From a bibliography on feminine spirituality. These books weren't
recommended, but just listed:

Goldenberg, Naomi R. <I>Returning Words to Flesh: Feminism,
Psychoanalysis and the Resurrection of the Body</I>.  Boston: Beacon
Press, 1990.

Demetrakopoulos, Stephanie A. <I>Listening to Our
Bodies: The Rebirth of Feminine Wisdom</I>. Boston:
Beacon Press, 1983.

Goodison, Lucy. <I>Moving Heaven and Earth:
Sexuality, Spirituality & Social Change</I>. London:
The Women's Press, 1990.

Chavez-Garcia, Sylvia and Daniel A. Helminiak.
"Sexuality and Spirituality: Friends Not Foes."
<I>Journal of Pastoral Care</I> 39,2 (June

Recommendations from Abyss:
ON WOMEN'S EXPERIENCE (including sexuality)

_Re-inventing Eve_, by Kim Chernin

_The Book of Lilith_, by Barbara Koltuv

_Dragontime:..._, by?

_A Woman's Worth_, by Marianne Williamson

_Sapphistry:..._, by Pat Califia

_Marriage Between Zones 3, 4 and 5_, by Doris Lessing (?)

Poetry by Deena Metzger and May Sarton (_Journal of Solitude_).

_Woman on the Edge of Time_, by Marge Piercey

_The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You_, by ?

_Mother Wit_, by ?

_Circles of Stones_, by Judy Duerk 

_What do Women Want_, by Judy Duerk

_Herland_, by Doris Lessing

(?) _Mists of Avalon_, by Marion Zimmer Bradley

(?) _Masturbation, Tantra and Self-Love_, by ?PMH Atwater [Margo

From: (Michael Wayne Jackson) 
[quoted with permission]

Although these five books are written by women, they might not be
exactly what you are looking for, but they might get you on the right

_The Eastern Way of Love: Tantric Sex and Erotic Mysticism_ by Kamal Devi,
New York, Simon & Schuster, c1977, 1st Fireside ed., 1985, ISBN:
0671604325, cover price: $9.95.

The illustrations remind me of Alex Comfort's _The Joy of Sex_, and
has an East Indian slant to the matter.

_The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: the Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western
Lovers_ by Margo Anand, New York, Putnam, c1989, a Jeremy P.
Tarcher/Perigee Book, ISBN: 087477540X, cover price: $18.95.

For the money, this is the best of the five I listed. Well written,
heavily illustrated, full of self and self/partner style exercises.

_Masturbation, Tantra and Self Love_ by Margo Woods, San Diego,
Omphaloskepsis Press, a division of Mho and Mho Works, c1981, ISBN:
0917320158, additional copies may be ordered from the publisher: Mho
and Mho Works, Box 33135, San Diego, Calif. 92103, price: $7.50 plus
$0.50 postage and handling.

No illustrations. I, personally, didn't like this one, but my head's
in an odd place.

_Some Still Want the Moon: a Woman's Introduction to Tantra Yoga_ by
Vimala McClure, Willow Springs, MO, NUCLEUS Publications, c1989, ISBN:
0945934009, for information and instruction: The Progressive Women's
Spiritual Association offers classes and personal instruction in
meditation, yoga, vegetarian diet, and spiritual philosophy. For
further information, write to: PWSA, c/o 97-38 42nd Ave., Corona, NY
11368-2145, for free catalog, write: NUCLEUS Publications, Rte. 2, Box
48, Willow Springs, MO 65793, cover price: $9.95.

When you see this book, you might think it's a children's book with
the nice watercolor cover.  Some stretching exercises that are
illustrated, otherwise not as specific in the theory area as I would

_For Each Other: Sharing Sexual Intimacy_ by Lonnie Barbach, New York,
an Anchor Book published by Doubleday, c1982, ISBN: 0385172974, cover
price: $10.95.

From the preliminary pages:
Lonnie Barbach also wrote:
_For Yourself_,
_Women Discover Orgasm: a Therapist's Guide to a New Threatment Approach_,
_Pleasures: Women Write Erotica_,
_Erotic Interludes: Tales Told by Women

By Lonnie Barbach with Linda Levine:
_Shared Intimacies: Women's Sexual Experiences_
_The Intimate Male: Candid Discussions About Women, Sex, and Relationships_

Videotapes by Lonnie Barbach:
_Falling in Love Again: A Sexual Enrichment Program_

Audiotapes by Lonnie Barbach with Bernie Zilbergeld: _An Ounce of
Prevention: How to Talk with a Partner About Smart Sex_, _American
Health: Sex in the '80s_

As you can probably see, Lonnie Barbach writes for an audience that
might have no real knowledge of their or their partners bodies,
however, her writing style is easy to understand and after reading it
one tends to say, "Oh, of course, that makes so much sense, why didn't
I know this before?"  (Quote from one of my female friends after she
read _For Each Other_) In my opinion, these are for women and men who
are more repressed and embarrassed about their sexuality that someone
who is moving down the sex magick path, but they are worth it in any

I hope you find what you're looking for.  As for me, I've been
exploring the Tantric way since I met Annie Sprinkle in October 1991.
Her performance act, and talking with her after the show, changed my
life.  Alas, I have been practicing alone; I have a great deal of
theoretical knowledge, but no "field work" so to speak.

Love, it's the law!
