Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Aromatherapy for everybody
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 13:37:09 -0500

last year, many netters sent thank you notes after i posted a couple
of difficult-to-find aromatherapy formulas as complementary techniques
for taking care of the most current troubles one gets at that time of
year.  i was kinda surprised because most of the stuff was quite
specialized since it was based upon ceos, chemotypic essential
oils. so i promised i'll do a more thorough job next year - thats now.

since i didn't keep everyones email, i just post it here for all to
download.  it took a lot of time to put the all thing together! so if
you like this post, please try to snail mail some support cash or
check for what you feel its worth. address is at the end.

i've been using these ceos formulas for about two decades. some ceos
have been made available only recently to worldwide markets and i've
added them in my formulas. i checked this information against the
experience of veteran herbalits and naturopaths i know from europe,
asia, and the us. as i understand, european natural folks legal status
seems more mainstream than here. you already know that in germany for
instance, naturopaths have been granted licencing about half a century
ago. the reasonning those days, i've been told, went something like
this: people in good health do not bother anyone with negative
behavior; above all, they want to keep the peace and don't create
ground for another world war; since only a small percentage of modern
medicine procedures has been proven to work, lets see what more
traditional, natural procedures have to offer.

in our country, fortunately enough, our hopes are higher and higher:
according to herbalgram (the journal of the american botanical council
and the herb research foundation, pob 201660, austin tx 78720), sales
of herbal supplements rose 70 percent in supermarkets alone in 1993
and were the second fastest growing category in dollar sales for food
and drugstores combined.

feel free to share this post with friends and familly, and everybody
you love. law in our country being what it is at the time i write
this, you'll want to make sure everybodys aware of the disclaimer at
the end. if you wish to alter anything in this post, please say so
clearly and mention who you are for further references. (i've been
told to add all this last part you just read. sorry!  :-D )


tongue: melaleuca alternifolia + mentha piperita + thymus thujanoliferum +
thymus thymoliferum. up to four times an hour.
respiratory: thymus thymoliferum + thymus linaloliferum. as needed.

mouth: cinnamomum verum + hyssopus var decumbens + rosmarinus officinalis
verbenoniferum + honey.
skin: anathum graveolens + eucalyptus globulus + eucalyptus div piperitol +
inula graveolens + melaleuca quinquenervia + rosmarinus officinalis
verbenoniferum +  cured organic sesame oil. up to three massages a day on
upper body, up to two weeks. 
respiratory: eucalyptus globulus + eucalyptus radiata. five minutes, four
times a day, up to a week.

skin: eucalyptus radiata + lavandula latifolia cineolifera + cured organic
sesame oil.
respiratory: eucalyptus smithii + eucalyptus radiata + lavandula latifolia

tongue: melaleuca cajeputii
skin: artemisia dracunculus + cupressus sempervirens + origanum majorana +
thymus thujanoliferum + cured organic sesame oil. up to five massages a day
on upper body and throat. up to a week.

skin: pinus sylvestris + picea mariana + cured organic sesame oil. massage
the back in the morning. one week.
tongue: melaleuca cajeputii
skin: eucalyptus radiata + ravensara aromatica + cured organic sesame oil.
general gentle massage. as long as necessary.

skin: citrus reticulata + lavandula angustifolia + ravensara aromatica +
valeriana willichii + cured organic sesame oil. general body massage
especially feet before retiring.

tongue: thymus linaloliferum + thymus thujanoliferum + honey.
skin: lavendula latifolia cineolifera + thymus linaloliferum + cured organic
sesame oil. gentle massage all around the ears on skull, up to four times a
day, up to a week.
ears: eucalyptus radiata + lavandula stoechas. one drop of each on a qtip and
gently apply in ear to clean it. use separate qtips for each ear. then one
drop on a piece of cotton and leave it in the ear. up to three times a day.
up to a week. *please remember inner ear is very delicate: this formula is
possibly the only one thats permissible inside the meatus* 

tongue: citrus reticula + lippia citriodora + origanum majorana.
skin: angelica archangelica + citrus reticulata + lippia citriodora +
origanum majorana + rosa rubiginosa + thymus thujanoliferum + cured organic
sesame oil. general body massage. as needed.


start with a small quantity first. 

TONGUE: you put one to two drops on a clean finger, you activate the
saliva in your mouth, you put the finger on your tongue, you suck the
oil, mix it well with saliva, and you swallow.

MOUTH: you mix one drop of oil with one teaspoon of honey, and you eat
the mixture. all formulas for tongue can also be used in mouth with

RESPIRATORY: for most folks, the new generation of small electric
diffusers that has been created just for that purpose works best. it
also ionizes the oils, which may enhance the effects according to some
sources. with most essential oils, you cannot see the very fine mist
you get because its thinner than tobacco smoke!

SKIN: you apply as many drops you feel comfortable with. stay out of
the sun the next couple hours if you know your skin can react.

HONEY: be sure it has not be heated (as a golden rule: never heat or
cook honey, as it produces poisons in the body).

SESAME OIL: cure the oil before use, and remember sesame oil is
flammable, so keep children away when you do that. cured oil can be
store for six months.  if youve not use all your cured oil by that
time, just cure again. make sure its *certified organic*. apply warm

CONTRA-INDICATION: people with respiratory allergies, such as asthma,
should not use the RESPIRATORY complementary technique: do not use
diffusers if your in this category. also, if you know your skin could
react strongly, take appropriate measures.

COMMON SENSE: start with a small quantity first. never put essential
oils in or close to your eyes. no oils in the ears. no oils on sex
area and anus area. keep your essential oils away from children. if
you ingest a bigger quantity of essential oils by accident,
immediately follow with several spoons of sunflower oil or olive oil
(no water!) and use appropriate cares if needed. do not use menta
piperita with younger children.

LATIN NAMES: i give the name of ceos in latin. aromatherapy can be
serious business. and it can work wonders. among the classical
examples: it may takes several days of treatment with antibiotics if
you have a cystitis; an experimented practitioner may kill your
problem in less than a day with essential oils. but only the exact
ceos will work as expected. for instance, a particular type of
eucalyptus is used for its mucolysis value, another one for its
expectoration value. so the name on the bottles may be the same but
the effects may be contradictory. you can often subtitute one oil for
another if you know how to interprate their chemical compounds
constitution. imho latin is the only way to be sure at this time. if
your essential oils provider is not up to the latin challenge, better
find another one.

QUALITY OF ESSENTIAL OILS: many people quite beautifully discussed
about it in this newsgroup. here are some criteria i like most: the
WHOLENESS of the herbs has to be present: it takes time and
effort. some companies may choose to distillate an herb on a shorter
period of time, and the full therapeutic effect may be missing in the
final essential oil.  essential oils from the wild or at least
CERTIFIED ORGANIC: its a time-consuming process too. most often, a
qualified harvester hand-picks in the wild less than 20% of an herb
from any harvesting area. this is necessary to maintain the natural
ecology of the land and the quality of the final products.

TRUE essential oils that truly are what it says in their names: some
companies reconstitute an oil by putting something else
together. 'just the natural ceo, mam'.


here are some mail order sources for ceos and aromatherapy stuff ive grown to
rely upon over the years:
amrita aromatherapy, email to 
phone to 515 472 9136, fax to 515 472 8672. 
aromatherapy seminars, phone to 310 838 6122, fax to 310 838 2812.
crmm laboratoire, 38 rue puccini, 31200 toulouse, france.  phone to:
international + 33 61 57 05 83, fax to: 33 61 57 44 98. 
if you happen to know of other reliable and comprehensive sources of ceos,
please share your informations. 

to gently and easily warm the sesame oil before massage, i use a
bottle warmer sold to warm baby's standard glass and plastic nurser
bottles. if you dont find any in your local stores: gerber products,
445 state st, fremont mi 49412.

to warm and prepare the skin locally before applying ceos, i use hot
air flow from a hair dryer.

if you need informations fast about your illness and cannot do the
research yourself, youll want to get a customized file for a fee from
one of the reliable folks in this list. information brokers
specializing in health care may do a pretty darn good job for you and
your health care providers. they search medical and professional data
resources worlwide online:

health info network, phone to1 800 743 6996, fax to 707 539 8234.
health resource, phone to 501 329 5272, fax to 501 329 8700.
med-cetera, phone to 1 800 748 6866, fax to 713 666 6891.
planetree health resource, phone to 415 923 3680.
not much to do with essential oils as far as i can tell at this time, but may
assist you to get the right kind of help. 


it took a lot of time to put the all thing together! so if you like
this post, please try to snail mail some support cash or check for
what you feel its worth.
address is: pob 1904, fairfield ia 52556, usa.

*this post about essential oils is an educational project. it is
written by an independent person for informational purposes
only. nothing in there is meant to replace the advice of a health care
professional. it shouldnt be considered as medical instruction. even
though this work is based on reliable sources, scientific or
otherwise, nothing shall be construed as a claim or representation for
anything. use at your own risk only. this post wants to encourage you
to use all health information in supporting your decision-making

please do not delete the *disclaimer* from this post.