ Tj6 p j< vZX٪0Aj^_,\yWх5X`S%xW(qRjɺݷNa]Q^uG5=6 # ?O`/ebsYHŭy!Oˠn<2䑇ZՐZ([q8%` }Mbh5?$E.$$PXqYw_^|[%IT'dr r 0rOB.\1`iGĨWN!focz/Rxe9Dj5EΖ~j SsKbnR,fڄYc&2i?.I=]1菾· 9}*]XA1dYmV8qoZ%Zu&i2-Dħ.CPȆ Rl^U;0SCp&yo"Cq^osfXeJ]78ɾ#GdRs!dPcousgHhYP'^+F2 [`Oc[uye?UCូZ>$P@:)T~q4׸N= 0dR"Lea(C==Yp L>'H Tv^-aז\bkGW",K*$(@с"Ռ_HAѫ$Cp{ @kǜT%r2n+2eBYԅ]+s QbXr֠w0Y_f:1A)]ļk@e7' t> jhw [mm#`}+F#/9ջjT Lo:f3a)'7Uv6:e{3kpNi >Ǒ퇒= utlElU WǺ;)m"!" r!*ӻb}w1ACL5Yz\" $x;`w\='R9xҌ'x5UD\o 9 (ĉ c#dMC'D]-XHWTQ (`ZZy2 s펭rn*Gc,QH~|Ɯ h?lXfI ɺC$!lӐzB({NbgaGn".7uAt,:EWF價t]&n&%2p=Ϸ-̮턧K3jGfEr Q^ڦݗT\V<A[XtX4mՕzɑ Q.3%m݂-jo"߁U iiIl Pjg&xXw{h2w#D vG4xzBStȀ3zj+uاQ)1:!?"{4]+s$ED&([O|Ρ2*y10+ 'On?WCMQtEAHQkg].5.əy ¬XyGS}$ߘ>&,s\zsYM%54}p2' }Yv/`]zfSv$ҔP5w3RLP!,ٸLo/NͿHfR uF5?fړ 4{B@듻>D^p*- 'mI܊/QLFz`L8p'z6Lqw,S6]Q^P(`!pxأoC['oSmqzo_婳/1HA:-NCE6rm'n]Zb`eeJ`Ji®Z |xMf6;GBt x&ZK{gץf/bE6Rq&j/ 8 D}+o3#17 TUMkUa49{H`z%chZZ컸@hJIeɦ8lcjt "Gf,9da6 ƃ#6KZ"%;Rֿs Ș$5m\}{m[8tI7^$ЂE#0JʗuoQfiEG,=tZHl}j/1g??DϞ*e[&,w~cKݟzpO!lf:y`Z?x ~0kă"hz.Z3q0lּEا?Rhhs kYȸOhf4#(yvN2h!%E~vA~+S*:i!\ҥUյtm):UNn:?26F v0[eWgݓx ' \|`@m÷|4ǥ.'bBw3+m|dVxzY6ukDu` xx69 :u7G\r.g5ip(s=?Rg 0ukƋ:LS93QHY'Y51cnt l bBU^ s|Hv(ӁjKqːZ6OyARwj9M-m$WL5't;#$ibroUkl"V|uoU"$)<|{rqJt<_w'J6<m٤ chhweS4IA(UlITDཅΜ 89י$B\+N\Xu9T+k3 `B񊧉FxE<?bz${j u/{)2HQ`6D0pnE~xr9wh xU<+r6|=;|ry@UɆVۑB:raĉu% 潹DdJ# |3{;b9U,PRaxg(i6$eB i$ۼ]KRQ:`¯(sj5AV$疋LP=/:-{ohʽh9R6aq7_ÚcPpggIn>i!  =߫z{\A.o62߁)gQdDTkԽAp[`{&]CG3 pFb+Ư`<.li_p'":hT4H#(pMbJ(cA,n*aJ cQːײ44,źd54~/l*I䝄 D%Zv2OTb}߇$ؔaIǤ1کR0 Fc*턶Y8sȌ]TN\NvvNe}8-+_?Eb3Lw!wNE- _6H56;PnmhA+2m$D^pƮxi@6"eXS썌*W :ڗ'E悖-I:4n _=+omaF$_xR6[#DVɻIbfD.o-R7#Qd1JElK'hM>!0B>+DB,c% ]m0.ݢ!(dKsD>`]:N0 }A @&ۼhLog:6#./5ZwY< 1`#z4)"S }6@i%aa{ [%ryD3~<)Uvi<,I ST!\Ͳ4}JrD!ڢ񔧜^~j#K+ R~; 7oHrb쵃 NY ZĪBZ~TN\!Ru;^ܭNPug()R%05xI/BF#3EI(Z;;/%̹(aeZ=1_v"x/-12C:CE{%@(ڲ,YZR;4|gl^\6X6`4_Э\Ҫ'R bXoO@̾=Ů;Voژ8% dKh=C ˃L=PS,Ta)W/&IhuTT<0$䴪Κ]T"V_cnpAnP<4,R3@2~l"^I 0z3] %$gȵ"H@М:י= P}]_%kQ=7yHe\viɲ̶Q/b\^IN&^4Cb& W.V/>zOfW^;\UaVtD%FKJ)IiɕLx:<{|QVRGa b(1mtJp6yƻc!P*;$ᴈkPn@&nRߒ)R-}@Α2;" 2铺*_@RX9ͥcN3VP8D\[M[s YZ