From: Christi D. Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs Subject: Re: Homemade shampoo or conditioner (Recipe) Date: 1 May 1995 06:42:37 GMT Sorry, can't find the original poster's address but a very simple natural shampoo can be made with dried Soapwort (Saponaria) You need approximately: 1 oz of dried soapwort 1 to 1 1/2 pts of water (pure/spring/distilled) 1 oz herbs of choice (based on what type of shampoo-see * note below) Put boiling water on the dried soapwort and soak overnight. Bring mixture to boil (in an enamel pan) and simmer, covered for about 15-20 minutes. Stir in herbs, and store it, covered, until it is cool enough to use. Strain before using. * note: choose one or combination of herbs for properties desired. Examples: Marsh mallow is used for dry hair Peppermint/Lavender used for oily hair Marigold/Calendula for red hair etc., etc., and so forth and so on and on and on If the original poster has a particular type of hair/condition, email me privately and I'll look up some particulars for you! I know some who use a microwave for the simmering, but.... not me! I don't want to maybe (?) put something back in water I have paid people to take stuff out of!! :) Christi D. * E-mail: