From: (Joy Williams)
Subject: Re: aspects of Her; was: Pan and other male gods
Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 16:18:05 GMT

Donald Edwards ( wrote:
> The Warrior doesn't have to meet *any* of the critera for the
> others.  But... while the other aspects are defined by their Being,
> the Warrior is defined by her Acting.  (This makes it particularly
> easy for any of the other Aspects to also be a Warrior: the
> definitive characteristics are different in nature and therefore
> don't conflict at all.)  A woman who is never a Warrior can go from
> her father's house to her husband's house to her son's house, and
> never face any challenge other than those which arise and are dealt
> with within the home (of course, that includes some pretty hefty
> challenges).  A Warrior *must* go out and face the rest of the
> world, whether she deals with the challenges of the home or not.
> She may bear a sword... or a briefcase.

You know, I was thinking, perhaps another equally appropos word is
"Priestess".  I am still partially Maiden, but have some mileage on
me, I am not going to have children, so I will never know that
particular physical mystery, though I can be nurturing and demonstrate
other "mother" qualities. I am actively involved with
environmentalism, I am an initiatress, so warrior fits, but it does
not define me.  Because I understand all the different aspects and to
one degree or the other embody them, (including Crone...I am 32), and
I walk the path of the Goddess, I think that Priestess is appropos for
people who have a lifestyle similar to mine.

Water shared is life shared!

Joy Williams
Scion in the Grok Flok of CAW

*	"I am not a student of human nature, I am a professor of       * 
*	a far wider academy, of which human nature is only a part!"    *
*			Thou Art God/dess!                             *