nagios-nrpe-2.12-29.1e>UA4ΖST^?a?S`$j0@!H-UiC׀_tQm @O0Us>C!?!td  7 #, EWnt{ M  ,   F   `        5 v z(89:&=U>]?e@mBuFG H I XY$Z@[D\L ] ^ bc 6d e f l z  ![!`Cnagios-nrpe2.1229.1Nagios Remote Plug-In ExecutorNRPE can be used to run nagios plug-ins on a remote machine for executing local checks. This package contains the software for NRPE server. It could be run by inet-daemon or as stand-alone daemonS`build10openSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Monitoring Create user and group on the system if necessary # default group: nagios if getent group nagios >/dev/null then : OK group nagios already present else groupadd -r nagios 2>/dev/null || : logger -t nagios-nrpe/rpm "Added group nagios for package nagios-nrpe" fi # default user: nagios if id nagios > /dev/null 2>&1 then : OK user nagios already present else useradd -r -o -g nagios -s /bin/false -c "User for Nagios" -d /var/lib/nagios nagios 2> /dev/null || : logger -t nagios-nrpe/rpm "Added user nagios for package nagios-nrpe" fi # check if the port for nrpe is already defined in /etc/services if grep -q 5666 /etc/services ; then : OK - port already defined else logger -t nagios-nrpe/rpm "Adding port 5666 to /etc/services" echo "nrpe 5666/tcp # nagios nrpe" >> etc/services fi test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG=$1 FORCE_YES=0 set -- nrpe PNAME=nagios-nrpe INSSRV_ARRAY="" while [ ${#*} -gt 0 ] ; do SCRIPTNAME=$1 shift SV_B='^### BEGIN INIT INFO' SV_E='^### END INIT INFO' SV_KW=Default-Enabled SV_VALUE=`sed -n -e "/$SV_B/,/$SV_E/{/^# [^[:space:]]*$SV_KW:[[:space:]]*\([^[:space:]]*\).*/s//\1/p;}" < /etc/init.d/$SCRIPTNAME` test "$FORCE_YES" = "1" && SV_VALUE="yes" test -n "$SV_VALUE" || SV_VALUE="yes" INSSRV_ARRAY="$INSSRV_ARRAY $SCRIPTNAME $SV_VALUE" done set -- $INSSRV_ARRAY while [ ${#*} -gt 0 ] ; do SCRIPTNAME=$1 SV_VALUE=$2 shift 2 test -n "$SCRIPTNAME" -a -n "$SV_VALUE" || { echo "SCRIPTNAME or SV_VALUE unknown"; exit 1;} if test "$FIRST_ARG" = "1" -a "$SV_VALUE" = "no" ; then /sbin/insserv ${YAST_IS_RUNNING:+-f} -r /etc/init.d/$SCRIPTNAME elif test "$FIRST_ARG" = "1" -o "$FORCE_YES" = "1" ; then /sbin/insserv ${YAST_IS_RUNNING:+-f} /etc/init.d/$SCRIPTNAME fi done test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG=$1 if test "$FIRST_ARG" = "0" ; then test -f /etc/sysconfig/services && . /etc/sysconfig/services if test "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" != "instsys" -a "$DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL" != yes ; then for service in nrpe ; do /etc/init.d/$service stop > /dev/null done fi fi test -n "$FIRST_ARG" || FIRST_ARG=$1 if test "$FIRST_ARG" -ge 1 ; then test -f /etc/sysconfig/services && . /etc/sysconfig/services if test "$YAST_IS_RUNNING" != "instsys" -a "$DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE" != yes ; then for service in nrpe ; do /etc/init.d/$service try-restart > /dev/null || : done fi fi /sbin/insserv /etc/init.d.~h=A큤A큤AA큤S`S`S`S`S`S`S`S`KS`S`S`S`94268c4bfd0ee4c94f5eb35dcbd001eb04b27d453cba767372eba98ca195b25509ea1ce24bc07f60a31552fb1a58dceee88d5f4fc2f2d85458d02fcbe00857c8cd24dae3ad5b353fd4d8e7ef7330e45800567649a0f58b6a060bf47ccf162dee6949a28321221230a5f3232bdd6b2f1fd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/etc/init.d/nrpe@@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnagios-nrpe-2.12-29.1.src.rpmnagios-nrpe-clientsysvinit(nagios-nrpe)nagios-nrpenagios-nrpe(x86-64)     @@@@@@@@@@ fillupcoreutilsgrepdiffutilsinsservsed/bin/loggernetcfgpwdutilssysvinit(network)sysvinit(syslog)rpmlib(VersionedDependencies)/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)/bin/!LL8`Kj@K]K޺KtKCK2@lars@linux-schulserver.delars@linux-s nrpe-CVE-2014-2913.patch: possible command injection when command arguments are enabled (bnc#874743 CVE-2014-2913) - fixed by updating the example configs and documentation- nagios-nrpe-CVE-2013-1362.patch: fixed shell code injection via $() (bnc#807241 CVE-2013-1362) - only recommend the nagios-plugin packages that are used in the default configuration (helps fixing bnc#778970)- specfile cleanup using spec-cleaner (add comments to patches)- add directory to filelist to fix build- also package nrpe_check_control from contrib- prereq init scripts syslog and network- use /var/lib/nagios as home directory (same as nagios package)- fix missing operand for dirname in init script- add netcfg to PreReq to have /etc/services installed (fixes bnc #608164 )- set default values in init script- fix file ownership in /etc - added nrpe manpage from debian - added adapted patches from Debian: + nrpe-more_random.patch (overwrite the buffer with better randomness) + nrpe-improved_help.patch (list additional commandline options) + nrpe-weird_output.patch (null the buffer before using it) + nrpe-drop_privileges_before_writing_pidfile.patch (name says all) - added the following patches to fix compilation warnings: + nrpe-return_value.patch + nrpe-uninitialized_variable.patch + nrpe-unused_variable.patch- use /var/run/nrpe/ for pidfile; nagios can be run as different user/group which might cause conflicts - clean up the init skript and implement automatic movement/ creation of the pid directory - package /var/run/nrpe/ as ghost- cleanup subpackages o nagios-nrpe is default package and provides NRPE daemon obsoletes: client o nagios-plugins-nrpe provides the check plugin to be installed with the nagios host obsoletes: server - cleanup spec o sort TAGS o removed/added define - nsusr == nrpeusr - nsgrp == nrpegrp - added cmdgrp - redefine _libexecdir o added PreReq o fix pre{,un}/post{,un} sections - no restart_on_update x{,inetd}, cause xinet file is installed 'disabled' by default - service port is needed with server, not with plugin - no restart_on_update nagios when nrpe plugin is update there is also no restart_on_update when nagios_plugins are updated o fix nrpe.cfg o PID_File => /var/run/nagios/ - SOURCE mods o reworked patches (Makefile,xinetd) o replaced rcnrpe with nrpe.init o added README.SuSE- Use -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS since the code is not clean. - Own /etc/nagios directory. - Add _GNU_SOURCE to CFLAGS to get prototype of asprintf./bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shnagios-nrpe-clientbuild10 1398836175 2.122.12-29.12.12-29.12.12 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://]"k%a!nܿ+=ΥL.%_1HP?r'v*o }.+)6!o4b3j/@2;BΔMFWg+x`7\M٭fOQM ՙXZ.uZ!6|Ge/EdA$EFAO&ڟA2tl/O$ 0GHp혃oayJoci UI*m)^pBMf8U\XB # !F7c㋟kо2ǚ" hL47;M6\5ߪ;GY%ˮؤ{o$m>Sɇ2DWᐲm֫8+k8YF`@}4ECe{tm'dKp!u/MAŅK<ٚqq%p`{F ҾcRɗ~9fsxï6xu!gR:Qj>t"l9Qxĸ%-ht{2 T~>Z2ߔ8B Y+^u)Yh;Uؑ4d99bcH3YQ U۴U6WRVk uKe JScUQC0/3.o)VN #2M>G +"$8e"f.·QzTV!_si˵U:P6a`7^O~(+@Dǽ/{=h3saH]%p$K8{ϭR"6duXO&Wu}iQ{z IdU*_3,\> r6F P/b.LES y(~ h,, _5ә]` 6Ҷ X!=Jj`1Gl"&@.KYV0`'eVZ? njj9#J5 -&f&M?-9) Kd"Y*=j ".5ѩD`Y7uXա_,{Zg I!*b cd W&+nR8:<3Zwęo<_[D ՘?c.>&%R 7 >M̸KwW<{< Dti HM`t;q \8jB#:=1issCHUtءPX׼li0Rar~rrnr)2Ht} v\GV(s3L5}`sX u t`ȌtӣE< }2_a8H2 )qֿioiU;Jѵm#)ъe\Yk=[ʨZy lK/#Tԛ`L S:jF `+ʩ.`eEߠxɆ*P3*EdE Sg@1΁ RZ>>cUY0T $uYmа7m*9ʓREB6L](D9dGQ?\DuDa(F- v=# ryX=ZbD5Jn$pz P&\Gak'rG0 CɻA9t{驛z+7ogt&{@4,o6X`pVYoiq~tzGehiwb(>$գ~R*j~kd(>[d'xf Y]10lq=pr0?fQRR N(4^3xOWW&E&'|rHTzpӶ=n8޶7kx;(mybulˤW=tD镛Q2)EI3brYÿs-ů$cuۡQƵGw= 3xKD8fw)2QwK櫥,wY~+ Rxⶉ4sDq \rLz,Dw2&l퓞=YYɖa qq>: HBͽMhUہ낶\Հ7ji[~x vdTf8UW:s.ҵQJnЏɂf}#h eIwblةƝÒY|3 hB}/ vp& ? %~! d #(&vvm3{\uEEdB̪wϜ)^Xn-ua<`±bl׼K/#qvsϤ6C-NPqB+fW%4ǃSqыC9yd/W\w\u f'mT@UFH.ff܌U]3QӖZbyx3m;7~[z&eg]ITnܥ7y5kZy7w3l{7g!-9@/9 5G-b(Ke,k[U'ݔ ݀hd5<{B+>TʋE v5l#7hT evZ6D` l9KKaռ F ^T➓d&S*ٜ%n9`s`M`aFN-:zǔ6D.sT˅O˕ބ-:ע ^}:.>$IPW]'V:6 @_= +"*/>1WR'_T20Fb[$Gԭ.V1w*ifԐVyDN|B:9#~>ug) LKCOOuRB"~Jʡ"+ߊCg@ǤϥXh4[>YfrYQNNu: