bash-4.1-20.35.1e>UAގgUT_ PXcu?T&Z$j%pg3ޑ}E P#^ZM]kF>8O$?Od   .  BHPWW ZW W dW W ,WW;WWdx(48<090:0FF^GFtWHGWII,WXIYI\IW]KW^MNbMcNdNeNfNlNzNNNOCbash4.120.35.1The GNU Bourne-Again ShellBash is an sh-compatible command interpreter that executes commands read from standard input or from a file. Bash incorporates useful features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh). Bash is intended to be a conformant implementation of the IEEE Posix Shell and Tools specification (IEEE Working Group 1003.2). Authors: -------- Brian Fox Chet Ramey T&Zbuild15 openSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Shells ? 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This extends the effect of the last patch bash-4.1-function_definition.patch to the degree that parsing the untrusted and potentially harmful environment won't happen any more. Breakage is possible with this patch, but inherited function definitions in shell scripts are rare (none know to me). [bnc#896776]- bash-4.1-function_definition.patch: prevent the execution of commands after a function definition when parsing the environment. This addresses CVE-2014-6271 [bnc#896776]- Avoid possible buffer overflow when expanding the /dev/fd prefix with e.g. the test builtin (bnc#770795)- Add patch bash41-010- having a bash man page is recommended (bnc#672528)- fix czech message- Update bash 4.1 to patch level 9 * When declaring an associative array and implicitly assigning a value to element "0", bash does not correctly allocate memory, leading to a segmentation violation when that element or the array itself is unset. * An arriving SIGCHLD will interrupt `slow' system calls such as write(2) to or read(2) from a terminal. This results in an error message and truncated input or output.- builtin "man2html"generates html manual with a timestamp that causes the package to be published over and over again.- A modified version of the pipe patch which should handle the PIPESTATUS array- Disable the pipe patch from Thu Jun 24 10:40:09 CEST 2010 as this resets the PIPESTATUS array to the status of the forground process only- Add fix from mailing list to avoid crash- Comment out recommendation of bash-completion, as I'd like no to see the bugs of bash-completion in my bugzilla- Do not package static libraries - Fix Recommends/Suggests- Add fix from upstream: restore the parser state over changing readline editing mode otherwise e.g. set alias before the change are lost.- Avoid running the last member of a pipe command sequence to run in its own subshell, this makes know lines like the simple echo 1 2 | read a b; echo $a $b work as expected by the users- Update bash 4.1 to patch level 7 * Bash did not correctly print/reproduce here documents attached to commands inside compound commands such as for and while. * A typo caused bash to not honor a precision specification in a printf format.- Add fix for memory double free in array handling- Update bash 4.1 to patch level 5 (related to bnc#522351) * If command completion is attempted on a word with a quoted globbing character (e.g., `*' or `?'), bash can reference a NULL pointer and dump core. * When running in Posix mode and executing a shell function without local variables, bash will not propagate a variable in a special builtin's temporary environment to have global scope. * When the `read' builtin times out after the timeout specified with -t is exceeded, it does not reset the flags that tell signal handlers to process signals immediately instead of deferring their handling. This can result in unsafe functions being called from signal handlers, which can cause bash to hang or dump core.- Add patch from bash-bug list to avoid crahs on some strange TAB completions- fix warning no return statement in function returning non-void to fix build (in bashline.c)- Avoid hang due malloc()/free() within signal handler (bnc#522351)- Add patch to reflect the usage of /etc/bash.bashrc (bnc#577221)- Update bash 4.1 to patch level 2 * Here-documents within $(...) command substitutions may once more be delimited by the closing right paren, instead of requiring a newline. * Bash's file status checks (executable, readable, etc.) now take file system ACLs into account on file systems that support them. * Bash now passes environment variables with names that are not valid shell variable names through into the environment passed to child processes. * The `execute-unix-command' readline function now attempts to clear and reuse the current line rather than move to a new one after the command executes. * `printf -v' can now assign values to array indices. * New `complete -E' and `compopt -E' options that work on the "empty" completion: completion attempted on an empty command line. * New complete/compgen/compopt -D option to define a `default' completion: a completion to be invoked on command for which no completion has been defined. If this function returns 124, programmable completion is attempted again, allowing a user to dynamically build a set of completions as completion is attempted by having the default completion function install individual completion functions each time it is invoked. * When displaying associative arrays, subscripts are now quoted. * Changes to dabbrev-expand to make it more `emacs-like': no space appended after matches, completions are not sorted, and most recent history entries are presented first. * The [[ and (( commands are now subject to the setting of `set -e' and the ERR trap. * The source/. builtin now removes NUL bytes from the file before attempting to parse commands. * There is a new configuration option (in config-top.h) that forces bash to forward all history entries to syslog. * A new variable $BASHOPTS to export shell options settable using `shopt' to child processes. * There is a new confgure option that forces the extglob option to be enabled by default. * New variable $BASH_XTRACEFD; when set to an integer bash will write xtrace output to that file descriptor. * If the optional left-hand-side of a redirection is of the form {var}, the shell assigns the file descriptor used to $var or uses $var as the file descriptor to move or close, depending on the redirection operator. * The < and > operators to the [[ conditional command now do string comparison according to the current locale if the compatibility level is greater than 40. * Programmable completion now uses the completion for `b' instead of `a' when completion is attempted on a line like: a $(b c. * Force extglob on temporarily when parsing the pattern argument to the == and != operators to the [[ command, for compatibility. * Changed the behavior of interrupting the wait builtin when a SIGCHLD is received and a trap on SIGCHLD is set to be Posix-mode only. * The read builtin has a new `-N nchars' option, which reads exactly NCHARS characters, ignoring delimiters like newline. * The mapfile/readarray builtin no longer stores the commands it invokes via callbacks in the history list. * There is a new `compat40' shopt option. - Update readline 6.1 to patch level 1 * New bindable function: menu-complete-backward. * In the vi insertion keymap, C-n is now bound to menu-complete by default, and C-p to menu-complete-backward. * When in vi command mode, repeatedly hitting ESC now does nothing, even when ESC introduces a bound key sequence. This is closer to how historical vi behaves. * New bindable function: skip-csi-sequence. Can be used as a default to consume key sequences generated by keys like Home and End without having to bind all keys. * New application-settable function: rl_filename_rewrite_hook. Can be used to rewite or modify filenames read from the file system before they are compared to the word to be completed. * New bindable variable: skip-completed-text, active when completing in the middle of a word. If enabled, it means that characters in the completion that match characters in the remainder of the word are "skipped" rather than inserted into the line. * The pre-readline-6.0 version of menu completion is available as "old-menu-complete" for users who do not like the readline-6.0 version. * New bindable variable: echo-control-characters. If enabled, and the tty ECHOCTL bit is set, controls the echoing of characters corresponding to keyboard-generated signals. * New bindable variable: enable-meta-key. Controls whether or not readline sends the smm/rmm sequences if the terminal indicates it has a meta key that enables eight-bit characters.- package documentation as noarch- add baselibs.conf as a source- Fix bug in bash-4.0-security.patch (bnc#559877)- Update to newest patch level 35 * bash incorrectly interprets wildcarded path components between a **/ and the last / * bash incorrectly treated single and double quotes as delimiters rather than introducing quoted strings when splitting the line into words for programmable completion functions- Make _rl_enable_meta configurable by the users (bnc#541379)- Do not change tty owner group twice by child and parent (bnc#523667)- Update to newest patch level 33 * Includes one of our own patches- rediff patches to avoid fuzz- Update to newest patch level 28- Add fix from bash maintainer for closing memory leak in read builtin (bnc#510288)- Branch off some sub packages: * bash-lang to include localization * bash-loadables for installing the loadable runtime builtins * bash-devel to install headers for developing loadable builtins- Enforce the usage of euidaccess(3) instead of stat(2) for testing permissions for a file (bnc#509105)- Update to newest patch level 24: * include last few patches - Add patches from mailing list for globstar expansion- Increase size of hash table for runtime linker a lot- Add patches from mailing list: * fix problem with invisible characters in prompt * make dir*/** work- Do not crash on forbidden subdirectories with globstar extension- Add fix to be able to clear to eol in readline library- Add fix for timing issue in readline SIGWINCH handling- Add patches from to avoid eg. segmentation fault- Add patches from to avoid eg. segmentation fault- Add patch from to enable |& not only for builtins and shell functions but for all commands.- Switch to official patches, now we are on patch level 10- Use patches from to make it work- Patch for bnc#481817 does not work in any case- My last patch for bnc#470548 send to was not fully applied and this had caused a memory corruption on tab completion. - Enable the parser to find closing parenthesis at the end of an argument of a command even if backslash is used (bnc#481817) - Correct link of shared libraries of devel readline packagebuild15 1411826778 T T T S S S T7 T S T; T< T= T> T? 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