weechat-perl-2.1-bp150.3.3.1<>,wȉ^M!M@eee["CJlӤV0hy{ l={1|9 Pa̧FEhvNMU>/KsӉV-pP'dDm4EIc:}HDh;\8l&Zz3Y־> 0 UVsvhoSvQrؒ8*q`-OD''dPEz$ k > 2#u[OZunM3[wm-qdiugҪf M>=P?P|d  B|     E HLQVx|   (89\:FMGMHMIMXMYM\M]M^MbNcNdOHeOMfOPlORuOhvOlwPxPyPzPP,P0P6PxCweechat-perl2.1bp150.3.3.1Perl Scripting Support for weechatSupport for weechat scripts written in the Perl language.^Mobs-arm-1 openSUSEGPL-3.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/IRChttp://weechat.orglinuxaarch64 ؁^Mec6ca84e3c099300968c67b3a44b1d6c7bd3f9a0bba376cccfd607ce011713fdrootrootweechat-2.1-bp150.3.3.1.src.rpmweechat-perlweechat-perl(aarch-64)@@@@@    ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit)ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libperl.so()(64bit)perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)weechat5.^J@Z@Z@Z;@YYOY@XEX{d@WW_W8dVVŲ@V@VGU{@U@UTT@T@T@TmOndřej Súkup jengelh@inai.demimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.comtchvatal@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.combwiedemann@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.commimi.vx@gmail.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.com- fix boo#1163889 - CVE-2020-8955 with CVE-2020-8955.patch- Ensure neutrality of description. - Use -exec over xargs.- update to 2.1 - build python plugin against python3 * core: add binary weechat-headless to run WeeChat without interface, with optional daemon mode (command line option "--daemon") * core: add options "-newbuffer", "-free" and "-switch" in command /print * core: add option "-y" in command /print, add support of buffers with free content * core: add option "add" in command /buffer * core: add option weechat.completion.partial_completion_templates to force partial completion on specific templates * api: add hashtable with variables in plugin structure * irc: add server option "split_msg_max_length" * logger: add option logger.file.fsync * logger: add option logger.look.backlog_conditions) * scripts: add configuration file for each script plugin * scripts: add "eval" option in script commands and info "xxx_eval" * scripts: add infos "xxx_interpreter" and "xxx_version" in script plugins * scripts: add option "version" in script commands * api: add time in info "date" (WeeChat compilation date/time) * irc: allow ${irc_server.xxx} and ${server} in server evaluated options * script: change default value of option script.look.sort from "p,n" to "i,p,n" * scripts: display the script name in stdout/stderr output from scripts * core: fix regression on execution of hook_print callbacks- update to 2.0.1 * python: fix arguments status/gnutls_rc/sock in hook_connect() callback * python: fix argument fd in hook_fd() callback * core: add flag "input_get_empty" in buffer * core: add signals "buffer_filters_enabled" and "buffer_filters_disabled" * core: support loading of plugins from path in environment variable "WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR" * alias: add infolist "alias_default" (list of default aliases) * buflist: add two new bar items ("buflist2" and "buflist3") using the same format configuration options * buflist: add option buflist.look.add_newline * fset: new plugin "fset" (fast set of WeeChat and plugins options) * core: make value optional in command /buffer set * core: allow floating point and hexadecimal numbers in comparison of evaluated values * core: add option weechat.look.save_config_with_fsync * api: add support of prefix "quiet:" in function key_unbind() to quietly remove keys * api: add argument "recurse_subdirs" in function exec_on_files() * script: add local variable "filter" in the script buffer * core: do not change the chat prefix size when a filtered line is added * core: fix display of nicks in nicklist when they are in a group with sub-groups * core, plugins: check return code of strftime function * core: fix cast of time_t (to "long long" instead of "long") * core: call the config hook when options are renamed or removed * api: change type of arguments status/gnutls_rc/sock in hook_connect() callback from string to integer (in scripts) * api: change type of argument fd in hook_fd() callback from string to integer (in scripts) * buflist: remove recursive evaluation of extra variables * guile: return integer (0/1) instead of boolean in API functions * guile: fix return value of static strings in API functions * irc: do not clear nicklist when joining an already joined channel if the option irc.look.buffer_open_before_join is on * irc: fix CTCP PING reply when the option irc.ctcp.ping is set to non-empty value * lua: fix boolean return value (as integer) in API functions * relay: fix parsing of CAP command without arguments in irc protocol, send ACK only if all capabilities received are OK and NAK otherwise * core: fix build with ncurses and separate tinfo- Version update to 1.9.1: * Security update to fix CVE-2017-14727 bsc#1060140- update to 1.9 * improve speed of nicklist bar item callback * add auto scroll of buflist bar with new option buflist.look.auto_scroll * add option buflist.format.name * add variables ${format_name}, ${current_buffer} and ${merged}@@ in buflist * display a warning in buflist when the script buffers.pl is loaded * add server/channel pointers in trigger IRC callbacks * add API functions config_option_get_string and hdata_compare * fix bind of Space key * many bugs fixed. * buflist.format.name * buflist.look.auto_scroll * F1/F2: scroll buflist bar- update to 1.8 * add option weechat.completion.nick_case_sensitive * add wilcard matching operator, cut of string and ternary operator in evaluation of expressions * add resize of window parents with /window resize [h/v]size * add plugin "buflist" (bar with list of buffers) * add arraylist and dynamic string functions in API * add option "open" in command /server * add signal "irc_server_lag_changed" and store the lag in the server buffer (local variable) * add aspell options to control delimiters in suggestions * add option "-include" in commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv * many bugs fixed.- Update to version 1.7.1 * irc: fix parsing of DCC filename CVE-2017-8073 (boo#1036467)- Update to version 1.7 * New features + core: add option weechat.look.align_multiline_words + core: add optional command prefix in completion templates "commands", "plugins_commands" and "weechat_commands" + core: add optional arguments in completion template, sent to the callback + core: add option "time" in command /debug + api: add info "uptime" (WeeChat uptime) + api: add info "pid" (WeeChat PID) + fifo: add file fifo.conf and option fifo.file.path to customize FIFO pipe path/filename + irc: add server option "usermode" + irc: add tag "self_msg" on self messages * Improvements + core, xfer: display more information on fork errors + core: add a slash before commands completed in arguments of /command, /debug time, /key bind, /key bindctxt, /mute, /repeat, /wait + core: add a warning in header of configuration files to not edit by hand + alias: add a slash before commands completed in arguments of /alias + exec: add option "-oc" in command /exec to execute commands in process output, don’t execute commands by default with "-o" + irc: evaluate content of server option "ssl_fingerprint" + irc: change default value of option irc.network.lag_reconnect from 0 to 300 + trigger: do not hide email in command "/msg nickserv register password email" * Bug fixes + core: fix deadlock when quitting after a signal SIGHUP/SIGQUIT/SIGTERM is received + core: fix display of empty lines in search mode + api: fix crash in function string_expand_home() when the HOME environment variable is not set + exec: fix memory leak in display of process output + irc: fix option "-temp" in command /server + irc: fix close of server channels which are waiting for the JOIN when the server buffer is closed + irc: fix buffer switching on manual join for forwarded channels + irc: add missing tags on CTCP message sent + lua: fix integers returned in Lua >= 5.3 + relay: make HTTP headers case-insensitive for WebSocket connections + relay: set status to "authentication failed" and close immediately connection in case of authentication failure in weechat and irc protocols + script: reload a script after upgrade only if it was loaded, set autoload only if the script was auto-loaded- update to version 1.6 - removed weechat-doc subpackage, ( BuildRequires dep missing ) * New features: + core: add optional argument "lowest", "highest" or level mask in command /input hotlist_clear + core: add option "cycle" in command /buffer + api: add "extra" argument to evaluate extra variables in function string_eval_expression() + relay: add option relay.network.allow_empty_password + trigger: add support for one-time triggers Improvements + core, irc, xfer: display more information in memory allocation errors + api: remove functions printf_date() and printf_tags() + irc: rename server options "default_msg_{kick|part|quit}" to "msg_{kick|part|quit}", evaluate them + relay: allow escape of comma in command "init" (weechat protocol) Bug fixes + core, irc, xfer: refresh domain name and name server addresses before connection to servers (fix connection to servers after suspend mode) + api: fix return of function string_match() when there are multiple masks in the string + api: fix crash in function network_connect_to() if address is NULL + api: fix connection to servers with hook_connect() on Windows 10 with Windows subsystem for Linux + api: fix crash in function string_split_command() when the separator is not a semicolon + irc: fix socket leak in connection to server + irc: fix display of service notice mask (message 008) + irc: fix NULL pointer dereference in 734 command callback + relay: return an empty hdata when the requested hdata or pointer is not found + xfer: fix crash on DCC send if option xfer.file.auto_accept_nicks is set Documentation + switch to asciidoctor to build docs and man page- fix typo in %if conditional- update to 1.5 * New features: + core: add Portuguese translations + core: change default value of option weechat.look.nick_color_hash to "djb2" + core: move nick coloring from irc plugin to core, move options irc.look.nick_color_force, irc.look.nick_color_hash and irc.look.nick_color_stop_chars to core, add info "nick_color" and "nick_color_name", deprecate info "irc_nick_color" and "irc_color_name" + core: move irc bar item "away" to core, move options irc.look.item_away_message and irc.color.item_away to core + api: add support of functions in hook_process + api: add pointer in callbacks used in scripting API + irc: add option irc.network.sasl_fail_unavailable + irc: add multiple targets and support of "-server" in command /ctcp + ruby: add detection of Ruby 2.3 + trigger: add "recover" in default triggers cmd_pass/msg_auth, and "regain" in default trigger "msg_auth" * Bugs fixed: + core: fix nick coloring when stop chars and a forced color are used: first remove chars then look for forced color + core: check that pointers received in arguments are not NULL in buffers and windows functions + core: fix truncation of buffer names in hotlist + core: fix update of window title under Tmux + core: fix detection of Python shared libraries + api: fix number of arguments returned by function string_split() when keep_eol is 2 and the string ends with separators + irc: fix first message displayed in raw buffer when the message is modified by a modifier + irc: add missing completion "*" for target in command /msg + irc: fix /msg command with multiple targets including "*" + lua: fix crash when a lua function doesn’t return a value and a string was expected + relay: do not execute any command received in a PRIVMSG message from an irc relay client + relay: fix the max number of clients connected on a port, allow value 0 for "no limit" + relay: fix decoding of multiple frames in a single websocket message, send PONG on PING received in a websocket frame + relay: fix command "input" received from clients with only spaces in content of message (weechat protocol) + script: force refresh of scripts buffer after download of scripts list + xfer: fix DCC file received when the terminal is resized- Fix build-compare - include .changes file as Source so that .src.rpm can be rebuilt- fix sle12 conditional- add weechat.keyring and verify source tarball by gpg- Version bump to 1.4 + New features: * core: add a parent name in options, display inherited values if null in /set output, add option weechat.color.chat_value_null * core: add tag "term_warning" in warnings about wrong $TERM on startup * core: add option weechat.look.paste_auto_add_newline * core: display a more explicit error when a filter fails to be added * api: add function string_hex_dump() * api: add argument "length" in function utf8_is_valid() * alias: display completion in /alias list * fifo: add /fifo command * irc: evaluate content of server option "addresses" * irc: move option irc.network.alternate_nick into servers (irc.server.xxx.nicks_alternate) * irc: track real names using extended-join and WHO * irc: add support of SNI (Server Name Indication) in SSL connection to IRC server * irc: use current channel and current server channels first in completions "irc_server_channels" and "irc_channels" * irc: add support of "cap-notify" capability * irc: add command /cap * irc: add hex dump of messages in raw buffer when debug is enabled for irc plugin (level 2 or more) * logger: display system error when the log file can not be written * relay: add option relay.irc.backlog_since_last_message * script: add completion with languages and extensions, support search by language/extension in /script search * script: add option script.scripts.download_timeout * doc: add Czech man page and quickstart guide * tests: check if all plugins are loaded + Bugs fixed: * core: fix execution of empty command name ("/" and "/ " are not valid commands) * core: fix memory leak when using multiple "-d" or "-r" in command line arguments * core: don’t complain any more about "tmux" and "tmux-256color" $TERM values when WeeChat is running under tmux * core: fix truncated messages after a word with a length of zero on screen (for example a zero width space: U+200B) * api: fix handle of invalid escape in function string_convert_escaped_chars() * alias: do not allow slashes and spaces in alias name * irc: fix channel forwarding when option irc.look.buffer_open_before_{autojoin|join} is on * irc: add a missing colon before the password in PASS message, if the password has spaces or begins with a colon * irc: fix charset decoding in incoming private messages * irc: display the arrow before server name in raw buffer * irc: fix display of messages sent to server in raw buffer * irc: fix display of invalid UTF-8 chars in raw buffer * relay: display the arrow before client id and protocol in raw buffer * ruby: fix load of scripts requiring "uri" * ruby: fix Ruby detection when pkg-config is not installed * tests: fix locale used to execute tests- Version bump to 1.3: * core: add completion "colors" (issue #481) * core: start/stop search in buffer at current scroll position by default, add key Ctrl+q to stop search and reset scroll (issue #76, issue #393) * core: add option weechat.look.key_grab_delay to set the default delay when grabbing a key with Alt+k * core: add option weechat.look.confirm_upgrade (issue #463) * core: allow Ctrl+c to exit WeeChat when the passphrase is asked on startup (issue #452) * core: allow pointer as list name in evaluation of hdata (issue #450) * core: add signal "signal_sighup" * api: add support of evaluated sub-strings and current date/time in function string_eval_expression() and command /eval * api: add function string_eval_path_home() * alias: add options "add", "addcompletion" and "del" in command /alias, remove command /unalias (issue #458) * irc: add option irc.network.channel_encode (issue #218, issue #482) * irc: add option irc.color.topic_current (issue #475) * irc: evaluate content of server option "nicks" * logger: evaluate content of option logger.file.path (issue #388) * relay: display value of HTTP header "X-Real-IP" for websocket connections (issue #440) * script: rename option script.scripts.dir to script.scripts.path, evaluate content of option (issue #388) * xfer: evaluate content of options xfer.file.download_path and xfer.file.upload_path (issue #388) * many bug fixes- Ensure we use system CA ca-bundle.pem file by hardcoding it - Remove patch: * weechat-capath.patch- Version bump to 1.2: - add options to customize word chars (for detecting word boundaries) - add a welcome message on first WeeChat run - add options to customize quoted messages (in cursor mode) - add support of environment variables in evaluated expressions - add IRC SASL mechanism "ecdsa-nist256p-challenge" - add support of SHA-256 and SHA-512 algorithms in IRC server option "ssl_fingerprint" - add support of IRC capability "account-notify" - remove "freenode" server from default config - new script plugin for javascript - many bugs fixed. - Refreshed patch: * weechat-capath.patch- Version bump to 1.1.1: * core: fix random error when creating symbolic link weechat-curses on make install with cmake (bug #40313) * core: fix crash when a root bar has conditions different from active/inactive/nicklist (closes #317) * irc: don’t close channel buffer on second /part when option irc.look.part_closes_buffer is off (closes #313) * irc: fix /join on a channel buffer opened with autojoin but which failed to join * irc: send QUIT to server and no PART for channels when the server buffer is closed (closes #294) * irc: fix order of channel buffers opened when option irc.look.server_buffer is set to "independent", irc.look.buffer_open_before_autojoin to "on" and irc.look.new_channel_position to "near_server" (closes #303) * irc: fix crash in buffer close when server name is the same as a channel name (closes #305)- Recommend lang package and perl/python scripting support as bare iron weechat is bit boring- Make this build on SLE12- Version bump to 1.1: - complete inline commands in input - allow incomplete commands if unambiguous - improve speed of completions - add bar item and signals for mouse status - use bar conditions on root bars - add option "reorder" in command /server - open irc channel buffers before the join is received from server - add server option "sasl_fail" - add support for color codes 16-99 in IRC messages - disable SSLv3 by default - add support of IRC capability "extended-join" - add options "stop" and "start" in command /relay - use HTTPS by default in script plugin for downloads - add option "restore" in command /trigger - evaluate and replace regex groups at same time in trigger (new and incompatible format) - many bugs fixed.- Remove sle11 support as now I don't need it anymore - Use %cmake macro properly - Document that there are tests that need extra pkg - Split documentation into -doc subpackageobs-arm-1 15821101152.1-bp150. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:11988/openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15_Update/c4707b06ebab3e1a4b8ec971e7e9cad9-weechat.openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15_Updatedrpmxz5aarch64-suse-linuxELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9b53bf586666fdc5ac2d72a52b916e411fa60480, strippedRRRRRT \49:8utf-8f1d1015413d7c75b4e8594a26b5fd1341fdcdbb1dd8f0dd1c77fc8f50f2cdd43?07zXZ !t/FS#]"k%w2Вf mc oH?} Hh6h yl3a``8= }ɺ4,^m*=ժ%(Wd[9Op6ox`+ 0 bJG:BeW[ Yb,MIגXi=8JurozZv~Ju IqClh<ߘjEZ;n?+w+ed|D?i`N}" n}kf6WyQao 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