php-composer-1.10.26-bp153.2.6.1<>,3bxY!M@eee{!'xS$~#߬Ҭ8G![ؠ̸Еfњ-gkPRǃ3{( ʥ=_h7AReLjF@s ^4xI$GYm&V|Q^gJiMagKMX)(qQoݵ=5<,Mԍ&a~WOѷ.韡F/ !\r[ˬm}{a'͢3?CX ^ò"?Pk*"gT\>AD?4d # A (.8H P X h , 0@Th   (8090: 0BFGHIXYZD[P\h]x^bcd;e@fClEuXvhwxyz0Cphp-composer1.10.26bp153.2.6.1Dependency Management for PHPComposer is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.bxYwildcard2x^SUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEMIThttp://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Libraries/Other, @^@^@^l@^9\^]@]D%\\@\k\Q\P@@\P@@\l@[[x @[j@Z@ZZ@Z2@Yq@Yq@YXs{@Xn5@W$WW{@W@VhVHsUݪ@UUd`@U?v@U>$TFerdinand Thiessen Ferdinand Thiessen Johannes Weberhofer Johannes Weberhofer Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo Yunhe Guo jweberhofer@weberhofer.atjweberhofer@weberhofer.atjweberhofer@weberhofer.atYunhe Guo Yunhe Guo guoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comjweberhofer@weberhofer.atjweberhofer@weberhofer.atecsos@opensuse.orgguoyunhebrave@gmail.comguoyunhebrave@gmail.comjweberhofer@weberhofer.a Update to version 1.10.26 * Security: Fixed command injection vulnerability in HgDriver/GitDriver: CVE-2022-24828 boo#1198494- Update to version 1.10.25 * Fix regression with PHP 8.1.0 and 8.1.1 - Update to version 1.10.24 * Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility - Update to version 1.10.23 * Security: Fixed command injection vulnerability CVE-2021-41116- Require php-mbstring as requested in bnc#1187416- Version 1.10.22 * Security: Fixed command injection vulnerability in HgDriver/HgDownloader and hardened other VCS drivers and downloaders (GHSA-h5h8-pc6h-jvvx / CVE-2021-29472), bnc#1185376 - Version 1.10.21 * Fixed support for new GitHub OAuth token format * Fixed processes silently ignoring the CWD when it does not exist - Version 1.10.20 * Fixed exclude-from-classmap causing regex issues when having too many paths * Fixed compatibility issue with Symfony 4/5- Add provides of php8-composer - Version 1.10.19 * Fixed regression on PHP 8.0 - Version 1.10.18 * Allow installation on PHP 8.0 - Version 1.10.17 * Fixed Bitbucket API authentication issue * Fixed parsing of Composer 2 lock files breaking in some rare conditions- Version 1.10.16 * Added warning to validate command for cases where packages provide/ replace a package that they also require * Fixed JSON schema validation issue with PHPStorm * Fixed symlink handling in archive command - Version 1.10.15 * Fixed path repo version guessing issue - Version 1.10.14 * Fixed version guesser to look at remote branches as well as local ones * Fixed path repositories version guessing to handle edge cases where version is different from the VCS-guessed version * Fixed COMPOSER env var causing issues when combined with the global command * Fixed a few issues dealing with PHP without openssl extension (not recommended at all but sometimes needed for testing)- Version 1.10.13 * Fixed regressions with old version validation * Fixed invalid root aliases not being reported - Version 1.10.12 * Fixed regressions with old version validation - Version 1.10.11 * Fixed more PHP 8 compatibility issues * Fixed regression in handling of CTRL-C when xdebug is loaded * Fixed status handling of broken symlinks- Version 1.10.10 * Fixed create-project not triggering events while installing the root package * Fixed PHP 8 compatibility issue * Fixed self-update to avoid automatically upgrading to the next major version once it becomes stable - Version 1.10.9 * Fixed Bitbucket redirect loop when credentials are outdated * Fixed GitLab auth prompt wording * Fixed self-update handling of files requiring admin permissions to write to on Windows (it now does a UAC prompt) * Fixed parsing issues in funding.yml files - Version 1.10.8 * Fixed compatibility issue with git being configured to show signatures by default * Fixed discarding of local changes when updating packages to include untracked files * Several minor fixes- Version 1.10.7 * Fixed PHP 8 deprecations * Fixed detection of pcntl_signal being in disabled_functions when pcntl_async_signal is allowed- Version 1.10.6 * Fixed version guessing to take composer-runtime-api and composer-plugin-api requirements into account to avoid selecting packages which require Composer 2 * Fixed package name validation to allow several dashes following each other * Fixed post-status-cmd script not firing when there were no changes to be displayed * Fixed composer-runtime-api support on Composer 1.x, the package is now present as 1.0.0 * Fixed support for composer show --name-only --self * Fixed detection of GitLab URLs when handling authentication in some cases- Version 1.10.5 * Fixed self-update on PHP <5.6, seriously please upgrade * Fixed 1.10.2 regression with PATH resolution in scripts- Version 1.10.4 * Fixed 1.10.2 regression in path symlinking with absolute path repos - Version 1.10.3 * Fixed invalid --2 flag warning in self-update when no channel is requested - Version 1.10.2 * Added --1 flag to self-update command which can be added to automated self-update runs to make sure it won't automatically jump to 2.0 once that is released * Fixed path repository symlinks being made relative when the repo url is defined as absolute paths * Fixed potential issues when using "composer ..." in scripts and composer/composer was also required in the project * Fixed 1.10.0 regression when downloading GitHub archives from non-API URLs * Fixed handling of malformed info in fund command * Fixed Symfony5 compatibility issues in a few commands- Version 1.10.1 * Fixed path repository warning on empty path when using wildcards * Fixed superfluous warnings when generating optimized autoloaders - Version 1.10.0 * Breaking: composer global exec ... now executes the process in the current working directory instead of executing it in the global directory. * Warning: Added a warning when class names are being loaded by a PSR-4 or PSR-0 rule only due to classmap optimization, but would not otherwise be autoloadable. Composer 2.0 will stop autoloading these classes so make sure you fix your autoload configs. * Added new funding key to composer.json to describe ways your package's maintenance can be funded. This reads info from GitHub's FUNDING.yml by default so better configure it there so it shows on GitHub and Composer/Packagist * Added composer fund command to show funding info of your dependencies * Added bearer auth config to authenticate using Authorization: Bearer headers * Added plugin-api-version in composer.lock so third-party tools can know which Composer version was used to generate a lock file * Added support for --format=json output for show command when showing a single package * Added support for configuring suggestions using config command, e.g. composer config some text * Added support for configuring fine-grained preferred-install using config command, e.g. composer config* dist * Added @putenv script handler to set environment variables from composer.json for following scripts * Added lock option that can be set to false, in which case no composer.lock file will be generated * Added --add-repository flag to create-project command which will persist the repo given in --repository into the composer.json of the package being installed * Fixed issue where --no-dev autoload generation was excluding some packages which should not have been excluded * Added support for IPv6 addresses in NO_PROXY * Added package homepage display in the show command * Added debug info about HTTP authentications * Added Symfony 5 compatibility * Added --fixed flag to require command to make it use a fixed constraint instead of a ^x.y constraint when adding the requirement * Fixed exclude-from-classmap matching subsets of directories e.g. foo/ was excluding foobar/ * Fixed archive command to persist file permissions inside the zip files * Fixed init/require command to avoid suggesting packages which are already selected in the search results * Fixed create-project UX issues * Fixed filemtime for vendor/composer/* files is now only changing when the files actually change * Fixed issues detecting docker environment with an active open_basedir- Version 1.9.3 * Fixed GitHub deprecation of access_token query parameter, now using Authorization header- Version 1.9.2 * Fixed minor git driver bugs * Fixed schema validation for version field to allow dev-* versions too * Fixed external processes' output being formatted even though it should not * Fixed issue with path repositories when trying to install feature branches- Version 1.9.1 * Fixed various credential handling issues with gitlab and github * Fixed credentials being present in git remotes in Composer cache and vendor directory when not using SSH keys * Fixed composer why not listing replacers as a reason something is present * Fixed various PHP 7.4 compatibility issues * Fixed root warnings always present in Docker containers, setting COMPOSER_ALLOW_SUPERUSER is not necessary anymore * Fixed GitHub access tokens leaking into debug-verbosity output * Fixed several edge case issues detecting GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab repository types * Fixed Composer asking if you want to use a composer.json in a parent directory when ran in non-interactive mode * Fixed classmap autoloading issue finding classes located within a few non-PHP context blocks (?>...4- aӃ!غc^N1 ) Gu=*WBBR9 9U5}d3&?Bi DZP蕛y;\&?+ra i-Ƀ@w%V~CS,eS[wCSDb9m_|NG\7#otJfCtrfH&d Ҥ^{aie8n{ *zK0@b9"G%mѣnik*pM9> ( vZu|tSm"Lܑhqj8] ۰akG(^`sO20:_Xc.eeu]DB?X^R2g/@([['upi~`Ru4GfZ:{iwDŠ۸q-T +/fo>z<tl]o[h& 0isZ*C5*dOSoLEVʻo 81m(<1{kTؐa5E9B.6VYkf"@DAKۖg"3#`NEW/ %$NnVvS ѫ >L;;eӵ97Pw@O`ɗFc}7@-jLFi8& ]H923EebHV@7 K2κC Ba>%O,٢ |sr!=ݓs!j/aĵAdG@ ׻qC0~{e@b<\ՙD5W"{|7x,006j^e琪JC$;hsg ޡ`b6qO)ʡqfVAƱ#1/Vb$- uW6Dž;g5gE#ӰjjDO9C GȤPA:8QZֽ?x '}P]TRϺcpY}Ş;IKbZ@ePzen7M>s-'bh^UÁx0ɐ>b=H+2쉢 >~y~s?BjZ lޅcfgya5s'"]ڐCLb2bfLKiG_(c|0SEFy`_2&(aog_?.]Eu0ӇeaRǧnڥB6ݺK^կ* Z {A:"J=0P'5/H3҂ӯ]ZbC<2}8O*XV4&v*D 0}y䶏#M'DφƥfgY?sUR ( %[]yxP-C*Қ}y|$^dIϵ==`(1c)~u1 MގpC La4xo ot-CRౖaQCtP4  ߁^tb>Xg!c3ӅiMEErЃ*͕4d/1v^DhUcbFKK[/"x ۨL؛!.ճq3ә=A,2M.ܠa,l GmdÝLh7/>^cDiVrM== r.d)[=|;\.f>=zDm P9n!?Slinٸ@3yuY$Lؑʎh%B$\~ S1ZB/l c3Z@wN3/P?*q .%V"߲f[]#mc^V~ZzPp8ez,c_Ι/*z]H9tcy!)$0.۰Qc_jZDz%L:)~x4BbkpjKQ91U}1ƑVv=͇׮#p9WVZVç'Qp{Kc,3< fTp.NXlFXY\I$w:b饖/oIf92wAoQJ1Q%1$H*We4Kv}')u0,ϘamѨwv\kŗL/Agk|O3d-tGX ?/:bZ332# ]O2 Ib+cIo4%V~b2D?MGzZ{圕DR՝J>=[YX>l+0'jIXpP|5pHmͯRAdYp8S8k0ЅV@QɴiZ8xtA#}7{{]{D ~) a\]M* 7޲T2Ǹ38۳B{qm$Q!$@Qcd~`߼G 7ÚFiTxsP@q更p/bMVCԼVJaoOp7UU%6W;Asl5x\j|tH]6sl>|0N'M{1 a1tk:w~]5]",|Iw}HNI=I A"'V'Idct ң(8\jLԧ2i׻HHWaw#Bsw/3 / |ݲ %x|Q~LQ ]RQKTI8ͶsZKN 2,b!Njg™ i~5IBixebJE2{ŶFwuiS'X EpW„)}F%kOpVi dʹ= 4ܤ"z4^50 Gs"ׇ&U!xv=ҁgp8.T 97<׳}N1"DUCީEs`dCXn2zi-;=[Y򒔙r{sכSg@Z\i9W;D7;<ZK$8g|g ;kfdUHKНR1.!e>I;F>^(uNş˧P# z?#Ό)'0EɩoD+jCWIS̰ HMy@ˋ1V4nPq9CsFEm\ו~+๹I= 4I Gj4?KS0^*"2^G(ιO;?qvM\.m88tP϶n wF76zHaWY}GO)hY/>xCYW_#XMˁTgp'AB jy,Mf̈Ή}z-^ٷ#UG~[vMnK2ˑi87Jѥ,ʌIr(iQv;&SXԆ@i^hr'G`i3Ӯ]{`y(WrϲK:^ƘD[,ϲ#3;Y]v0gXӍv fM0lЋU,#kzſ, N\l^拓aI%*~u5V^]{ tͺ͕!$;*x3ˊq~K@ ʮvfFdT| Uٛŧ}ŒS=?SݪiRŵ"^J Xu"nRtx7(9 _O9m`| HTq@(h-q;^mw.<rO:ԘVkjnhlF׾ekJ|{{I !eDb?6`{+xZ zTĈo_Zxly[oP+ofOIڐaN-!9?Bգ0,@TnqW='L jwCaXôs<+Kokt5?}DA};EOPP*eBmtMf<\,ؚ aLŢ.#Vj%K+yO?H"lϊ]t^dr<(H11:;tjrj`> :i@z?;H&F! 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