"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 22 - Toward the Unknown Region" (1/24/87CE)
Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_
(c) Temple of Set 1989 CE
Weirdbase file version by TS permission

by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041

Darest thou now, O soul,
Walk out with me toward the unknown region,
Where neither ground is for the feet nor any path to follow?
- Walt Whitman

Where no terrestrial dreams had trod
My vision entered undismayed,
And Life her hidden realms displayed
To me as to a curious god ...
- Clark Ashton Smith

Let's go!
- Paul Kantner, Captain, Jefferson Starship

22A. _The Cosmic Connection_ by Carl Sagan. NY: Dell Publishing Company 
#3301, 1973. (TS-3) MA: "Dr. Sagan is Professor of Astronomy & Space Studies 
and Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. 
In this collection of essays he examines mankind's prospects for a space-
oriented culture, touching upon everything from intelligent dolphins to 
scenarios for communication with extra-terrestrials. While adhering to high 
standards of scientific precision, the book is as conversational as the 
writings of Asimov. Hence it is a pleasant introduction to 'space-
consciousness'. Also highly recommended is Sagan's _Cosmos_ (NY: Random 
House, 1980), the book version of the PBS television series _Cosmos_. And 
catch that series if you can. Sagan's a little rough on Pythagoras, who he 
feels gave science a bum steer in the direction of intuition & mysticism 
instead of Aristotelian 'scientific method'. Shows what old turtle-neck 
knows about Pythagoras - and Aristotle! But I'll forgive him this lapse, 
because the other episodes of the series - and his genuine love for 
space/ecology - are so admirable."

22B. _Impossible Possibilities_ by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. NY: 
Stein & Day, 1971. (TS-3) MA: "Again, from that dynamic duo who brought you 
#4B and #17B, a collection of data concerning non-Earthbound phenomena of a 
similar non-nature. Chapters on astronomical techniques, Soviet space 
research, extra-terrestrial intelligence, electronic brains, matter/ 
antimatter, genetic research & engineering, quasars, 'black holes', and the 
artificial creation of life."

22C. _Worlds-Antiworlds: Antimatter in Cosmology_ by Hannes Alfven. San 
Francisco: W.H. Freeman & Co., 1966. (TS-4) MA: "Alfven is a Nobel Prize 
recipient; member of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; and 
Professor of Physics at the University of California, San Diego. In this 
100-page book he explains the origin of the Universe through the fission of 
plasma into primal matter and antimatter. Chapters deal with the actual 
construction of galaxies & star systems, the errors in the 'steady-state' 
and 'Big Bang' theories, the physics of matter/ antimatter and plasma 
particles, the development of the metagalaxy, and the effects of relativity. 
In short: How the Universe really works. [See also my review of #22C, 
'Genesis II' in the _Cloven Hoof_, reprinted as Appendix 57 in #6N.]"

22D. _Supernature_ by Lyall Watson. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978. (TS-3) 
MA: "If magic involves the use of principles for which there are not yet 
scientific laws, then this book [by the author of #17C] is a guide to the 
Twilight Zone between magic and science. Watson's goal is to force science 
to admit that it still cannot account for everything in a wide variety of 
fields; hence it should not shy away from unorthodox theories and 
hypotheses. Specific chapters cover cosmic laws & their impact upon Earthly 
organisms, life fields, brain-wave research, biophysics, PK, ESP, 
witchcraft, time measurement, and precognition. An extensive and 
sophisticated bibliography is appended for those interested in detailed 
investigations into specific areas."

22E. _The Key to the Universe_ by Nigel Calder. NY: Penguin Books #005065.5, 
1977. (TS-3) MA: "This is the book-version of the BBC television documentary 
of the same name. Chapters 1-4 explore recent breakthroughs in particle 
physics (quarks, neutrinos, muons, etc.), and chapters 5-6 analyze and 
speculate upon the impact of these discoveries on our scientific 
understanding of cosmic forces. Calder and his sources are essentially 
committed to Einsteinian partial relativity and the 'Big Bang' theory of 
Universal creation, so you may find it helpful to assess the implications of 
chapters 1-4 in light of #22C."

22F. _Intelligent Life in the Universe_ by Carl Sagan and I.S. Shklovskii. 
San Francisco: Holden Day, Inc., 1966. (TS-4) MA: "Long before Sagan (#22A) 
was invited to assemble the _Cosmos_ documentary series, he was intrigued by 
the subject of this book. This is a collaboration between him and one of the 
most eminent astronomers of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Soviet 
Academy of Sciences, Moscow. The presentation is a synthesis of physics, 
biology, chemistry, and cosmology, and the abundance of technical data may 
be confusing to the layman. For the serious investigator, however, the same 
feature is a welcome change from the unsupported speculations of many 
pseudoscientific works on the same subject."

22G. _Worlds Beyond: A Report on the Search for Life in Space_ by Ian 
Ridpath. NY: Harper & Row #TD251, 1967. (TS-3) MA: "Still the most 
comprehensive summary of scientific endeavors in this field. Well-written 
and lavishly illustrated with photos and diagrams. Considerable detail 
concerning projects such as Ozma, SETI/CETI, Blue Book, Orion, and Cyclops. 
The tone of the book is conservative. There is no irresponsible speculation, 
and the data can be relied upon."

22H. _Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: The First Encounter_ by James L. 
Christian (Ed.). Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1976. (TS-3) MA: "A social 
science counterpart to #22F, this book consists of a series of speculative 
essays by distinguished science-fiction writers, scientists, philosophers, 
and [of course!] Mr. Spock. A pleasant, provocative, and informative 
anthology on the subject."

22I. _Space Shuttle_ by the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Washington, 
D.C.: NASA, 1976. (TS-3) MA: "Much has been written about the space shuttle 
program. This is NASA's official booklet on the subject and is a clean, 
clear, uncluttered presentation for the reader seeking the basic facts."

22J. _Enterprise_ by Jerry Grey. NY: William Morrow, 1979. (TS-3) MA: "This 
is an excellent summary of the space shuttle program and its implications 
for research, colonization, etc. by the U.S. Vice-President of the 
International Astronautical Federation & Administrator of Public Policy for 
the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Comments Isaac 
Asimov: 'This book is the story of the real beginning of the space age, how 
it came about, and what it will lead to. It is the story of real people who 
made dreams come true and are utterly revolutionizing space flight - and 
humanity - in doing so. And it is told by someone who has lived the story.'"

22K. _Space Settlements: A Design Study_ by Richard D. Johnson and Charles 
Holbrow (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1977. (TS-3) MA: "Popular books such 
as Gerard O'Neill's _The High Frontier_ have made space colonization a fad 
and the victim of a good deal of emotional journalism. This NASA study - a 
companion volume to #22I - is a refreshingly practical analysis. Appropriate 
technical data are included."

22L. _The Cycles of Heaven: Cosmic Forces and What They are Doing to You_ by 
Guy L. Playfair and Scott Hill. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1978. (TS-3) MA: "If 
#22D sparks your curiosity, this is a good follow-up book on the general 
subject of force-field influences upon the human body and consciousness: 
radiation, sound & light waves, gravitational fields, etc. Compare #22L's 
discussion of the human 'energy body' with the theories set forth in 

22M. _Moon Madness_ by E.L. Abel. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications #0-
449-13697-3, 1976. (TS-3) MA: "This is one of the more comprehensive of a 
number of 'lightweight, semi- scientific' books discussing the Moon's 
various influences - from mythological to physiological - on the human 
organism. Included are chapters/sections on time, blood, sex, women, 
maternity, plants, diseases, mental illness (including lycanthropy), 
suicide, lunambulism, electricity, and magnetism."

22N. _The Dark Side_ by Michael A. Aquino. San Francisco: Temple of Set, 
1977 etc. (TS-5) MA: "An epic set in the Andromeda Galaxy and featuring the 
characters of the film _Star Wars_. An early version of one section ('Secret 
of Sith') appeared in _Famous Monsters of Filmland_ #148. An essay on 
various magical themes inspired by the original motion picture but strictly 
disconnected from _The Empire Strikes Back_ and/or _Return of the Jedi_. 
Availability of #22N, which is periodically torn apart, enhanced, and 
expanded, will be announced in the _Scroll_. Helpful preparatory reading: 
Everything else on this reading list [especially items marked TS-5]."

22O. _Pioneering the Space Frontier_ by the National Commission on Space. 
NY: Bantam Books #0-553-34314-9, 1986. (TS-3) MA: "In format this is a 
companion volume to #22I & #22K, but in content it is an assessment of the 
U.S. space program at present and an argument for its expansion into a 
trans-orbital and planetary emphasis. NASA's reliance upon the space 
shuttle, coupled with increasing military interest in and possible influence 
over the shuttle program as a component of SDI research has put more distant 
space-exploration efforts at a serious disadvantage: exploration of the 
Moon, the planets, interplanetary probes, etc. The National Commission on 
Space is a blue-ribbon panel of 15 space-exploration enthusiasts. This book 
is a good 'state-of-the-art' assessment which tells the reader what is and 
would be possible if the U.S. and other nations would resolve to move space-
exploration forward. Whether the present fixation on Earth-orbital programs 
will yield to this more ambitious prospectus is unclear at this time."