"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 1 - Ancient Egyptian History" (3/1/86CE)
Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_
(c) Temple of Set 1989 CE
Weirdbase file version by TS permission

by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041

Ancient Egypt holds the distinction of being both the first true
nation (as opposed to city-state) and the most enduring one - existing
three times as long as the Roman Empire and fifteen times as long as
the United States.  Many of the political and social principles which
sustained Egypt are being adapted for contemporary applications by the
Temple of Set. Many Egyptian cultural and scientific achievements,
some long forgotten or neglected, are also of special importance when
considered in the light of related areas of Setian concern. Because of
its undeniable grandeur and mystery, Egypt has been sadly abused by
occultists and sensationalists of later eras. Hence it is all the more
incumbent upon Setians to observe responsible standards of accuracy
when referring to the present Temple's ancient heritage.

1A. _The Mummy_ by E.A. Wallis Budge. NY: Collier Books, 1973. (TS-2) MA: 
"This book contains sections on history, magic, culture, and hieroglyphics. 
The late Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities for the British Museum 
(and rumored initiate of the Golden Dawn), Budge has written many detailed 
works on Egyptology. Their shortcomings are minor: an overemphasis on 
Osirian interpretation of philosophy and occasional questionable assumptions 
(generally educated guesses based on whatever fragmentary arch~ological data 
were available during his lifetime). _The Mummy_ is a good 'basic Budge'. 
Written at the beginning of this century, however, it is necessarily dated. 
Its contents are best updated by comparison with recent theories contained 
in more modern works."

1B. _Egypt the Black Land_ by Paul Jordan. NY: E.P. Dutton, 1976. (TS-2) MA: 
"Jordan is a writer and producer of arch~ological films for television, 
specializing in Egyptology. This book, with chapters on history, society, 
religion, morality, technical/scientific achievement, and philosophy, is an 
excellent survey incorporating recent arch~ological data. Technical 
assistance from the Royal Scottish Museum's Cyril Aldred. A good work to 
cross-reference with #1A. Many beautiful photographs are included."

1C. _The Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History_ by Marcel 
Dunn (Ed.). NY: Harper & Row, 1963 [reprinted 1972 (paperback) by Crown]. 
(TS-3) MA: "The Egyptian section of this book is remarkably succinct and 
objective, which accounts for its inclusion in this category. An additional 
benefit is that the book is written sequentially, so that an episode 
occurring in one part of the world may be followed by an episode taking 
place in another area at the same point in time. The general library value 
of this book extends far beyond its Egyptological applications. Indeed, 
Setians would do well to familiarize themselves with the Larousse series, 
including such Encyclopedias as #3R, #24A/B/C, and _Modern History_ 
(companion to #1C)."

1D. _Egypt Under the Pharaohs_ by Heinrich Brugsch-Bey. NY: Charles 
Scribner's Sons, 1891. (TS-4) MA: "Brugsch-Bey was one of Germany's most 
prominent Egyptologists of the last century. This book was his final 
publication, and in it he endeavored to derive a history of Egypt entirely 
from the inscriptions on its surviving monuments. Since most of the 
inscriptions are quoted in the text, the reader has a means of assessing the 
author's conclusions - a rare luxury in Egyptology. The book is 
understandably dated and should be compared with works incorporating more 
recent data."

1E. _The Curse of the Pharaohs_ by Philipp Vandenberg. NY: J.B. Lippincott 
Company, 1975 [paperback reprint available]. (TS-3) MA: "Although written in 
a van Daeniken-sensationalistic flavor, this book contains some interesting 
observations concerning Egyptian magic, priesthoods, tomb preparation 
techniques [including anti-grave-robber devices], and some of the major 
Egyptologists. Care is required to distinguish worthwhile lines of inquiry 
from the author's more fanciful speculations."

1F. _Secrets of the Great Pyramid_ by Peter Tompkins. NY: Harper & Row, 1971 
[paperback reprint available]. (TS-3) (OT-3) MA: "This is the most 
comprehensive analysis to date of the Great Pyramid of Giza. [See also #1K.] 
It contains a sophisticated discussion of the scientific and mathematical 
principles incorporated in the monument, as well as a history of 
archaeological attitudes towards it. Extensively illustrated. It should not 
be confused with the many 'pyramid fad' books appearing shortly thereafter. 
Tompkins has written a companion volume on obelisks, as well as one devoted 
to pyramid structures in the western hemisphere: _Mysteries of the Mexican 
Pyramids_ (NY: Harper & Row, 1976). While not as impressive as the 
information concerning the Giza pyramids, this material is also worthy of 
study by those interested in architectural magic in general. Some 
provocative additional material concerning the Great Pyramid is contained in 
_The Mysteries of the Great Pyramids_ by A. Pochan (NY: Avon #31492, 1978."

1G. _The Pyramids_ by Ahmed Fakhry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1961. (TS-3) MA: "Fakhry (1905-1973) was Professor of Ancient History at 
Cairo University. This book is a thorough survey of all the major Egyptian 
pyramids, with supplementary chapters on building processes, the Giza 
Sphinx, and related philosophy. His approach is essentially unsympathetic to 
those who 'read mysticism into' the monuments; hence this book is a good 
contrast to #1F. Nevertheless it is evident that Fakhry ignores data that do 
not support his solidly-materialistic approach."

1H. _Lives of the Pharaohs_ by Pierre Montet. Cleveland: World Publishing 
Company, 1969. (TS-3) MA: "Montet is a Member of the French Institute and 
Honorary Professor at the College de France. Rather than attempting to cover 
Egyptian history in its entirely, he focuses on the more significant 
periods, governments, philosophies, and rulers. The result is a book with 
major insights into such episodes as the Hebrew exodus, the Akhenaten 
period, and the Setian dynasties. After reading this book, you will be able 
to see the Osirian distortions in most of the less exactingly researched 

1I. _A Book of the Beginnings_ by Gerald Massey. Seacaucus, NJ: University 
Books, 1974. (TS-4) MA: "A two-volume edition of about 1,200 pages. Massey 
was a poet and amateur Egyptologist in turn-of-the-century England, and this 
work was the first of his series on the topic. It was so radical a departure 
from accepted archaeological interpretations that it was  rejected in 
academic circles. The book's contentions are often startling, but Massey 
documents his arguments so thoroughly and carefully that criticism is 
decidedly difficult. He is further an accomplished linguist, reading and 
cross-referencing hieroglyphics fluently. Among the topics addressed: 
Egypt's connections with later civilizations' mythologies, Egyptian origins 
of practically every Hebrew and Christian myth, Egyptian origin of the 
Hebrew language, the Setian religion as the most ancient in existence, the 
Hyksos not outside invaders but rather an indigenous Egyptian group, and 
periodic Setian/Osirian factional control of the nation."

1J. _The Natural Genesis_ by Gerald Massey. NY: Samuel Weiser, 1976 [two 
volumes]. (TS-4) MA: "Massey considered this as the 'second half' of #1I. It 
continues the same themes, with the noteworthy addition of an extensive and 
exhaustive chapter on Darkness and Setian symbolism in ancient Egypt. Also 
included are many investigations into the cults of HarWer and Xepera, 
animalistic influences on primitive human psychology, and physiological 
influences on mythical systems. There are innumeral surprise tidbits along 
the way, such as evidence for the Egyptian origins of the waters of ZamZam 
[see #6L]. A linguistic comparison of Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphics 
[no mean feat!] is appended. 1,050 pages."

1K. _Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World_ by Gerald Massey. NY: Samuel 
Weiser, 1976 [two volumes]. (TS-4) MA: "Massey's final work, originally 
published in 1907. In the introduction he said: 'Comparatively speaking, _A 
Book of the Beginnings_ was written in the dark, _The Natural Genesis_ was 
written in the twilight, whereas _Ancient Egypt_ has been written in the 
light of day.' This work covers much the same ground as his earlier 
editions, but it includes a major attack on Hebrew/Christian mythology. One 
suspects that this may be the reason for the reluctance of Western society 
to accept, much less endorse Massey; those who interrupt soothing fictions 
with irritating facts are rarely welcome. 944 pages. [In 1974 Samuel Weiser 
also published _Gerald Massey's Lectures_ in hardcover. This volume is 
recommended as a supplement to Massey's theoretical works, since it comments 
upon their theses in a series of lecture texts. It will not be very 
intelligible to the reader who has not previously read #1I/J/K, however.]"

1L. _Pyramid Odyssey_ by Wm. R. Fix. NY: Mayflower Books, 1978. (TS-3) MA: 
"Recommended as supplementary reading to #1F. Fix is the first author to 
make a critical analysis of Tompkins' contentions concerning the Pyramids. 
In doing so he traveled to Giza and discovered that many facts concerning 
the Pyramids' measurements which were taken for granted by various authors 
are unsubstantiated by first-hand measurement. Fix also details various 
discoveries concerning the monuments which do not appear in other works on 
the subject. Fix himself is an amateur rather than a professional 
Egyptologist or arch~ologist, but his arguments are impressive for the 
obvious care with which they are constructed. [See also #2O.]"

1M. _Egypt Before the Pharaohs_ by Michael A. Hoffman. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 
1979. (TS-4) MA: "An academic, arch~ological text written in language 
intelligible and meaningful to the layman. This is the first modern, 
coherent treatment of Egyptian history and prehistory ca. 700,000 BCE to 
3100 BCE and includes interesting evidence and speculations concerning the 
origins of the Egyptians' religious and philosophical traditions, including 
the predynastic influence of the Set and Horus cults. Author a Ph.D. in 
Anthropology and a Professor at the University of Virginia."