From: (EWhiteVHP)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Herbal soapmaking 7 pgs
Date: 18 Apr 1995 09:43:37 -0400

Here are about 7 pages (printed) of soapmaking instructions and a
shameless plug for my book. Hope you enjoy. These are the same
instructions available from America Online's library. Feel free to
pass the information along to others. Just keep the copyright
information included and I'll be happy.

Best regards,

So, you want to make soap? Good! I'll try my best to tell you how. I'm
Elaine White, author of "Soap Recipes: Seventy tried-and-true ways to
make modern soap with herbs, beeswax and vegetable oils" These
instructions are very condensed and cannot possibly contain the
details included in "Soap Recipes."

Nonetheless, I believe you will have a good overview after you read
these instructions. Once you learn basic safety precautions,
soapmaking procedures and termonology, you will be able to make soap
from any recipe. The outline for these instructions is:

A) Safety precautions in handling lye, lye/water and freshly-made soap
B) The equipment list
C) The procedure of combining ingredients and molding soap
D) Herbal soap
E) Superfatting soap
F) US Soapmaking suppliers
G) Soap recipes

Once you read these instructions and if possible, join the soapmakers
at America Online. Go to "The Exchange" click on "Crafts and sewing"
then "other crafts" and you will find "soapmaking." AOL gives me free
time online to help soapmakers and I often join the discussions. I am
glad to help you in any way.


A) Locating lye and safety precautions in handling it.

(The following may frighten you, but I promise that thousands of
 people make soap everyday without mishap. You need to know all the
 dangers present in order to avoid trouble. If you can get past the
 following warnings--you are destined to make soap!)

Look where drain cleaners are sold and buy 100% lye (Red Devil is one
brand). Don't bother looking at liquid drain cleaners and don't try
Draino (it contains metal). If you aren't sure the product is 100%
lye, then order lye from a soapmaking or chemical supplier (addresses
listed). Most good soap recipes list lye by weight for accuracy: lye
in granular form (drain cleaner) measures differently than lye in
flake form (the form of lye from laboratory chemical suppliers, pool
chemical suppliers, etc). Scales are a necessary part of sucessful
soapmaking and allows you to use any type of lye.

Lye can be nasty if handled improperly. Lye (sodium hydroxide) is also
known as caustic soda. Upon opening a container of lye, the lye
crystals absorb water from the air, which can weaken the strength of
the lye and cause it to form a solid lump.  When not in use, keep lye
closely capped.

Lye reacts with some metals: aluminum, zinc, and tin. Safe containers
include heatproof stoneware, glass, enamel, stainless steel and

Lye can be fatal if swallowed. Always keep it out of the hands of

Lye can remove paint. If lye, lye/water or freshly-made soap splatters
onto a painted surface, wipe it off immediately. Wash the area with
water and detergent; wash it with clear water, then wipe it dry.

Lye, lye/water and freshly-made soap can burn and irritate skin. Burns
from lye are not instantaneous. It takes awhile for lye to irritate
skin. Chances are you will notice if lye splashes on you.  You'll
notice itching before burning. Lye/water on skin is first noticed by a
slippery feeling. Rinse your hands with vinegar and immediately rinse
them with running water.

Since lye can burn skin, you can imagine what it does to eyes. It's
difficult to rinse your eyes while they're burning and you can't
see. This painful and dangerous situation in entirely
avoidable. Always wear eye protection!

You may wonder why anyone wants to bathe with soap that contains
something as harsh as lye. Well, the good news is that soap is *made*
with lye, but soap doesn't *contain* lye. Lye reacts with fats,
creating roughly three molecules soap and one molecule glycerin. The
lye is no longer present--only great soap and glycerin.


B) The equipment list:

# one 4-to-6 cup mixing container made of lye-resistant material
  (I use a stainless steel mixing bowl)
# one heatproof container that holds at least 2 cups
  (I use a Pyrex measuring cup)
# stainess steel, plastic, wooden spoon or a rubber spatula
# two thermometers made of glass or stainless steel
  (candy and meat thermometers work well)
# eye protection (wear sunglasses if you have to!)
# rubber gloves (optional)
# scale to weigh the fats and lye
# soap molds (any flexible plastic container works well)
# a clock with a second hand or other type timer
# wire whisk (optional)
# pot holders or oven mitts
# measuring spoons

C) The procedure

1) Put the fats in a lye-resistant container and place a glass or
stainless steel thermometer into the fats. Be sure the thermometer
doesn't touch the bottom of the container and give a false
reading. Heat the fats and optional ingredients to the temperature
specified in the recipe.

2) Put on eye protection and rubber gloves.

3) Dissolve the lye in cold water (use distilled water if your water
is hard). Wait for it to reach the temperature specified in the
recipe. Use a heat-proof container to measure the amount of cold water
(70 to 75 degrees F) specified in the recipe. Cold water is important.
If you add lye to hot or boiling water, the water could "boil-up" out
of the container; if you add lye to *really* cold water, the lye/water
might not reach the high temperatures required to make some recipes.

Stir the water and slowly add the lye. The water will get hot and turn
cloudy.  Continue to stir until the lye dissolves. Don't breathe or
intentionally smell the fumes coming from the cup because they are
quite "chokey." If you wait too long to stir the water, the lye could
harden in the bottom of the container. This is not a problem. You can
still stir it, but it will be more difficult. Add a glass or stainless
steel thermometer to the lye/water and wait until it reaches the
temperature specified in the recipe.

4) When both the fat and the lye/water reach the temperature specified
in the recipe, add the lye/water to the fat. I's sometimes a balancing
act to get the fat mixture and the lye/water mxiture to specific
temperatures at the same time. Never place lye/water in a microwave
(the cup could break). It takes lye/water longer to cool than it takes
fat to heat. Most soapmakers wait for the lye/water to cool to about
five degrees above the desired temperature, then heat the fat.

When both the lye/water and the fat are within five degrees of the
temperatures specified in the recipe, use a pot holder and move the
bowl to a sink (to contain splatters). Slowly pour the lye/water into
the fats while stirring. (Note: Temperatures for small one-pound
batches of soap poured into individual molds aren't critical. As long
as the lye/water and fats are between 120 and 140 degrees F you will
have good success. Larger batches or batches poured into a single
mold, require the lower temperature range.)

5) Stir the soap until it "traces." When lye, water and fat first
combine, the mixture is thin and watery. Gradually, as the lye and fat
react chemically to form soap, the mixture thickens and turns
opaque. "Tracing" is a term to describe the consistency (thickness) of
soap when it's ready to pour into molds. 

To test for tracing:
 a. Drip some soap onto the surface of the soap in the stirring
bowl. It should leave a "trace" or small mound.
 b. Draw a line in the soap with a spoon or rubber spatula. If a
"trace" of the line remains for a few seconds, the soap has traced.

Tracing is easy to recognize, yet it causes new soapmakers a lot of
worry.  Relax and know that the soap will trace eventually. Just stir
the soap constantly for the first 15 minutes or so, then stir the soap
every fifteen minutes until it thickens and traces, no matter how long
it takes.

6) After the soap traces, add up to one tablespoon essential oil (if
desired) and stir a few minutes longer to incorporate the oil. About
the only soap that remains totally scent-free is the Pure Soap Recipe
that follows.  Other fats result in soap that has a "fatty lye"
smell. Essentials oils are necessary for a pleasant-smelling product.

7) Pour the soap into molds and wait for it to harden.

8) Unmold the soap, Soap is still harsh when it's time to remove it
from the molds. Put on rubber gloves and press the back of each mold
compartment to release the soap. It's a lot like removing ice cubes
from a tray.

Sometimes the soap doesn't release easily from the mold. To overcome
this problem, leave the soap in a freezer for a few hours. Freezing
soap causes it to contract slightly, become hard and release from the
plastic mold.

9) Wait the time specified in a recipe for the soap to "age." (usually
3 weeks). During the aging time the pH of the soap decreased (the soap
becomes mild) and the bars harden.

It's a good idea to write the following information on a piece of
paper and place it with the soap: the date you made the soap, the date
the aging time is over, and the recipe name.

10) Step 10 is *enjoy your soap!*

As soap ages, a fine, white powder may appear on the surface. This is
soda ash (sodium carbonate) formed by a reaction of lye with carbon
dioxide in air. This white powder is mostly on the surface exposed to
air while the soap was in the molds. Soap that contains wax develops
little or no soda ash.  There are three ways to deal with soda ash:

 a. Try to prevent it. Immediately after pouring soap into molds,
cover the soap with plastic wrap or waxed paper. Press the wrap or
paper onto the surface of the soap to prevent air contact.

 b. Cut it away. Overfill the molds slightly. Later, when the soap
hardens, take a knife and cut the soap level with the mold. This also
cuts away the soda ash.

 c. Wash it away. Wait until the soap ages and hardens. Wash the
powder away by rubbing the soap with your hands under running water or
by rubbing the soap over a wet dishcloth. Set the soap aside to dry
---- then, *enjoy your soap!*

D. Herbal soap

You can replace the water in soap recipes with herbal tea, but to be
honest, most of the properties (color and fragrance) are lost.

The best way to use herbs in soap is to add dry, finely powdered herbs
to the fats before adding the lye/water. Use anywhere from 1
tablespoon to 1/4 cup dried herbs to 1 lb soap. Coarsly ground herbs
should be restricted to about 1 or 2 tablespoons per lb soap because
they contribute a coarseness to the soap that sometimes makes it
uncomfortable during use.

The nicest way to add properties of herbs to soap is the addition of
pure essential oils. Use anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons
essential oil per lb soap (depending on the strength of the oil).

Color is an illusive thing as far as soap is concerned. Natural colors
can be obtained by adding 2 tablespoons red clay, calendula petals, or
palm oil from Lorann Oils (yellow). Strong, true color can be obtained
from Pourette's dye recommended for soap. Use up to 1/8 teaspoon
Pourette dye per lb soap.

E. Superfatting soap

The following recipes have the exact amount of lye to make soap that
contains very little excess fat. This soap leaves skin perfectly clean
and smooth feeling. The Pure Soap without essential oil is a good
laundry product, dishwashing soap etc. 

Some people like excess fat in recipes. For this I recommend 2 to 4
tablespoons castor oil added when the soap traces. Castor oil is
emollient and contributes to soap lather. Adding castor oil after
tracing along with 1 tablespoon essential oil also seems to help
retain the soap fragrance.

F. Soapmaker's supply list (United States)

Barker's Enterprises, Inc.
15106 10th Ave SW
Seattle WA 98166
Telephone: 206-244-1870
retail/wholesale: waxes, molds and candle dye (which works for soap)

Chem Lab Supplies
1060 Ortega Way, Unit C
Placentia CA 92670
Telephone 714 630-7902
Fax  714-630-3553
retail: pH kits, electronic scales, lye

Hagenow Laboratories, Inc.
1302 Washington St
Manitowoc WI 54220
No telephone, correspond by mail and request catalog
lye, waxes, clays, essential oils, thermometers and pH kits

Liberty Natural Products
8120 SE Stark St
Portland OR 97215
$50 minimum order retail/wholesale same price
essential oils, soapmaking fats, herbs, clays, etc.

K & W Popcorn
710 E 24th St
Trenton MO 64683
Telephone 816-359-2030
retail only: coconut oil 5 gallons (will ship)

Lorann Oils
4518 Aurelius Rd
Lansing MI 48909
Telephone 1-800-248-1302
retail/wholesale: essential oils, fats, candy molds, waxes

Pourette Soapmaking Supplies
6910 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle WA 98115
Telephone 206-525-4488
retail/wholesale molds, dye, wax (request *soapmaking* price list as it's
different than their regular catalog, which contains candle molds)

Sunfeather Soapmaking Supply
HCR 84 Box 60-A
Potsdam NY 13676
Telephone 315-265-3648
retail only: lye, fats, soap fragrance

G) Now, the moment you've been waiting for--the recipes!  copyright
1995 in "Soap Recipes" by Elaine C. White 
                          All rights reserved. 

All ounces (oz) are determined by weight unless otherwise stated. Lye
is "sodium hydroxide" granular or flake form.

Pure Soap
16 oz coconut oil
 2.8 oz lye 
1 cup water (8 fluid ounces)
Fat and lye/water temperature about 120 degrees F
Time in molds: 48 hours
Age: 3 weeks

Pure Soap II (softer style)
16 oz weight coconut oil
2.9 oz lye
3/4 cup water (6 fluid ounces)
Oil room temp
Mix and use lye
Estimated tracing 1 to 2 hours
When the soap traces, add 4 tablespoons castor oil to superfat the soap.
Makes a smoother texture. Leave the soap in the mold 24 hours, freeze 3
hours, then remove from the mold. Age: 3 weeks.

Soap III
6 oz coconut oil
6 oz olive oil
5 oz vegetable shortening
2.6 oz lye
1 cup water (8 fluid ounces)
Fat and lye/water temperature about 120 degrees F
Time in molds: 48 hours
Age: 4 weeks

Soap IV
9 oz vegetable shortening
4 oz coconut oil
3 oz lard
2.4 oz lye
3/4 cup water (6 fluid ounces)
Fat and lye/water temperature about 120 degrees F
Time in molds: 24 hours
Age: 3 weeks

Soap V
10 oz vegetable shortening
 6 oz coconut oil
2.4 oz lye
1 cup water (8 fluid ounces)
Fat and lye/temperature about 120 degrees F
Time in molds: 48 hours
Age: 4 weeks

Soap VI & VII
16 oz lard or beef tallow
2.3 oz lye
3/4 cup water (6 fluid ounces)
Estimated tracing 45 minutes
Fat and lye/water temperature about 120 degrees F
Time in molds: 24 hours
Age: 3 weeks

Beeswax Castile 
13 oz weight olive oil
 2 oz beeswax
 1 oz palm oil
2.1 oz lye
1 cup water (8 fluid ounces)
(melt the beeswax with the fats)
Fat and lye/water temperature about 150 degrees F
Tracing time: about 12 minutes FAST!
Time in molds: 48 hours
Place the soap in a freezer for 3 hours, then remove it from the molds
Age: 6 to 8 weeks for the bars to harden

Beeswax Soap IX
(follow directions at "Soap VII)
16 oz weight olive oil
 2 oz weight beeswax
2.2 oz weight lye
1 cup water (8 fluid ounces)

I really hope you feel confident enought to prepare your first batch
of soap.
Good luck and happy lathering.
Best regards,
Elaine C. White

These instructions are based on a book:"Soap Recipes: Seventy
tried-and-true ways to make modern soap with herbs, beeswax and
vegetable oils" by Elaine C. White International Standard Book Number

The book is available now from:
Valley Hills Press
1864 Ridgeland Drive
Starkville MS 39759 USA
$23.95 US funds includes price and shipping to US and Canada
$28.95 US funds includes price and Air Mail shipping to other countries
1-800-323-7102 Visa/Master Cards accepted 

Toll-free number good in US only, other countries call 601-323-7100
(This is a voice line and fax.)

Valley Hills Press specializes in honey and beeswax products. They
will send a free brochure about this book and other products: MS
Beekeepers Honey Cookbook, soapmaking kit, mead/honey wine kit, "Super
Formulas" (book tells how to make 360 useful products that contain
honey and beeswax).