Newsgroups: alt.romance,rec.gardens
From: (Lance R. Bailey)
Subject: Re: Roses and symbolism
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1993 17:24:28 GMT writes:
> Yellow is generally construed as jealousy, pink as indecisiveness,
> red and white together is war, red and yellow together is a
> quarrel...

here is sumat i pulled from the net a while back from Ellon Schnaible

Amaryllis -Beautiful but timid
Apple Blossom - Preference
Beech Tree - Prosperity
Broom, Scottish - Humility, Neatness
Cactus - Warmth
Clover, Four-leaf - Be Mine
Clover, Red - Industry
Daffodil - Unrequited Love
Century Plant - Delicacy
Chicory - Frugality
Cyclamen _ Diffidence
Daisy, Wild - I will think of it
Dandelion - Coquetry
Garden Sage - Esteem
Geranium - I prefer you
Grass - Submission, Utility
Hawthorn - Hope
Heath - Solitude
Holly - Am I forgotten?
Ivy - Fidelity, Marriage
Lily of the Valley - Return of Happiness
Laurel, Ground - Perseverance
Mimosa - Sensitiveness
Oak Tree - Maternal Love
Olive - Peace
Palm - Victory
Pear - Affection
Phlox - Our hearts are united
Privet - Prohibition
Quince - Temptation
Rhododendron - Agitation
Reed - Complaisance
Shamrock - Light-heartedness
Rose, Pink - Friendship
Rose, Red - I Love You
Rose, Yellow - I'm Sorry
Sweet William - Gallantry
Willow - Bravery & Humanity

Birthstones and Flowers

Jan - Garnet/Carnation
Feb - Amethyst/Primrose
Mar - Aquamarine/Jonquil
Apr - Diamond/Daisy
May - Emerald/Lily of the Valley
Jun - Pearl/Rose
Jul - Ruby/Larkspur
Aug - Peridot/Gladiolus
Sep - Sapphire/Aster
Oct - Opal/Marigold
Nov - Topaz/Chrysanthemum
Dec - Turquoise/Poinsettia

If anyone wants to know the Anniversary gifts list I will post that

I hope this is of some help.

Lance R. Bailey  System/Network Manager       Robarts Research Institute
     NeXT/email:  box: Clinical Trials Resources Group
            fax: +1 519 663 3789              P.O. Box 5015, 100 Perth Dr.
            vox: +1 519 663 3787 x4108        London, Canada N6A 5K8