From: (Lew Stead)
Subject: Re: may wine ?
Date: 4 May 1994 23:21:24 GMT

There's also something which we've always called "May Wine" which is
made without fermenting anything.  Get a good German white.  Let a
half a dozen strawberries (sliced) and a good handful of woodruff
steep in it for an hour or so.  Serve cool.

Very good, the strawberry adds a fruity flavor and the woodruff adds 

Wes Thu Hal & Good Walpurgis!  Lew
!       Lewis Stead  -=-  The Raven Kindred of Asatru Southern Hearth      !
!    CI$:73777,2236     AoL:Moonrise1   !
!        Snailmail to 11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175; Wheaton MD 20902        !

|> Lew Stead ( wrote:
|> : : Maywine
|> : : 1 bottle of dry white wine
|> : : 5 thin orange slices
|> : : 12 sprigs of woodruff
|> : : 1 teaspoon sugar

Bronwyn S. Beistle ( writes:
|> : I'd add strawberries to the recipe (and not necessarily delete the 
|> : oranges).  Also, if you're using dried woodruff, soak it in wine 
|> : overnight instead of for an hour or so.